A DataSource - is a group of several API methods and its configuration. Every method call passes with the configured steps. Result of each step will be passed as arguments to the next step and whole steps chain will be cached if cache is enabled.
A DataSource provide methods for:
- steps configuration
- steps executing
- cache manipulations
- request deduplication
# The gist
import DataSource from 'bivrost/data/source';
import bivrostApi from 'bivrost/http/api'
import fetchAdapter from 'bivrost-fetch-adapter';
import { Record } from 'immutable';
const api = bivrostApi({
host: 'localhost',
adapter: fetchAdapter()
const User = Record({
id: null,
name: ''
class UsersDataSource extends DataSource {
static steps = ['validate', 'api', 'model'];
static cache = {
loadAll: {
enabled: true,
isGlobal: true,
ttl: 60000
static validate = {
update: ({ id }) => {
if (!id) {
throw new Error('"ID" field is required for user update');
static api = {
loadAll: api('GET /users')
update: api('PUT /user/:id')
static model = {
update: User
update(user) {
return this.invoke('update', user);
loadAll(filters) {
return this.invoke('loadAll', filters);
// if previous loadAll call IS NOT finished:
// - will not trigger step chain because of deduplication
// if previous loadAll call IS finished - will not trigger step chain.
// - will not trigger step chain because of enabled cache
# constructor({ headers, context, steps, options })
As constructor arguments (all arguments are optional):
- headers - additional headers
- steps - step sequence
- context - context object. Final context is calculated with:
- DataSource context (passed as argument to DataSource constructor)
- invoke() context (passed as third param to invoke function)
- options - any data will be saved in data source instance
import DataSource from 'bivrost/data/source';
class AppDataSource extends DataSource {
constructor() {
options: {},
steps: ['validate', 'serialize', 'api'],
context: {},
headers: {},
# invoke(method: string, params: object, context: object)
DataSource.invoke((method: string), (params: object), (context: object));
Now Bivrost generates Auto Invoke Methods
Invoke is a data source's function that execute method chain and pass params as initial arguments and context as second.
Method's chain - sequence of steps where each step is a function and its result is an argument for the next step (like lodash's flow).
context - is useful when you need to pass the same object to all steps. For example - dynamic params validation or step's configuration.
Steps sequence could configured as second argument to data source constructor or as property steps. If there is no method configuration at step - it will be skipped.
Default steps sequence:
- prepare - used for request data transformation and serialization
- api - api call
- process - process the response
# Invoke steps
As property:
import DataSource from 'bivrost/data/source';
class AppDataSource extends DataSource {
static steps = ['validate', 'serialize', 'api'];
In this example - there are three steps for invoke function - validate, serialize and api. Steps sequence and naming - just a developer fantasy and depends on application architecture and requirements.
# Step configuration
Step could be configured as object or as function.
- If step is configured as object:
class UserDataSource extends DataSource {
static steps = ['api'];
static api = {
loadAll: api('GET /users'),
loadAll() {
return invoke('loadAll');
- If step is configured as function - it will be executed for all methods:
class UserDataSource extends DataSource {
static steps = ['api', 'immutable'];
static immutable = response => Immutable.fromJSON(response);
static api = {
loadAll: api('GET /users'),
loadAll(params) {
return this.invoke('loadAll', params);
# Cache
Define default cache config for all data source methods:
class UserDataSource extends DataSource {
static defaultCache = {
enabled: true,
isGlobal: true,
ttl: 60000,
Define cache config for specific data source method:
class UserDataSource extends DataSource {
static cache = {
loadAll: {
enabled: true,
isGlobal: true,
ttl: 60000,
Configuration is almost same as invoke steps. Cache options:
- enabled: boolean - enable / disable cache for method
- isGlobal: boolean - enable / disable global method cache. If true - cache will be shared between all data source instances.
- ttl: integer - cache lifetime in miliseconds
Cache methods:
getCacheKey(method: string, params: object) - Hook for cache key generating. By default cache key is `JSON.stringify(params)``
clearCache(method: string) - Clear method caches. If method argument is not specified - clear all data source caches.
# Debug logs
const appDataSource = new AppDataSource();
If logs are enabled - data source will post messages to console for each step with its parameters. bows is used for logging and thats why localStorage.debug = true
should be set in your console to see messages.