This plugin integrates with a Sonatype Nexus IQ server in order to pull down Source Composition Analysis (SCA) findings. Admins can then map the SCA apps to Synapse Projects in order to create Dashboards and a Scorecard value to understand where there is room for improvement and where there is a solid security understanding. This is a Database Plugin.
- Plugin Display Name
- Sidebar Views
- Scorecard Column
- Jobs
- Privileges
- Database Schema Name
- Database Migrations Location
Sonatype Nexus IQ
The Dashboard view provides a view of several high-level stats and a graph showing the number of different severity issues found over time for a chosen Product Line, Project Filter, or Project.
The Configurations view is used by admins to configure a client to interact with a Sonatype Nexus IQ instance and also configure at what thresholds a Scorecard Value should turn green, yellow, or red.
This view allows an admin to map a Sonatype application to a Synapse Project to fill out the Scorecard.
Sonatype Violations
displays the High, Medium, and Low stats for a Product Line or Project.
Fetch Sonatype Data
runs once an hour to pull in any new Sonatype violations and update all metrics.