Prerequisite: 1.In the ttchain platform data directory, config relevant rpc server parameters in config.json. 2.Start the ttchain platform
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "username", "password" ], "id": "1", "method": "login" }
Request method: login
Request parameter: rpc user, rpc password
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": true }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": 2.0, "params": [], "id": "1", "method": "about" }
Request method : about
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "fc_revision_age": "46 years ago", "blockchain_name": "TTCHAIN", "ttc_revision_age": "64 weeks ago", "boost_version": "1.55", "openssl_version": "OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014", "compile_date": "compiled on Mar 28 2016 at 11:50:01", "build": "win32 64-bit", "ttc_revision": "1.2", "fc_revision": "0", "client_version": "", "blockchain_description": "The Future of Banking" } }
Return value:
blockchain_name: blockchain name
blockchain_description: blockchain description
client_version: client version
ttc_revision: ttchain version
fc_revision: fc version
fc_revision_age: fc revision time
compile_date: compile date
boost_version: boost version
openssl_version: openssl version
build: compile platform
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "get_info" }
Request method : get_info
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "blockchain_head_block_timestamp": "2016-03-28T07:43:00", "blockchain_average_delegate_participation": "1.46017699115044250", "wallet_unlocked": true, "wallet_next_block_production_time": null, "blockchain_share_supply": "10000578600000", "network_num_connections": "0", "blockchain_next_round_timestamp": "2016-03-29T02:25:40", "ntp_time_error": "-0.10100400000000000", "blockchain_random_seed": "fca3b1dd8ad99aee1451fcb8426185af01769942", "blockchain_next_round_time": "550", "wallet_block_production_enabled": false, "network_num_connections_max": "200", "wallet_last_scanned_block_timestamp": "2016-03-28T07:43:00", "wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null, "wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp": "1911-10-30T20:53:40", "wallet_open": true, "blockchain_head_block_num": "5786", "blockchain_confirmation_requirement": "1", "network_chain_downloader_blocks_remaining": null, "network_chain_downloader_running": false, "client_data_dir": "e:/alptest/3", "blockchain_head_block_age": "66810", "blockchain_blocks_left_in_round": "55", "wallet_unlocked_until": "999997526", "ntp_time": "2016-03-29T02:16:30", "wallet_scan_progress": "1.00000000000000000", "client_version": "", "blockchain_head_block_id": "a8b1ce125f3cbb4e3454a532ca9360bbe9f9dfa4" } }
Return value:
blockchain_head_block_num: head block number
blockchain_head_block_age: head block age
blockchain_head_block_timestamp: head block timestamp
blockchain_head_block_id: head block id
blockchain_average_delegate_participation: delegate participation rate
blockchain_confirmation_requirement: block confirmation time
blockchain_share_supply: TTC supply
blockchain_blocks_left_in_round: number of rounds of the remaining round
blockchain_next_round_time: next round remaining time
blockchain_next_round_timestamp: next round timestamp
blockchain_random_seed: Current rounds
client_data_dir: Local client data storage path
client_version: client version
network_num_connections: current number of connections
network_num_connections_max: maximum number of current client connections
network_chain_downloader_running: current high-speed synchronization mode open
network_chain_downloader_blocks_remaining: number of currently remaining unsynchronized blocks
ntp_time: NTP timestamp
ntp_time_error: NTP time correction parameter
wallet_open: is wallet open
wallet_unlocked: is wallet unlock
wallet_unlocked_until: wallet unlock time
wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp: wallet lock timestamp
wallet_last_scanned_block_timestamp: wallet last scan time
wallet_scan_progress: number of wallet scan threads
wallet_block_production_enabled: is wallet produce block
wallet_next_block_production_time: next round produce block time
wallet_next_block_production_timestamp: next round produce block timestamp
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "public_key" ], "id": "2", "method": "validate_address" }
Request method : validate_address
Request parameter : Input public key
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "isvalid": true } }
Return value:
isvalid: is valid public key
Prerequisite:Need to use the 'rpc_start_server' directive to make this directive effective
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "username" ], "id": "2", "method": "rpc_set_username" }
Request method : rpc_set_username
Request parameter : rpc login user name
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:Need to use the 'rpc_start_server' directive to make this directive effective
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "password" ], "id": "2", "method": "rpc_set_password" }
Request method : rpc_set_password
Request parameter : rpc login user password
Response Result:
{ "id": "3", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:Need to disconnect the rpc link, re-rpc link to see the effect of API implementation
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "port" ], "id": "2", "method": "rpc_start_server" }
Request method : rpc_start_server
Request parameter : rpc service port
Response Result:
{ "id": "4", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "ntp_update_time" }
Request method : ntp_update_time
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "5", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "disk_usage" }
Request method : disk_usage
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "logs": "4085001", "mail_client": null, "blockchain": "3482597", "wallets": { ".backups": "3237", "op": "402051" }, "network_peers": "289497", "dac_state": "7642885", "mail_server": null, "total": "16171905" } }
Return value:
blockchain: chain data space
dac_state: Local data space
logs: The log space
mail_client: Reserved field
mail_server: Reserved field
network_peers: Network connection pool space
wallets: Wallet folder, the following item is related to your local wallet
.backups: Backup space
op: wallet named op occupied space
total: Total occupancy space
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "block" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_block_transactions" }
Request method : blockchain_get_block_transactions
Request parameter : block id or block number
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ [ "7e8b7797d42d1ed8f8b1beb3e92f77ae6842c6a3", { "withdraws": [ [ "0", "10000001000" ] ], "imessage_length": "0", "deltas": [ [ "0", [ [ "0", "-10000001000" ] ] ], [ "1", [ [ "0", "10000000000" ] ] ] ], "required_fees": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "alt_fees_paid": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "deposits": [ [ "0", "10000000000" ] ], "yield": [], "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "10000000000" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "10000001000", "balance_id": "TTCQJ2gaD8RiKpiWRcT3AAEj4vr5eAJpXj52" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "10000000000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC6b7RN33FnT5MHPNwXqwWZBFZ17ArA3wm3" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "2004f4f30c748da49ddf94468fcfbff02c72f9ac5784d56b9db5efc1d5470182034a8eb3866f42ca84013b218193bf4f3dfb079e1c605ff1939df2a5750ee72401" ], "expiration": "2016-03-28T08:00:48", "ttc_account": "TTC6b7RN33FnT5MHPNwXqwWZBFZ17ArA3wm3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1" }, "signed_keys": [], "chain_location": { "trx_num": "0", "block_num": "5533" }, "delegate_vote_deltas": [], "balance": [ [ "0", "1000" ] ] } ] ] }
Return value:
Before trx data, no data name: trade order number
trx: Structure type name
signed_keys: Reserved field
deposits: Accounting for assets
withdraws:Out of assets
yield: Reserved parameter
deltas: Reserved parameter
required_fees: Reserved parameter
alt_fees_paid: Reserved parameter
balance: Reserved parameter
delegate_vote_deltas: Reserved parameter
imessage_length: Remarks length
chain_location: Transaction location structure
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_account" }
Request method : blockchain_get_account
Request parameter : account name, account id, account address or account public key
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "owner_key": "TTC8KkneVfc6iaR9grBpRij5wqhPK5XwxS7ohNhJ5tH8DEoL77j32", "name": "TTC1", "registration_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "20090309", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "810", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "20090309", "blocks_produced": "58", "last_block_num_produced": "5782", "total_paid": "20090309", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC8KkneVfc6iaR9grBpRij5wqhPK5XwxS7ohNhJ5tH8DEoL77j32" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "7e7f255f175ffaf52397084f6ca747674088f176" }, "public_data": null, "id": "2", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC8KkneVfc6iaR9grBpRij5wqhPK5XwxS7ohNhJ5tH8DEoL77j32" ] ] } }
Return value:
id: Account ID
name: account name
public_data: public data added when registering the account
owner_key: Owner public key
active_key_history: Active public key history
registration_date: Registration time
last_update: Last updated account information
delegate_info: delegate information structure
meta_data: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "1", "method": "blockchain_get_info" }
Request method : blockchain_get_info
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": { "db_version": "201", "symbol_size_min": "3", "block_interval": "10", "max_delegate_pay_issued_per_block": "507977", "memo_size_max": "51", "symbol_size_max": "8", "statistics_enabled": false, "max_pending_queue_size": "1000", "genesis_timestamp": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "delegate_num": "99", "name_size_max": "63", "symbol": "TTC", "short_symbol_asset_reg_fee": "50000000000", "data_size_max": "65536", "address_prefix": "TTC", "max_trx_per_second": "100", "asset_shares_max": "1000000000000000", "long_symbol_asset_reg_fee": "50000000", "blockchain_id": "94beaf23764844cae3e1f368273d0dddc8bc06c575c0cf6578bcb1f2012e7694", "name": "TTCs", "max_delegate_reg_fee": "122181818", "relay_fee": "1000" } }
Return value:
blockchain_id: Genesis id number
name: blockchain name
symbol: asset symbol
address_prefix: address prefix
db_version: blockchain database version
genesis_timestamp: Creation time of cGenesis
block_interval: Block time interval
delegate_num: number of delegate
max_delegate_pay_issued_per_block: maximum number of TTCs delegate can receive
max_delegate_reg_fee: The cost of registration as delegate
name_size_max: maximum length limit of user name
memo_size_max: Remarks length limit
data_size_max: The maximum length of the user's public data
symbol_size_max: The maximum length of the asset symbol
symbol_size_min: The minimum length of the asset symbol
asset_shares_max: The maximum number of assets issued
short_symbol_asset_reg_fee: Minimum registration symbol registration fee
long_symbol_asset_reg_fee: Maximum registration symbol registration fee
statistics_enabled: is open the statistical mode
relay_fee: The required fee
max_pending_queue_size: Area queue maximum length
max_trx_per_second: Maximum number of transactions per second
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "filename" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_generate_snapshot" }
Request method : blockchain_generate_snapshot
Request parameter : Export the location where the asset document is stored
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": null }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_is_synced" }
Request method : blockchain_is_synced
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": true }
Return value:
result: Whether it is in sync(Synchronized blocks within two days are not synchronized)
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_block_count" }
Request method : blockchain_get_block_count
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": "5534" }
Return value:
result: The current block number of blocks
Prerequisite:balance_id can be viewed from the 'withdraw_op_type' of the generated transaction when it is transferred
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "balance_id" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_balance" }
Request method : blockchain_get_balance
Request parameter : The balance id to be queried
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "deposit_date": "2016-06-20T05:32:35", "snapshot_info": { "original_address": "TTCL34D5qcbMU56mRRByLFVvDVVEvZe9sVn6", "original_balance": "1000000000000" }, "last_update": "2016-06-20T06:21:30", "meta_data": "null", "balance": "196009", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCL34D5qcbMU56mRRByLFVvDVVEvZe9sVn6" } } } }
Return value:
condition: Amount information structure
balance: Balance quantity
snapshot_info: Creation of asset structure
deposit_date: Balance increase time
last_update: The most recent update time
meta_data: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "public_key" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_list_key_balances" }
Request method : blockchain_list_key_balances
Request parameter : The public key to query the balance
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ [ "TTCNXWy8jSAkuWRoxLDKU7JL7CT6k7kP7Afc", { "deposit_date": "1970-01-01T00:04:50", "snapshot_info": { "original_address": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy", "original_balance": "1000000000000" }, "last_update": "2016-03-28T06:58:50", "meta_data": null, "balance": "1000000200000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" } } } ] ] }
Return value:
In all data before the data, there is no data name for the field: balanceid
condition: Amount information structure
balance: Balance quantity
snapshot_info: Creation of asset structure
deposit_date: Balance increase time
last_update: The most recent update time
meta_data: Reserved field
Prerequisite:More content, may use ordinary tools no way to receive all the return.
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "start_num", "limit_num" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_list_active_delegates" }
Request method : blockchain_list_active_delegates
Request parameter : Start sequence number, return quantity
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ { "owner_key": "TTC8XfYBVvdxrSFbW2Ehtzhf1vAQNq21nTiMpyE6QGvoydtY2aXcZ", "name": "TTC42", "registration_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "19586615", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "809", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "19586615", "blocks_produced": "57", "last_block_num_produced": "5737", "total_paid": "19586615", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC8XfYBVvdxrSFbW2Ehtzhf1vAQNq21nTiMpyE6QGvoydtY2aXcZ" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "7bf4dcb7b7e7887053638b5ac9d637930a91a535" }, "public_data": null, "id": "43", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC8XfYBVvdxrSFbW2Ehtzhf1vAQNq21nTiMpyE6QGvoydtY2aXcZ" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
id: Account ID
name: account name
public_data: Public data added when registering the account
owner_key: Owner public key
active_key_history: Active public key history
registration_date: Registration time
last_update: Last updated account information
delegate_info: delegate information structure
Returns the registered account name, starting with the specified account name until the maximum number of available limits
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "first", "limit" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_list_accounts" }
Request method : blockchain_list_accounts
Request parameter : n fact, find the first letter, the default is "a". find the number, the default is 20
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ { "owner_key": "TTC6vBWNEsnNS5rMXSHsXLDxp3mMyBZd5M9gAgtMbvLevHQVrCgYY", "name": "TTC0", "registration_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "20288476", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "804", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "20288476", "blocks_produced": "64", "last_block_num_produced": "5645", "total_paid": "20288476", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC6vBWNEsnNS5rMXSHsXLDxp3mMyBZd5M9gAgtMbvLevHQVrCgYY" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "4e549122f53e486cd2f5741965bcb030f6c714bc" }, "public_data": null, "id": "1", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC6vBWNEsnNS5rMXSHsXLDxp3mMyBZd5M9gAgtMbvLevHQVrCgYY" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
id: Account ID
name : account name
public_data: Public data added when registering the account
owner_key: Owner public key
active_key_history: Active public key history
registration_date: Registration time
last_update: Last updated account information
delegate_info: delegate information structure
meta_data: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_list_pending_transactions" }
Request method : blockchain_list_pending_transactions
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100000" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5wSdtt5BF3oDXAYXoRJdWnw6Dzr8pc9vC" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "205c194f49a821cc7f9884356c89117332c3867967f09d22f0920a2deccf0a64a84c5252b0dde7972dfc905d407a3c8a7e74cf2f4dcad3741f3d63694541d741bf" ], "expiration": "2016-03-28T08:43:34", "ttc_account": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fyffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0011" } ] }
Return value:
expiration: Transaction expiration time
ttc_account: Transaction credited party
ttc_inport_asset: Transaction crediting structure
operations: Operating structure
signatures: signatures
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "transaction_id_prefix", "exact" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_transaction" }
Request method : blockchain_get_transaction
Request parameter : Transaction id, Whether to find out exactly, the default is false
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ "66294adf274750ba2cd312b13aa81cc0bee71ba6", { "withdraws": [ [ "0", "100000001000" ] ], "imessage_length": "0", "deltas": [ [ "0", [ [ "0", "-100000001000" ] ] ], [ "1", [ [ "0", "100000000000" ] ] ] ], "required_fees": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "alt_fees_paid": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "deposits": [ [ "0", "100000000000" ] ], "yield": [], "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "100000001000", "balance_id": "TTCMPUsyR4Qiomu2r6GvGNFyNxoZQB7oJXfr" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000000000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCGb4Dbh82jY8Q5JrvNmCcsjgdZcawCD5Ex" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "1f109eaf6f4e95914b6a51bb5c8cbf67992ed3b9d575da7a34ed1f63aa1b0eeea7571ce2cebf18c253d1e4208de1f30f7c61d2cfcdbe772e2856e1a4f0d791b66e" ], "expiration": "2016-03-22T08:11:00", "ttc_account": "" }, "signed_keys": [], "chain_location": { "trx_num": "0", "block_num": "1277" }, "delegate_vote_deltas": [], "balance": [ [ "0", "1000" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
trx_id: Transaction id
trx: Detailed transaction data
signed_keys: signature
deposits: Accounting for assets
withdraws:Out of assets
yield: Reserved parameter
deltas: Reserved parameter
required_fees: Reserved field
alt_fees_paid: Reserved field
balance: Reserved field
delegate_vote_deltas: Reserved parameter
imessage_length: Remarks length
chain_location: Transaction location structure
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "first", "count" ], "id": "26", "method": "blockchain_list_delegates" }
Request method : blockchain_list_delegates
Request parameter : The starting agent rank number, the number of entries returned
Response Result:
{ "id": "17", "result": [ { "owner_key": "TTC7zcWtxPx252gZhjYmj5nyKKZ6agzkVVc8E4HKBVDiiswZ2syS3", "name": "alp4", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "557579636", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "4865", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "1030973384311", "blocks_produced": "5195", "last_block_num_produced": "494448", "total_paid": "587328636", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC7zcWtxPx252gZhjYmj5nyKKZ6agzkVVc8E4HKBVDiiswZ2syS3" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "feab43c718df5bb693b3a54b855ecd7bd834c4a7" }, "public_data": "null", "registation_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "id": "5", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC7zcWtxPx252gZhjYmj5nyKKZ6agzkVVc8E4HKBVDiiswZ2syS3" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
id: Account ID
name: account name
public_data: Public data added when registering the account
owner_key: Owner public key
active_key_history: Active public key history
registration_date: Registration time
last_update: Last updated account information
delegate_info: delegate information structure
meta_data: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "max_block_num", "limit" ], "id": "26", "method": "blockchain_list_blocks" }
Request method : blockchain_list_blocks
Request parameter : When the block number is displayed, the number of entries is returned
Response Result:
{ "latency": "0", "user_transaction_ids": [ "f7f984386f2cee6cb806e06ab1a5e955c04273a3", "f7f8b372d625c99267b5e7e04c42ac004885b102", "f7f0d80434c1f7618a084c5423e29bbd2ce49a1e", "f7ee970b029dde86ca053ce0976e3bc6112a0c78", "f7eac3727f9c4c0d49ee9d8116cfe0e7f5092254", "f7eab200cdee190c92a794253318ae533ca901d0", "f7e547f8bce59018a8fe504fae182548d560770b", "f7e03864045770f8a2eca96b2680a5cd7953a0b4", "f7db395033d208ba338391edb9f027c9a396dd48", "f7db2bbe686d4eb8682ad828a8f0e7e060e3b523", "f7dad29228c81987496edc3b3413cfc825b409e4", "f7c6af7fe6f9422b137af95cbf869dff89027cce", "f0b3bffd483f2a243502f83b143e1baa90833013", "cb896307d7cc7651a3e1f3853b65d254b2958b20", "975f8398135d3b90c9662a516d323a2e06b82fd1", "876de39d1f96f493788fa946d95a86c330d40669", "86ce132074b4735cfa7fdc89b3440527818c7b27", "6c56aa35222d8fb891ab0a073a80a14ffaf6360f", "6049c81451031be300a9eb5b928f3b9369955cec", "534c39ed29294e00e73262b56311cc7f715817a0", "48f1ef67e7806cb5d8550cc7bc94fdd9d871ba00", "3852885967c249ea3f52b25a71e7b62e3093ffe9", "127b092d5df103a3bb5a185d48269befabcb5108", "01628269891f5293672b038a3e9f681211650490" ], "delegate_signature": "206631beee6020ee31c99c93e16171db60560263acbaa38d81c2cef2a79989d4ea53a019ba35f213a81eb66f07b250c9ac3e53b284ad32737f56309d8fa05889ee", "signee_fees_collected": "0", "processing_time": "0", "timestamp": "2016-03-11T08:32:20", "signee_shares_issued": "0", "block_num": "1020", "previous_secret": "f0f100f90dc73c2ef9d0bd398e9513d65b2f51a7", "next_secret_hash": "b37d87e09b6d112c220a9651db24edd475c9f465", "signee_fees_destroyed": "0", "transaction_digest": "bdaae5cf29f597a1ec84435377e7e30f351c44abd553f4394dc7febf6b7139ce", "random_seed": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "block_size": "3886", "id": "699a6bd96d6df589a63bc61621ad3a82a8016081", "previous": "87f4ffd55d673ebb99d9d377afb957ccb35cb0ac" }
Return value:
previous: The hash of the previous block
block_num: block number of the current block
timestamp: Block release time
transaction_digest: All blocks in the Transaction id hash
next_secret_hash: The next round out of the certificate
previous_secret: This round out of the certificate
delegate_signature: delegate signature
user_transaction_ids: The block contains the set of IDs for all transactions
id: Block ID
block_size: block size
latency: Reserved field
signee_shares_issued: Reserved field
signee_fees_collected: Reserved field
signee_fees_destroyed: Reserved field
random_seed: Reserved field
processing_time: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "block" ], "id": "26", "method": "blockchain_get_block_signee" }
Request method : blockchain_get_block_signee
Request parameter : Block hash or block height
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": "alp4" }
Return value:
account_name: delegate name
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "node", "command" ], "id": "1", "method": "network_add_node" }
Request method : network_add_node
Request parameter : Add or remove the ip and port number, for the operation of the node
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "1", "method": "network_get_connection_count" }
Request method : network_get_connection_count
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": "1" }
Return value:
result field after the colon: the number of current node connections
Prerequisite:Returns a set of data
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "hide_firewalled_nodes" ], "id": "1", "method": "network_get_peer_info" }
Request method : network_get_peer_info
Request parameter : Whether to output only the firewall after the node, the default false
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": [ { "lastsend": "1466573207", "ttchain_git_revision_sha": "1.2 (same as ours)", "conntime": "2016-06-22T05:22:33", "addrlocal": "", "ttchain_git_revision_age": "1 years6 months ago (same as ours)", "fc_git_revision_age": "46 years ago (same as ours)", "current_head_block_number": "689", "fc_git_revision_sha": "0 (same as ours)", "pingwait": "", "current_head_block": "1dea351ba0d6fc22958ebc1e45ba9c68c7e20333", "addr": "", "ttchain_git_revision_unix_timestamp": "2015-01-08T18:02:32", "lastrecv": "1466573207", "platform": "win32", "firewall_status": "firewalled", "pingtime": "", "bytesrecv": "7696", "bytessent": "2288", "startingheight": "", "inbound": false, "version": "", "current_head_block_time": "2016-06-22T05:26:50", "services": "00000001", "subver": "ttchain_client", "syncnode": "", "fc_git_revision_unix_timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "banscore": "" } ] }
Return value:
addr: Connection of the node's ip and port
addrlocal: he local node's ip and port
services: Reserved field
lastsend: Last send time
lastrecv: Last receive time
bytessent: send bytes
bytesrecv: receive bytes
conntime: Connection time
pingtime: Reserved field
pingwait: Reserved field
version: version
subver: Reserved field
inbound: Reserved field
firewall_status: Firewall status
startingheight: Reserved field
banscore: Reserved field
syncnode: Reserved field
ttchain_git_revision_sha: git version
ttchain_git_revision_unix_timestamp: git timestamp
ttchain_git_revision_age: length of git version
fc_git_revision_sha: The version of the fc library
fc_git_revision_unix_timestamp: fc library git timestamp
fc_git_revision_age: length of fc git version
platform: platform
current_head_block_number: The height of the current block
current_head_block: current block hash
current_head_block_time: current block time
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "26", "method": "network_get_info" }
Request method : network_get_info
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "listening_on": "", "node_public_key": "03dafc378c8a22d136b338a3913bb0acbe551f970d0af1d0955861a7103eb17252", "node_id": "6819fe268e09df3ce4a90ab543fb98cc42390a986e5f5037921e911b437b06b23b", "firewalled": "firewalled" } }
Return value:
listening_on: The client listens on the address and port
node_public_key: The public key used by the encrypted communication between the node and the node (the program starts up for the first time)
node_id: Each time you start the client, you will regenerate one, so that you can connect to the same node multiple times
firewalled: Whether it is behind a firewall
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "26", "method": "network_list_potential_peers" }
Request method : network_list_potential_peers
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ { "endpoint": "", "last_connection_attempt_time": "2016-06-22T02:17:47", "last_error": { "message": "unspecified", "code": "0", "name": "exception", "stack": [ { "data": { "message": "?????????????(Ð??/??????/???)??????????Ρ?" }, "context": { "thread_name": "asio", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2016-06-21T04:16:03", "hostname": "", "file": "asio.cpp", "line": "60", "method": "fc::asio::detail::error_handler" }, "format": "${message} " } ] }, "number_of_failed_connection_attempts": "5", "last_seen_time": "2016-06-22T05:18:17", "last_connection_disposition": "last_connection_succeeded", "number_of_successful_connection_attempts": "10" }, { "endpoint": "", "last_connection_attempt_time": "2016-06-22T02:17:49", "last_error": { "message": "unspecified", "code": "0", "name": "exception", "stack": [ { "data": { "peer": "", "status": "connecting", "timeout": "10", "sent": "0", "received": "0" }, "context": { "thread_name": "p2p", "level": "warn", "timestamp": "2016-06-20T06:55:21", "hostname": "", "file": "Node.cpp", "line": "1256", "method": "ttchain::net::detail::NodeImpl::terminate_inactive_connections_loop" }, "format": "Terminating handshaking connection due to inactivity of ${timeout} seconds. Negotiating status: ${status}, bytes sent: ${sent}, bytes received: ${received}" } ] }, "number_of_failed_connection_attempts": "5", "last_seen_time": "2016-06-22T05:18:17", "last_connection_disposition": "last_connection_succeeded", "number_of_successful_connection_attempts": "10" } ] }
Return value:
endpoint: Potential node IP
last_seen_time: last ocurance node time
last_connection_disposition: Last connection status
last_connection_attempt_time: Last attempt Connection time
number_of_successful_connection_attempts: Number of successful connections
number_of_failed_connection_attempts: Number of failed connections
last_error: Reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "26", "method": "network_get_upnp_info" }
Request method : network_get_upnp_info
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "external_ip": "", "upnp_enabled": true, "mapped_port": "0" } }
Return value:
upnp_enabled: is start upnp
external_ip: Local monitoring IP
mapped_port: Map port
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "wallet_name", "password", "" ], "id": "3", "method": "wallet_create" }
Request method : wallet_create
Request parameter : wallet name and wallet password
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "1", "method": "wallet_get_info" }
Request method : wallet_get_info
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "1", "result": { "scan_progress": "1.00000000000000000", "data_dir": "e:/alptest/3/wallets", "name": "op", "unlocked": true, "last_scanned_block_num": null, "open": true, "transaction_expiration_secs": "3600", "unlocked_until_timestamp": "2016-03-28T07:29:49", "automatic_backups": true, "version": "109", "transaction_scanning_enabled": false, "transaction_fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "num_scanning_threads": "4", "unlocked_until": "3598", "last_scanned_block_timestamp": null } }
Return value:
data_dir: file path
num_scanning_threads: Number of scan threads
open: Is wallet open
name: wallet name
automatic_backups: whether turn on automatic backup
transaction_scanning_enabled: Whether the transaction scan is on
last_scanned_block_num: last scanned block number
last_scanned_block_timestamp: last scanned block timestamp
transaction_fee: default transaction fee
transaction_expiration_secs: transaction expiration time
unlocked: whether wallet unlock
unlocked_until: number of seconds left in the wallet unlock state
unlocked_until_timestamp: timestamp re-lock the wallet
scan_progress: Scan the process
version: wallet version
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "6", "method": "wallet_close" }
Request method : wallet_close
Request parameter : null
Response Result:
{ "id": "6", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:The wallet name of the currently specified name already exists
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "wallet_name" ], "id": "2", "method": "wallet_open" }
Request method : wallet_open
Request parameter : wallet name
Response Result:
{ "id": "6", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:wallet open
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "timeout", "password" ], "id": "17", "method": "wallet_unlock" }
Request method : wallet_unlock
Request parameter : Unlock expiration time, password
Response Result:
{ "id": "4", "result": "op" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:The wallet is open and the wallet is unlocked
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "wif_key_to_import", "account_name", "create_account", "wallet_rescan_blockchain" ], "id": "5", "method": "wallet_import_private_key" }
Request method : wallet_import_private_key
Request parameter : The private key to import, the name of the imported account, whether you need to create a new account, whether to rescan the new wallet
Response Result:
{ "id": "5", "result": "aa" }
Return value:
result Colors Field: Import account name
Prerequisite:wallet open
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "filename" ], "id": "7", "method": "wallet_backup_create" }
Request method : wallet_backup_create
Request parameter : Backup storage path
Response Result:
{ "id": "6", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "filepath", "wallet_name", "password" ], "id": "8", "method": "wallet_backup_restore" }
Request method : wallet_backup_restore
Request parameter : Wallet backup file path, wallet name, backup wallet secret password
Response Result:
{ "id": "8", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:Wallet open, when you create an account, if automatic backup opened, it will automatically create a backup
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "enabled" ], "id": "9", "method": "wallet_set_automatic_backups" }
Request method : wallet_set_automatic_backups
Request parameter : Whether to enable automatic backup function
Response Result:
{ "id": "9", "result": false }
Return value:
result after the colon field: the state of the current backup of the wallet is automatically open
Prerequisite:wallet open
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "per_sec" ], "id": "10", "method": "wallet_set_transaction_expiration_time" }
Request method : wallet_set_transaction_expiration_time
Request parameter : timeout counted in seconds
Response Result:
{ "id": "10", "result": "3600" }
Return value:
result after the colon field: the current transaction timeout
Prerequisite:Open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name", "asset_symbol", "limit", "start_block_num", "end_block_num" ], "id": "11", "method": "wallet_account_transaction_history" }
Request method : wallet_account_transaction_history
Request parameter : The default value for the account name is empty, the default value of the asset is empty, The default value of upper limit is 0, the block number of starting query, default value is 0, the defualt value of the block number which ended query is -1, represents a transaction that returns to the current block
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ { "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": true, "is_market_cancel": false, "timestamp": "2016-06-21T03:20:20", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "462950", "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "alp6", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "10000000000" }, "running_balances": [ [ "sy234", [ [ "0", { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "10000000000" } ] ] ] ], "memo": "", "to_account": "sy234" } ], "trx_id": "78d148258f0488e12c7ad59d02a5700cd7cf194a", "expiration_timestamp": "2016-06-21T04:20:06" } ] }
Return value:
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: Whether the transaction is confirmed
is_market: reserved field
is_market_cancel: reserved field
trx_id: trasaction ID
block_num: The block where the transaction is confirmed
ledger_entries: Trading parsing
fee: Transaction fee
timestamp: Transaction create time
expiration_timestamp: Transaction dead time
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name", "asset_symbol", "limit", "transaction_type" ], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_transaction_history_splite" }
Request method : wallet_transaction_history_splite
Request parameter : user name, asset identification, number limit, trade type
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ { "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": true, "is_market_cancel": false, "timestamp": "2016-06-21T03:20:20", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "462950", "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "alp6", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "10000000000" }, "running_balances": [ [ "sy234", [ [ "0", { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "10000000000" } ] ] ] ], "memo": "", "to_account": "sy234" } ], "trx_id": "78d148258f0488e12c7ad59d02a5700cd7cf194a", "expiration_timestamp": "2016-06-21T04:20:06" } ] }
Return value:
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: Whether the transaction is confirmed
is_market: reserved field
is_market_cancel: reserved field
trx_id: trasaction ID
block_num: he block where the transaction is confirmed
ledger_entries: Trading parsing
fee: Transaction fee
timestamp: Transaction create time
expiration_timestamp: Transaction dead time
Prerequisite: open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "filepath" ], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_get_pending_transaction_errors" }
Request method : wallet_get_pending_transaction_errors
Request parameter : file path
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ [ "d128986f41ada51d4937171047acc33781c8f321", { "message": "expired transaction", "code": "31010", "name": "expired_transaction", "stack": [ { "data": { "_current_state->now()": "2016-06-23T09:07:50", "trx_arg": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCM3rr9yc2MB5GQRdBVY2Q5baF1FRBU8gG6" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "2044d58b6e469f0f075a2faade9d806477aaa134f749a1b9bce25e3455ab8b9f6015bcaa40cf74276fdcf084c6c76dc7e9918e20d5380bcf7591eb1db3ef21dc9f" ], "expiration": "2016-06-23T09:03:43", "ttc_account": "" }, "expired_by_sec": "247" }, "context": { "thread_name": "th_a", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2016-06-23T09:07:51", "hostname": "", "file": "TransactionEvaluationState.cpp", "line": "152", "method": "ttchain::blockchain::TransactionEvaluationState::evaluate" }, "format": "" }, { "data": { "trx_arg": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCM3rr9yc2MB5GQRdBVY2Q5baF1FRBU8gG6" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "2044d58b6e469f0f075a2faade9d806477aaa134f749a1b9bce25e3455ab8b9f6015bcaa40cf74276fdcf084c6c76dc7e9918e20d5380bcf7591eb1db3ef21dc9f" ], "expiration": "2016-06-23T09:03:43", "ttc_account": "" } }, "context": { "thread_name": "th_a", "level": "warn", "timestamp": "2016-06-23T09:07:51", "hostname": "", "file": "TransactionEvaluationState.cpp", "line": "192", "method": "ttchain::blockchain::TransactionEvaluationState::evaluate" }, "format": "" } ] } ], [ "ecc6cfb278e2f10e0d77f122fa840f2160dedcc4", { "message": "expired transaction", "code": "31010", "name": "expired_transaction", "stack": [ { "data": { "_current_state->now()": "2016-06-23T09:07:50", "trx_arg": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCM3rr9yc2MB5GQRdBVY2Q5baF1FRBU8gG6" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "1f4892d2720a119b861560422ed5bab49875e8d8a4cdca3fe40ab51e54ec9449c712fc54c34bc90976e94146975601e80adef099f7b3bfd974e31a192ff27f4c72" ], "expiration": "2016-06-23T09:03:34", "ttc_account": "" }, "expired_by_sec": "256" }, "context": { "thread_name": "th_a", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2016-06-23T09:07:51", "hostname": "", "file": "TransactionEvaluationState.cpp", "line": "152", "method": "ttchain::blockchain::TransactionEvaluationState::evaluate" }, "format": "" }, { "data": { "trx_arg": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTCM3rr9yc2MB5GQRdBVY2Q5baF1FRBU8gG6" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "1f4892d2720a119b861560422ed5bab49875e8d8a4cdca3fe40ab51e54ec9449c712fc54c34bc90976e94146975601e80adef099f7b3bfd974e31a192ff27f4c72" ], "expiration": "2016-06-23T09:03:34", "ttc_account": "" } }, "context": { "thread_name": "th_a", "level": "warn", "timestamp": "2016-06-23T09:07:51", "hostname": "", "file": "TransactionEvaluationState.cpp", "line": "192", "method": "ttchain::blockchain::TransactionEvaluationState::evaluate" }, "format": "" } ] } ] ] }
Return value:
transactionID: Transaction ID
Exception: reserved field, abnormal trading
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "old_passphrase", "passphrase" ], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_change_passphrase" }
Request method : wallet_change_passphrase
Request parameter : old password of wallet, new password of wallet
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "123456789" ], "id": "19", "method": "wallet_check_passphrase" }
Request method : wallet_check_passphrase
Request parameter : Pending password
Response Result:
{ "id": "19", "result": true }
Return value:
result: whether the password is correct
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" ], "id": "20", "method": "wallet_check_address" }
Request method : wallet_check_address
Request parameter : The address to be checked
Response Result:
{ "id": "19", "result": true }
Return value:
result: whether the address is correct
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "test" ], "id": "22", "method": "wallet_account_create" }
Request method : wallet_account_create
Request parameter : The user name to be created
Response Result:
{ "id": "22", "result": "TTCQJDzx3AzQWGhCBucE6zLj3mkFo6KG9qSw" }
Return value:
addr: Create account address 
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "alp0", "1" ], "id": "23", "method": "wallet_account_set_approval" }
Request method : wallet_account_set_approval
Request parameter : Support account, agree or not
Response Result:
{ "id": "3", "result": "1" }
Return value:
Result: whether support or not
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet,the wallet the wallet which has account
{ "jsonrpc": 2.0, "params": [ "amount_to_transfer", "asset_symbol", "from_account_name", "to_address", "memo_message", "strategy" ], "id": "1", "method": "wallet_transfer_to_address" }
Request method : wallet_transfer_to_address
Request parameter : transfer amount�type of transfer asset�account of withdraw money, transfer to the account address�note, the state of vote(vote_none:no vote,vote_all:vote all people,the maximum number of people is 108, vote_radom:random vote,the number of people who choose a certain number of votes from their supporters is no more than 36,vote_recommended:vote according to selected voters,if the chosen voter's publish_data has other voting strategies to add to its own voting strategy)
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "index": "0", "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": false, "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "TTC5eLFrZG5gvc5g5xqEU6J3GELp5WcQYoqhz4JBPT7BVgTpqqxbN", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100000" }, "memo": "aa" } ], "received_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "0", "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTCJEk1wuT9Vix4vQRidmAafz5hCWrS48un2" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" } } } }, { "type": "imessage_memo_op_type", "data": { "imessage": "aa" } } ], "signatures": [ "203abaffeaa2735b4f9c79bedae77143ac5da1451c92fd7390c1ae502b53578ef47b2751afa034ff7e0232e37f8fb755f677e9ef566dfc2f7f3d2da1f4cb44476b" ], "expiration": "2016-06-01T09:32:19", "ttc_account": "" }, "entry_id": "0ba68a7e9945f9119cb151a2ef5ff110e4d15925", "created_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "extra_addresses": [ "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" ] } }
Return value:
index: reserved field
entry_id: transaction ID
block_num: the number of block
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: whether to confirm
is_market: reserved field
trx: name of struct type
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet,the wallet that has accounts
{ "jsonrpc": 2.0, "params": [ "amount_to_transfer", "asset_symbol", "from_account_name", "to_account_name", "memo_message", "strategy" ], "id": "1", "method": "wallet_transfer_to_public_account" }
Request method : wallet_transfer_to_public_account
Request parameter : transfer amount�type of transfer asset�account of withdraw money, transfer to the account address�note, the state of vote(vote_none:no vote,vote_all:vote all people,the maximum number of people is 108, vote_radom:random vote,the number of people who choose a certain number of votes from their supporters is no more than 36,vote_recommended:vote according to selected voters,if the chosen voter's publish_data has other voting strategies to add to its own voting strategy)
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "index": "0", "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": false, "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "TTC5eLFrZG5gvc5g5xqEU6J3GELp5WcQYoqhz4JBPT7BVgTpqqxbN", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100000" }, "memo": "aa" } ], "received_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "0", "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTCJEk1wuT9Vix4vQRidmAafz5hCWrS48un2" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" } } } }, { "type": "imessage_memo_op_type", "data": { "imessage": "aa" } } ], "signatures": [ "203abaffeaa2735b4f9c79bedae77143ac5da1451c92fd7390c1ae502b53578ef47b2751afa034ff7e0232e37f8fb755f677e9ef566dfc2f7f3d2da1f4cb44476b" ], "expiration": "2016-06-01T09:32:19", "ttc_account": "" }, "entry_id": "0ba68a7e9945f9119cb151a2ef5ff110e4d15925", "created_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "extra_addresses": [ "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" ] } }
Return value:
index: reserved field
entry_id: transaction ID
block_num: block number
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: whether to confirm
is_market: reserved field
trx: the name of struct type
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "29", "method": "wallet_rescan_blockchain" }
Request method : wallet_rescan_blockchain
Request parameter : none
Response Result:
{ "id": "29", "result": "null" }
Return value: none
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "30", "method": "wallet_cancel_scan" }
Request method : wallet_cancel_scan
Request parameter : none
Response Result:
{ "id": "30", "result": "null" }
Return value: none
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "transaction_id_prefix" ], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_get_transaction" }
Request method : wallet_get_transaction
Request parameter : trasaction ID
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "index": "24", "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": true, "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "TTC7zZSxzHsgSzmcdcMsYV9DZqAro71WrL5HnePJH5YbdQGfJRFKy", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100000" }, "memo": "To: TTC8XLL7...", "to_account": "TTC7VpiEMUB9LSYxk3APqJg7PPi256M8TSC9vzCEQhokjYYWHQmKx" } ], "received_time": "2016-06-28T01:42:26", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "477920", "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC8XLL78anJzHw1qeMqzHsq5Hh447wuvYro" } } } } ], "signatures": [ "1f34cfc2598fe247a81926b7814d0a8bb1929bd9d3278143b7422fe334677a19d851f6c4e71792d60c15c8b227f93717d81ab19f7ea1b60d1e0b735bfc91157db9" ], "expiration": "2016-06-28T01:42:28", "ttc_account": "" }, "entry_id": "58bae775e828049429e3a26b7e625072d63da374", "created_time": "2016-06-28T01:42:26", "extra_addresses": [ "TTC8XLL78anJzHw1qeMqzHsq5Hh447wuvYro" ] } }
Return value:
index: reserved field
entry_id: transaction ID
block_num: block number
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: whether to confirm
is_market: reserved field
trx: the name of struct type
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name", "pay_from_account", "public_data", "delegate_pay_rate", "account_type" ], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_account_register" }
Request method : wallet_account_register
Request parameter : the name of the account to be registered�account for this registration fee, open data, agency trustee rate, account type(reserved field)
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "index": "0", "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": false, "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "TTC6e57Ms177rEGt4Db8rmjYMFveXQYVunsYjjmvma73tAg1XsHxx", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "memo": "register sy234", "to_account": "TTC6e57Ms177rEGt4Db8rmjYMFveXQYVunsYjjmvma73tAg1XsHxx" } ], "received_time": "2016-06-28T02:56:56", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "0", "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "register_account_op_type", "data": { "owner_key": "TTC6e57Ms177rEGt4Db8rmjYMFveXQYVunsYjjmvma73tAg1XsHxx", "name": "sy234", "active_key": "TTC7zZSxzHsgSzmcdcMsYV9DZqAro71WrL5HnePJH5YbdQGfJRFKy", "meta_data": { "type": "titan_account", "data": "" }, "public_data": "", "delegate_pay_rate": "255" } }, { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "1000", "balance_id": "TTC5Bf23THE4RoWzQqWAKn7PkmzJdgUWHDJV" } } ], "signatures": [ "204f4cb30eef8da006f74eb81a3991a45882117a63d9847b21cd992c82543f0a60647a0a2b4269c4baac2eb8c41d14d0115cdba45fd1e4b723c47dd1d2044568f9" ], "expiration": "2016-06-28T02:56:58", "ttc_account": "" }, "entry_id": "d29cee8715b8c53001a7f0b4b1f30eea781090ca", "created_time": "2016-06-28T02:56:56", "extra_addresses": [] } }
Return value:
index: reserved field
entry_id: transaction ID
block_num: block number
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: whether to confirm
is_market: reserved field
trx: the name of struct type
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_list_accounts" }
Request method : wallet_list_accounts
Request parameter : no params
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ { "index": "25", "owner_key": "TTC6pZUWPujhRUEPaoSBuKgwPVY3Ay3VYwfLZ33EnSreCLWRHyZ6M", "name": "alp1", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "private_data": null, "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "71063974", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "4481", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "1136147884", "blocks_produced": "5045", "last_block_num_produced": "479440", "total_paid": "571302974", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC6pZUWPujhRUEPaoSBuKgwPVY3Ay3VYwfLZ33EnSreCLWRHyZ6M" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "abe20661166e5e00a583d2dccdc23a25a706b190" }, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "2", "is_my_account": false, "approved": "1", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC6pZUWPujhRUEPaoSBuKgwPVY3Ay3VYwfLZ33EnSreCLWRHyZ6M" ] ] }, { "index": "27", "owner_key": "TTC7d6PWo9bJWbGkv1naudu9CCm8jvvpcVNevE8nXS4QmrnHTCRbn", "name": "alp2", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "last_update": "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "private_data": null, "delegate_info": { "pay_balance": "539997745", "total_burned": "0", "blocks_missed": "4499", "pay_rate": "100", "votes_for": "1436524291", "blocks_produced": "5029", "last_block_num_produced": "479448", "total_paid": "569642745", "signing_key_history": [ [ "0", "TTC7d6PWo9bJWbGkv1naudu9CCm8jvvpcVNevE8nXS4QmrnHTCRbn" ] ], "next_secret_hash": "b1b022fb4831605311d5a96275332ef023f8f7fc" }, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "3", "is_my_account": false, "approved": "1", "active_key_history": [ [ "2015-05-31T16:00:00", "TTC7d6PWo9bJWbGkv1naudu9CCm8jvvpcVNevE8nXS4QmrnHTCRbn" ] ] }, { "index": "14", "owner_key": "TTC6e57Ms177rEGt4Db8rmjYMFveXQYVunsYjjmvma73tAg1XsHxx", "name": "sy234", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "2016-06-28T02:56:50", "meta_data": { "type": "titan_account", "data": "" }, "last_update": "2016-06-28T02:56:50", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": "", "id": "177", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T02:56:50", "TTC7zZSxzHsgSzmcdcMsYV9DZqAro71WrL5HnePJH5YbdQGfJRFKy" ] ] }, { "index": "33", "owner_key": "TTC5aRA9JVFD1R8TvLJpKzjXrJUCG8Wg6BWKLnHpSYpGH9qPicPMd", "name": "sy345", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "2016-06-28T03:59:40", "meta_data": { "type": "titan_account", "data": "" }, "last_update": "2016-06-28T03:59:40", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfdsfsadjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd", "id": "178", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T03:59:40", "TTC6gUVodY7jnmSWk2Vkp8RKvSrmPgxpnpsXMWpodKxbDBww9Wwzt" ] ] }, { "index": "38", "owner_key": "TTC6uC6kdWehzhJV7e6MkowZvw8V2tjT5GU9CKoVrsb3REp7oT4s8", "name": "sy678", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "last_update": "2016-06-28T06:07:18", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "0", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T06:07:18", "TTC5R7s2UhnG97xrtKEmFpx2iq6VxV3aDpNvJn3DvtYB9tQmFzfxR" ] ] }, { "index": "41", "owner_key": "TTC5YWupJFNhc6SAw33UGvBwK4cKtqC5UbZC18dwXLL1WSRimHY1s", "name": "sy6789", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "last_update": "2016-06-28T06:08:32", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "0", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T06:08:32", "TTC6V7YdCqxvS4cRWzQ2YSzGwN6A15ZaNfHoZHB9AALxZB13riWrw" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
index: entry ID of wallet database
id: account ID
name : account name
public_data: Open data added to a registered account
owner_key: owner public key
active_key_history: the history of active public key
registration_date: regist time
last_update: the last updated of account information
delegate_info: Agent information structure
is_my_account: whether have private key
approved: Support for the account
is_favorite: reserved field
block_production_enabled: Whether to open the production block function
last_used_gen_sequence: reserved field
private_data: reserved field
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "26", "method": "wallet_list_unregistered_accounts" }
Request method : wallet_list_unregistered_accounts
Request parameter : none
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": [ { "index": "38", "owner_key": "TTC6uC6kdWehzhJV7e6MkowZvw8V2tjT5GU9CKoVrsb3REp7oT4s8", "name": "sy678", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "last_update": "2016-06-28T06:07:18", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "0", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T06:07:18", "TTC5R7s2UhnG97xrtKEmFpx2iq6VxV3aDpNvJn3DvtYB9tQmFzfxR" ] ] }, { "index": "41", "owner_key": "TTC5YWupJFNhc6SAw33UGvBwK4cKtqC5UbZC18dwXLL1WSRimHY1s", "name": "sy6789", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "last_update": "2016-06-28T06:08:32", "private_data": null, "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": null, "id": "0", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T06:08:32", "TTC6V7YdCqxvS4cRWzQ2YSzGwN6A15ZaNfHoZHB9AALxZB13riWrw" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
index: entry ID of wallet database
id: account ID
name : account name
public_data: Open data added to a registered account
owner_key: owner public key
active_key_history: the history of active public key
registration_date: regist time
last_update: the last updated of account information
is_my_account: whether have private key
approved: Support for the account
is_favorite: reserved field
block_production_enabled: Whether to open the production block function
last_used_gen_sequence: reserved field
private_data: reserved field
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "40", "method": "wallet_list_my_accounts" }
Request method : wallet_list_my_accounts
Request parameter : none
Response Result:
{ "id": "17", "result": [ { "index": "11", "owner_key": "TTC5VoZWa93vxBF9DudYMhtdDdDjJvcqpk9WJpczFAMLcJ6H7mp8a", "name": "alphzk1", "block_production_enabled": false, "registration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "last_update": "2016-06-28T02:20:11", "private_data": "null", "last_used_gen_sequence": "0", "is_favorite": false, "public_data": "null", "id": "0", "is_my_account": true, "approved": "0", "active_key_history": [ [ "2016-06-28T02:20:11", "TTC5VoZWa93vxBF9DudYMhtdDdDjJvcqpk9WJpczFAMLcJ6H7mp8a" ] ] } ] }
Return value:
index: entry ID of wallet database
id: account ID
name : account name
public_data: Open data added to a registered account
owner_key: owner public key
active_key_history: the history of active public key
registration_date: regist time
last_update: the last updated of account information
delegate_info: Agent information structure
is_my_account: whether have private key
approved: Support for the account
is_favorite: reserved field
block_production_enabled: Whether to open the production block function
last_used_gen_sequence: reserved field
private_data: reserved field
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account" ], "id": "43", "method": "wallet_get_account_public_address" }
Request method : wallet_get_account_public_address
Request parameter : account name
Response Result:
{ "id": "43", "result": "TTCFuj3UjtwsMxZsebUjb6kGFLYWT43GQwkyffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" }
Return value:
addr:account address
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "currentaccount", "newaccount" ], "id": "45", "method": "wallet_account_rename" }
Request method : wallet_account_rename
Request parameter : current account name, new account name
Response Result:
{ "id": "29", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account" ], "id": "49", "method": "wallet_account_balance" }
Request method : wallet_account_balance
Request parameter : account name
Response Result:
{ "id": "49", "result": [ [ "alp0", [ [ "0", "999999696000" ] ] ] ] }
Return value:
account: account
asset_id: Asset types
balance: current balance
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name" ], "id": "50", "method": "wallet_account_balance_ids" }
Request method : wallet_account_balance_ids
Request parameter : The user name of the query account
Response Result:
{ "id": "50", "result": [ [ "alp0", [ "TTC6P1pnNuJR4SW7mbiAy1ibfmJwZSZZLZWC", "TTCG7NGwoYicogH7bpZ5MDghBaTAUGzwd53Z" ] ] ] }
Return value:
Fields without TTC: account name
The data that inside "[]" after he account name: The balanceid of the account
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "delegate_name", "to_account_name", "amount_to_withdraw" ], "id": "52", "method": "wallet_delegate_withdraw_pay" }
Request method : wallet_delegate_withdraw_pay
Request parameter : The name of the agent receiving the wage, the name of the account to be received, the amount of salary received
Response Result:
{ "id": "26", "result": { "index": "0", "is_market": false, "fee": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "1000" }, "is_confirmed": false, "ledger_entries": [ { "from_account": "TTC5eLFrZG5gvc5g5xqEU6J3GELp5WcQYoqhz4JBPT7BVgTpqqxbN", "amount": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100000" }, "memo": "aa" } ], "received_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "is_virtual": false, "block_num": "0", "trx": { "ttc_inport_asset": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "0" }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "claim_input_data": "", "amount": "101000", "balance_id": "TTCJEk1wuT9Vix4vQRidmAafz5hCWrS48un2" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": "100000", "condition": { "asset_id": "0", "slate_id": "0", "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" } } } }, { "type": "imessage_memo_op_type", "data": { "imessage": "aa" } } ], "signatures": [ "203abaffeaa2735b4f9c79bedae77143ac5da1451c92fd7390c1ae502b53578ef47b2751afa034ff7e0232e37f8fb755f677e9ef566dfc2f7f3d2da1f4cb44476b" ], "expiration": "2016-06-01T09:32:19", "ttc_account": "" }, "entry_id": "0ba68a7e9945f9119cb151a2ef5ff110e4d15925", "created_time": "2016-06-01T08:32:20", "extra_addresses": [ "TTC5iSiYMm1fkUtTcW7dQSVNDFZEGXNgj4fy" ] } }
Return value:
index: reserved field
entry_id: transaction ID
block_num: block number
is_virtual: reserved field
is_confirmed: whether to confirm
is_market: reserved field
trx: the name of struct type
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name" ], "id": "53", "method": "wallet_delegate_pay_balance_query" }
Request method : wallet_delegate_pay_balance_query
Request parameter : The user name of the query agent
Response Result:
{ "id": "53", "result": { "pay_balance": "1300000", "total_balance": "1300000" } }
Return value:
total_balance: total wages
pay_balance: Available wage
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name" ], "id": "54", "method": "wallet_get_delegate_statue" }
Request method : wallet_get_delegate_statue
Request parameter : The user name of the query agent
Response Result:
{ "id": "54", "result": false }
Return value:
The field after the result colon: The state of a block in the current wallet
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account_name" ], "id": "36", "method": "wallet_account_delete" }
Request method : wallet_account_delete
Request parameter : The name of the account to be deleted
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": true }
Return value:
The field after the result colon: return true all time
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "fee" ], "id": "36", "method": "wallet_set_transaction_fee" }
Request method : wallet_set_transaction_fee
Request parameter : the handling charge that will be set
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100" } }
Return value:
Asset: current fee
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "symbol" ], "id": "36", "method": "wallet_get_transaction_fee" }
Request method : wallet_get_transaction_fee
Request parameter : the asset id to be queried
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": { "asset_id": "0", "amount": "100" } }
Return value:
Asset: current fee
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "enable" ], "id": "36", "method": "wallet_set_transaction_scanning" }
Request method : wallet_set_transaction_scanning
Request parameter : whether to start the scan
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": true }
Return value:
The field after the result colon: return current status
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "addr" ], "id": "61", "method": "wallet_dump_private_key" }
Request method : wallet_dump_private_key
Request parameter : address/public key
Response Result:
{ "id": "61", "result": "5JfeSoRUiosgA9kzcPTwmUZs6rEnYPz4iSqGHc9uKcscdjc96g9" }
Return value:
private_key: address
Prerequisite:open the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "delegate_name", "enabled" ], "id": "67", "method": "wallet_delegate_set_block_production" }
Request method : wallet_delegate_set_block_production
Request parameter : the name of the trustee account, whether to enable
Response Result:
{ "id": "67", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:unlock the wallet
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "account", "key_type" ], "id": "62", "method": "wallet_dump_account_private_key" }
Request method : wallet_dump_account_private_key
Request parameter : account name, private key type
Response Result:
{ "id": "61", "result": "5JfeSoRUiosgA9kzcPTwmUZs6rEnYPz4iSqGHc9uKcscdjc96g9" }
Return value:
private_key: address
Prerequisite:no param
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "blocknum" ], "id": "2", "method": "blockchain_get_block" }
Request method : blockchain_get_block
Request parameter : block number
Response Result:
{ "id": "2", "result": { "latency": "0", "user_transaction_ids": [], "delegate_signature": "2002db1a3aa58e3768c794fd5295aa4a58691a294b650f6956c4edbea299df72bc282e54d762a6374765287bf7fad734ddc2a00b39775fe256e977b37d27ca7359", "signee_fees_collected": "0", "processing_time": "0", "timestamp": "2016-03-21T05:16:40", "signee_shares_issued": "0", "block_num": "1000", "previous_secret": "7976c83635b5bc21cac6d4d762b789f97797681d", "next_secret_hash": "64159580b455cd4b95a4d22670745454f3693c1d", "signee_fees_destroyed": "0", "transaction_digest": "c8cf12fe3180ed901a58a0697a522f1217de72d04529bd255627a4ad6164f0f0", "random_seed": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "block_size": "166", "id": "2df402a360d9956d51749428815ed671cc40ea5c", "previous": "5071675dc378fe85a9e4e76cb90651471bb47380" } }
Return value:
previous: previous hash
block_num: block_num
timestamp: block create time
transaction_digest: All transaction signatures
next_secret_hash:All transaction signatures
previous_secret: Next round of block credentials  
delegate_signature: allograph
user_transaction_ids: contains all ID of transaction
id: block id
block_size: block_size
latency: The production block and local synchronization to block time difference
signee_shares_issued: reserve param
signee_fees_collected: handling fee of the statistics in the block
signee_fees_destroyed: Handling fee for destruction in block
random_seed: random seed
processing_time: Local processing time
Prerequisite: none
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": "36", "method": "delegate_get_config" }
Request method : delegate_get_config
Request parameter : none
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": { "transaction_blacklist": [], "transaction_min_fee": "1000", "network_min_connection_count": "4", "block_max_transaction_count": "4294967295", "transaction_max_size": "1024000", "operation_blacklist": [], "transaction_canonical_signatures_required": false, "block_max_size": "1024000", "block_max_production_time": "3000000", "transaction_imessage_max_soft_length": "40", "transaction_imessage_min_fee_coe": "100" } }
Return value:
network_min_connection_count: the minimum connection count of network
block_max_transaction_count: the maximum transaction count of block
block_max_size: block_max_size
block_max_production_time: The maximum block time of a block
transaction_max_size: The maximum size of a transaction
transaction_canonical_signatures_required: reserved field
transaction_min_fee: Minimum transaction fee
transaction_imessage_max_soft_length: Remark maximum length
transaction_imessage_min_fee_coe: Remark the cost of per byte
transaction_blacklist: reserved field
operation_blacklist: reserved field
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "count" ], "id": "36", "method": "delegate_set_network_min_connection_count" }
Request method : delegate_set_network_min_connection_count
Request parameter : Minimum number of connections required
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": "null" }
Return value:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "count" ], "id": "36", "method": "delegate_set_block_max_transaction_count" }
Request method : delegate_set_block_max_transaction_count
Request parameter : Limit the maximum number of local transactions
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:You can verify the success through the 73 instructions
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "blocksize" ], "id": "2", "method": "delegate_set_block_max_size" }
Request method : delegate_set_block_max_size
Request parameter : the size of block
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:You can verify the success through the 73 instructions
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "trx_size" ], "id": "2", "method": "delegate_set_transaction_max_size" }
Request method : delegate_set_transaction_max_size
Request parameter : the size of trade
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": "null" }
Return value:
Prerequisite:You can verify the success through the 73 instructions
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [ "transaction" ], "id": "2", "method": "delegate_set_transaction_min_fee" }
Request method : delegate_set_transaction_min_fee
Request parameter : The agent recognizes the amount of service fee that can be put into its own buffer
Response Result:
{ "id": "36", "result": "null" }
Return value: none
Prerequisite: none
{ "expiration": "2017-09-19T02:58:38", "alp_account": "", "alp_inport_asset": { "amount": 0, "asset_id": 0 }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "balance_id": "TTCEYUEpKd67WmFVuwrbXdAGquhJVrUmsPN7", "amount": 20001000, "claim_input_data": "" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": 20000000, "condition": { "asset_id": 0, "slate_id": 0, "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "balance_type": "withdraw_common_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC3pUa2TtwBBjmuy2QDQSxRNk49Xzrn4Wom" } } } } ], "result_trx_type": "origin_transaction", "result_trx_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "signatures": [ "1f5ef9a4a28cf2f3c8994b9229edc300d3cf7e21b233d507aa0f88bee7d50d32cb6e9ed8bdd60d07c0124f4e61273e7dde0bb656d106b03974001c8e4ab0842518" ] }
Request method : network_broadcast_transaction
Request parameter : the information of broadcasting a transaction
Response Result:
{ "id": 69, "result": "8f612b365d4de8fb7b260c1f385040512d352d12" ori_trx_id }
Return value:
result: original trade id ori_trx_id
Prerequisite: none
Request method : blockchain_get_contrttc_result
Request parameter: ori_trx_id
Response Result:
{ "id": "84", "result": { "block_num": 172067, "trx_id": "7af0e28ae15aa6d2e2c9a4a3c5161b26d85e37b9" } }
Return value:
result: result_trx_id, block_num
Prerequisite: none
Request method : blockchain_get_events
Request parameter: block_num, result_trx_id
Response Result:
{ "id": "72", "result": [ { "id": "TTCBGzSXPfG3ddgzvv3vsf5jqTWqhgRTRrxW", "event_type": "change_fee_success", "event_param": "0.025000", "is_truncated": false } ] }
Return value:
result: contract ID, event_type, event_param
Prerequisite: none
Request method : call_contrttc_local_emit
Request parameter: contrttc_id, caller, method, param
Response Result:
{ "id": "72", "result": [ { "id": "TTCBGzSXPfG3ddgzvv3vsf5jqTWqhgRTRrxW", "event_type": "change_fee_success", "event_param": "0.025000", "is_truncated": false } ] }
Return value:
result: contract id, event_type, event_param
Prerequisite: none
Request method : create_transfer_transaction
Request parameter: amount_to_transfer, asset_symbol, from_account_name, to_address, memo_message, strategy
Response Result:
{ "expiration": "2017-09-19T02:58:38", "alp_account": "", "alp_inport_asset": { "amount": 0, "asset_id": 0 }, "operations": [ { "type": "withdraw_op_type", "data": { "balance_id": "TTCEYUEpKd67WmFVuwrbXdAGquhJVrUmsPN7", "amount": 20001000, "claim_input_data": "" } }, { "type": "deposit_op_type", "data": { "amount": 20000000, "condition": { "asset_id": 0, "slate_id": 0, "type": "withdraw_signature_type", "balance_type": "withdraw_common_type", "data": { "owner": "TTC3pUa2TtwBBjmuy2QDQSxRNk49Xzrn4Wom" } } } } ], "result_trx_type": "origin_transaction", "result_trx_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "signatures": [ "1f5ef9a4a28cf2f3c8994b9229edc300d3cf7e21b233d507aa0f88bee7d50d32cb6e9ed8bdd60d07c0124f4e61273e7dde0bb656d106b03974001c8e4ab0842518" ] }
Return value: