and next
give us some flexibility when using looping constructs. Both break
and next
skip over the rest of the code within an iteration of a loop. next
will then continue running the loop, starting with the next element in the collection, while break
stops the loop completely.
Here's a code example that uses both break
and next
# This function takes an array of numbers that are all greater than or equal to
# zero. It then returns the smallest number.
def smallest_nonnegative_number(numbers)
current_smallest = numbers.first
numbers.each do |number|
if number > current_smallest # If the number is bigger than the current
next # smallest number, skip to the next number
current_smallest = number # Update the current_smallest
if current_smallest == 0 # 0 is the smallest possible non-negative
break # number, so if we find a 0, break out of the
end # loop.
some_positive_numbers = [7, 4, 0, 5, 1] # => [7, 4, 0, 5, 1]
smallest_nonnegative_number(some_positive_numbers) # => 0