A deferred renderer written in C++ and Vulkan. This will be the repository for a deferred renderer that I am currently writing. Follow along with the development by starring this repository or on on the blog of my website.
To install you will need the following tools:
- CMake 3.16
- A C++ compiler toolchain with support for C++14
Make sure to have the following libraries installed and visible to CMake
- Vulkan SDK 1.2
- GLFW 3.3
To build execute the following commands from the root of the repository
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && make install
The blitz
binary should then be found in the bin
folder from the repository root which
can then be executed to run the renderer.
- Indexed draw mode
- Texture support w/ mip map creation at runtime
- Depth stencil testing
- Multisampled anti-aliasing
- Blinn-Phong shading model
- Deferred shading
- UI improvements
- GLTF scene loading
- Physically-based lighting
An image of a model with diffuse shading and a single point light