This process involves:
- Obtaining a short-lived token
- Exhanging the token for a long-lived API key and secret
- Encoding the API key and secret
- Formatting a basic authorization header
You must be able to login to the Opus Platform and access APT-SCWM.
Once logged into Opus on your browser, select the desired process. For example, Direct Supplier Incident.
- Using the directions below for your designated browser, generate the following values:
, a short lived token valid for one session_store_js_production_processNetworkOwnerId
, passed in the body header_store_js_production_processNetworkId
, passed in the body header
From the Chrome menu, navigate to View > Developer > Developer Tools.
Select the Application tab from the Developer Tools pane. From the left hand navigation menu, under the storage section, select
Local Storage from the dropdown. Then, click
. You should now see a list of key/value pairs. The
values in the screenshot below were redacted.
From the Firefox menu, navigate to Tools > Web Developer Tools.
Select the Storage tab from the Web Developer Tools pane. From the left hand navigation menu, click Local Section and then
. You should now see a list of key/value pairs. The values in the screenshot below were redacted.
- Set up a call to
as the HTTP method. - Under the Authorization tab select Bearer Token as the Type and insert
, obtained from your browser, as the Token.
- Click the Body tab and use the JSON below. Do not replace any values, including the ownerID. Ensure raw and JSON are selected.
"payload": {
"description": "descJ100"
"header": {
"dataspace": "default",
"appName": "user-admin",
"headerVersion": 1,
"eventName": "authorization-manager:generate-apiKeyCredentials:v1",
"ownerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Here is an example response:
"header": {
"headerVersion": 1,
"eventName": "authorization-manager:generate-apiKeyCredentials-response:v1",
"ownerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"isErr": false,
"errCode": "200_OK",
"licensePlate": "abCdef-0Ab1cD"
"payload": {
"apiSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
The API key and secret are long-lived, static values that do not expire.
Take the values of
and convert them into a string with the format {{KEY}}:{{SECRET}}, with a colon seperating the two values.For example:
. -
Use the following command in your terminal window to encode the string:
echo -n 'KEYSECRETSTRING' | base64
For example:
echo -n 'a12b3c45d-6e78-90f1-g234-h56i7j890k1l:mn2o3pq4RsTuVwXyZAbc5defghIjklMn' | base64
. An example response:YTEyYjNjNDVkLTZlNzgtOTBmMS1nMjM0LWg1Nmk3ajg5MGsxbDptbjJvM3BxNFJzVHVWd1h5WkFiYzVkZWZnaElqa2xNbg==
.Alternatively, you can use an online resource such as to encode your string.
This encoded result can now be used in a basic authorization header. For example,
authorization: Basic YTEyYjNjNDVkLTZlNzgtOTBmMS1nMjM0LW...bDpjJvM3BxNFJzVHVWd1h5WkFiYzVkZWZnaElqa2xNbg==
import base64
def create_token(api_key, api_secret):
combine = api_key + ':' + api_secret
step_two = combine.encode("UTF-8")
encoded_token = base64.b64encode(step_two).decode("UTF-8")
auth_header = {"Authorization" : "Basic %s" % encoded_token}