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What is the problem with local maxima?
In the following diagram, each square has the same x,y,z axis. What might the names of those x,y,z values?
Explain the following, using the above diagram:
- Holes
- Poles
- Saddles
- Local minima
- Flat
- Brittle
Explain the following term and describe how it handles the problem of flat: Retries.
How does the following techniques avoid the problems of local maxima?
Simulated annealing - Retries - Momentum (make sure you explain momentum)
Local search can be characterized as follows
- Jump all around the hills
- Sometimes, sitting still while rolling marbles left and right
- Then taking one step along the direction where the marbles roll the furthest.
- Go to 1.
In the following code snippet, explain where you'd find 5.
FOR i = 1 to max-tries DO
solution = random assignment
FOR j =1 to max-changes DO
IF score(solution) > threshold
THEN RETURN solution
c = random part of solution
IF p < random()
THEN change a random setting in c
ELSE change setting in c that maximizes score(solution)
RETURN failure, best solution found
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