p5.Sound adds functionality to p5.js to both generate and play sounds as part of your p5 sketch. This is really useful for making interactive sound pieces and visualizers and my personal favorite: web instruments.
Lets look at some examples:
- Patatap
- Sample Stitch
- Hacker Typer
- Oldschool Flash Soundboards
- Yardley, PA 1997
- GifRapBot
- Advertisements in my Dreams
- sampl0rd
- wordsynths
Those last three are made using p5.sound.
Ok let's get into it, first you want to download or clone this repo onto your computer. Then we need to do something we haven't done before:
Running a local web server lets us simulate the internet on our computers. Normally this isn't necessary as we can just open up .html files in our browsers, but it becomes necessary when you start working with external files like the sound files we'll be using today.
Here's how to set it up:
Download and Install node.js if you haven't already
Open a terminal or command prompt
On OSX/Linux type
sudo npm install -g http-server
On Windows type (you might need to open the command prompt as admin)
npm install -g http-server
From then on just cd
to the 'p5-sound-workshop- folder on your computer that has and type
Then point your browser at http://localhost:8080/
Each example project can be accessed by putting the name of the folder after the localhost url like http://localhost:8080/playSound
or http://localhost:8080/oscillator
You can find the documentation at https://p5js.org/reference/#/libraries/p5.sound There are also more examples unter the sound heading at https://p5js.org/examples/