v1.4 (2019-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Logo for manifest appIcons and favicon #157
- User settings #106
- Re-work data #164 (tsoporan)
- User settings #158 (tsoporan)
- Mobile page titles #155 (tsoporan)
- Updates to manifest #154 (tsoporan)
- Additional snackbars #152 (tsoporan)
Closed issues:
- Vuetify2 #179
- Stage/setup workout should be separate step #176
- Workout detail #168
- "New workout" flow #162
- Improve mobile UI #161
- Re-work data loading #160
- Workout events #159
Merged pull requests:
- Update create workout event + missed fields #182 (tsoporan)
- Bump django from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 #180 (dependabot[bot])
- Events and model changes #181 (tsoporan)
- Update workout statuses and workflow (back-end) #178 (tsoporan)
- Basic workout events #177 (tsoporan)
- Vuetify2 + v1.4 Refactor #175 (tsoporan)
- Register Profile admin #174 (tsoporan)
- Track env and release with Sentry #173 (tsoporan)
- Sentry integration #172 (tsoporan)
- New workout flow #167 (tsoporan)
- Update tests #166 (tsoporan)
- Improve mobile UI #165 (tsoporan)
v1.3.4 (2019-08-03)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump django from 2.2 to 2.2.3 #170 (dependabot[bot])
v1.3.3 (2019-01-06)
v1.3.2 (2018-10-18)
v1.3.1 (2018-10-18)
v1.3 (2018-10-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ability to indicate body weight #146
- Support bodyweight #153 (tsoporan)
- Sentry error logging (client) #151 (tsoporan)
- Fix alignment issues on mobile #148 (tsoporan)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Create custom exercise #150 (tsoporan)
- Upgrade to Django 2.1.2 for CVE-2018-16984 #149 (tsoporan)
- Update default pwa config #147 (tsoporan)
v1.2 (2018-09-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Helm chart for deployment #92
- Edit and delete Sets #143 (tsoporan)
- Recent workouts #138 (tsoporan)
- User activation #125 (tsoporan)
Fixed bugs:
- Template rendering in dev relies on chunk vendors #123
- Fix issue with import of removed file #142 (tsoporan)
- Fix remove exercise #141 (tsoporan)
- Fix unique constraint on ExerciseType #121 (tsoporan)
Closed issues:
- Restore edit and delete Set #139
- Mailgun hook up in production #126
- Recent workouts #122
- Seed data #115
- Fixture loading doesn't work #75
- User activation #49
Merged pull requests:
- Tweak language of buttons and disable routine #144 (tsoporan)
- Update dependencies to latest #140 (tsoporan)
- Dev updates #137 (tsoporan)
- Network error handling #134 (tsoporan)
- Fittrak nginx conf #132 (tsoporan)
- Update config for running in prod #130 (tsoporan)
- Initial Helm chart #129 (tsoporan)
- Deployment fixes #128 (tsoporan)
- Bundle loading in dev #124 (tsoporan)
- Code quality #120 (tsoporan)
v1.1 (2018-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Autocomplete exercise names #114
- History page #105
- Back navigation #104
- Switch to Vuetify #102
- Support status filtering #97
- Finish Workout Behaviour #91
- Fleshed out History page #112 (tsoporan)
- Support limit to WorkoutList #111 (tsoporan)
- Loading indication #109 (tsoporan)
- Vuetify redux #101 (tsoporan)
- 98 date handling #100 (tsoporan)
- PWA Support #93 (tsoporan)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Exercise type seed data #119 (tsoporan)
- Update first time setup instructions #117 (tsoporan)
- Autocomplete exercises #116 (tsoporan)
- Fix day num not being correct #113 (tsoporan)
- Apply new style/theme to base templates #110 (tsoporan)
- Back nav #107 (tsoporan)
- Updated tests #103 (tsoporan)
- 97 filter workouts by status #99 (tsoporan)
- Redirect after finish and fix status logic #95 (tsoporan)
- Added docker compose #94 (tsoporan)
v1 (2018-07-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Need a way to persist state to server side #14
- Current workouts on home page #8
- Populate exercise db #5
- Write getting started documentation #4
- Secure API with https #3
- Only show sidebar toggle to authed user #2
- Registration #1
- 81 basic styling #87 (tsoporan)
- Pull workouts on homepage #50 (tsoporan)
- Add graphene and graphene django #35 (tsoporan)
- Workout model changes #29 (tsoporan)
- More vuetify and refresh workflow #28 (tsoporan)
- Initial vuetify #27 (tsoporan)
- Remove unused files, rename files appropriately, move files around for clarity #25 (tsoporan)
- Update registration to use latest bulma + local state #24 (tsoporan)
- Update login #23 (tsoporan)
- Upgrade api #21 (tsoporan)
- Rename to client and api for convenience #20 (tsoporan)
- Upgrade vue + api #19 (tsoporan)
- Delete .DS_Store #18 (tsoporan)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix broken CI #56
- Signature expires #12
- Index route does not check for auth correctly #10
- Fix sidebar width on mobile #7
- Vuetify css regression, had to bump down to working css #33 (tsoporan)
Closed issues:
- Dockerize application #88
- Basic styling #81
- Remove set #77
- Remove exercise #76
- Edit/Update Sets #71
- Set List and Set Item views #69
- Finish Workout #66
- Test framework setup #63
- Add Sets #61
- Exercise List and Item Views #58
- Remove workouts #53
- Add exercises #52
- Workout mutations #44
- Set up Apollo on the frontend #38
- Set up graphql on the backend #37
- Setup SSL #36
- Edit/Update Workouts #16
- Clicking away from sidebar should close #9
- Creating workouts #6
Merged pull requests:
- Initial k8s deployment #90 (tsoporan)
- Dockerize #89 (tsoporan)
- 81 basic styling #86 (tsoporan)
- Styling for account forms #85 (tsoporan)
- Start workout #84 (Pittfall)
- Set up Bulma #83 (tsoporan)
- Update set #80 (tsoporan)
- Remove set #79 (tsoporan)
- Remove exercise #78 (tsoporan)
- Finish workout #74 (tsoporan)
- UpdateWorkout mutation #73 (tsoporan)
- Added render tests for SetItem and SetList #72 (tsoporan)
- Set list and item views #70 (tsoporan)
- AddSet hooked up #68 (tsoporan)
- Add AddSet endpoint #67 (tsoporan)
- Test framework setup #64 (tsoporan)
- Exercise list and item view #59 (tsoporan)
- Updated circleci config #57 (tsoporan)
- Add exercises to workout #55 (tsoporan)
- Remove workouts #54 (tsoporan)
- Hookup create workout #51 (tsoporan)
- Account templates #48 (tsoporan)
- Reset project with sane defaults #47 (tsoporan)
- Added remove workout mutation #44 #46 (tsoporan)
- Added basic create workout mutation #44 #45 (tsoporan)
- ActivateUser mutation #43 (tsoporan)
- Create profiles with verification tokens #42 (tsoporan)
- Update to custom django user #41 (tsoporan)
- Create User mutation #40 (tsoporan)
- Create LICENSE #39 (tsoporan)
- Displaying recent workouts from API #34 (tsoporan)
- Start using pipenv #32 (tsoporan)
- 1 registration #31 (Pittfall)
- Workouts hooked up with client #30 (tsoporan)
- Add circleci conf #26 (tsoporan)
- Clean up auth actions/mutations + added auth getters #22 (tsoporan)
- 1 registration #17 (Pittfall)
- #8 latest workouts #15 (tsoporan)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator