From e642e3cd8889f021d68625306fab000ca40a2024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicholas Wiltsie Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:51:25 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Revert "Remove failing test" This reverts commit ddfeac0cb61af93b18d88526e939f29fbf5b5f4e. --- test/configtest-new.json | 429 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 429 insertions(+) create mode 100644 test/configtest-new.json diff --git a/test/configtest-new.json b/test/configtest-new.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf18c539 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/configtest-new.json @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +{ + "nextflow_version": "23.10.0", + "config": [ + "test/nftest.config" + ], + "params_file": "test/single.yaml", + "cpus": 16, + "memory_gb": 31, + "nf_params": { + "output_dir": "/tmp/outputs" + }, + "envvars": { + "SLURM_JOB_ID": "851543" + }, + "mocks": { + "check_path": "", + "parse_bam_header": { + "read_group": [ + { + "SM": "491572" + } + ] + } + }, + "dated_fields": [ + "params.log_output_dir", + "report.file", + 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100644 --- a/.github/workflows/slashcommand.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/slashcommand.yml @@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ jobs: slashCommandDispatch: if: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/fix-tests') }} uses: uclahs-cds/tool-Nextflow-action/.github/workflows/nextflow-tests.yml@nwiltsie-autofix-tests - secrets: inherit From fb12c1a8d3046cae4f10a72c07cd9fffaa4e6b3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicholas Wiltsie Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:51:42 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Revert "Add slash-command workflow" This reverts commit baa967e01a7b613c80d6156fcb2c1e9518171fce. --- .github/workflows/slashcommand.yml | 10 ---------- 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/slashcommand.yml diff --git a/.github/workflows/slashcommand.yml b/.github/workflows/slashcommand.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 56906bac..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/slashcommand.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -# ---- -name: Slash Command Dispatch -on: - issue_comment: - types: [created] -jobs: - slashCommandDispatch: - if: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/fix-tests') }} - uses: uclahs-cds/tool-Nextflow-action/.github/workflows/nextflow-tests.yml@nwiltsie-autofix-tests From d52cf9b3945e0edec1f2b19812a6d3dfc0b10557 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicholas Wiltsie Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:51:43 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Revert "Remove CODEOWNERS" This reverts commit 39c5b93c75bda3ef47abb1802ae295c2979f109c. --- .github/CODEOWNERS | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .github/CODEOWNERS diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5dd1d560 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Default owner(s) +* @tyamaguchi-ucla @yashpatel6 @Faizal-Eeman From df893a3618ab9fafb0b9ad953d693154dd1c0179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicholas Wiltsie Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:51:51 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Revert "Add a failing test directly to main" This reverts commit 028179008e95fde3ac4493ce0e755543fd3cfb9a. --- test/configtest-new.json | 429 --------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 429 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 test/configtest-new.json diff --git a/test/configtest-new.json b/test/configtest-new.json deleted file mode 100644 index bf18c539..00000000 --- a/test/configtest-new.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,429 +0,0 @@ -{ - "nextflow_version": "23.10.0", - "config": [ - "test/nftest.config" - ], - "params_file": "test/single.yaml", - "cpus": 16, - "memory_gb": 31, - "nf_params": { - "output_dir": "/tmp/outputs" - }, - "envvars": { - "SLURM_JOB_ID": "851543" - }, - "mocks": { - "check_path": "", - "parse_bam_header": { - "read_group": [ - { - "SM": "491572" - } - ] - } - }, - "dated_fields": [ - "params.log_output_dir", - "report.file", - "timeline.file", - "trace.file" - ], - "expected_result": { - "docker": { - "all_group_ids": "$(for i in `id --real --groups`; do echo -n 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"run_RealignerTargetCreator_GATK": { - "cpus": "2", - "memory": "4 GB", - "retry_strategy": { - "memory": { - "operand": "2", - "strategy": "exponential" - } - } - }, - "run_SplitIntervals_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "run_index_SAMtools": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "2 GB", - "retry_strategy": { - "memory": { - "operand": "2", - "strategy": "exponential" - } - } - }, - "run_validate_PipeVal": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - } - }, - "reference_fasta": "/hot/ref/reference/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta", - "samples_to_process": [ - { - "id": "4915723", - "path": "/hot/resource/SMC-HET/tumours/A-mini/bams/n1/output/S2.T-n1.bam", - "sample_type": "tumor" - } - ], - "samtools_version": "1.17", - "save_intermediate_files": false, - "scatter_count": "50", - "split_intervals_extra_args": "", - "ucla_cds": true, - "use_recal_tables": false, - "work_dir": "/scratch/851543" - }, - "process": { - "cache": false, - "containerOptions": { - "1": "--cpu-shares 1024 --cpus $task.cpus", - "2": "--cpu-shares 1024 --cpus $task.cpus", - "3": "--cpu-shares 1024 --cpus $task.cpus", - "closure": "--cpu-shares 1024 --cpus $task.cpus" - }, - "cpus": { - "1": "1", - "2": "2", - "3": "3", - "closure": "closure()" - }, - "errorStrategy": { - "1": "terminate", - "2": "terminate", - "3": "terminate", - "closure": "terminate" - }, - "executor": "local", - "maxRetries": "1", - "memory": "31 GB", - "withLabel:process_high": { - "cpus": { - "1": "12", - "2": "12", - "3": "12", - "closure": "retry_updater(12, add, 0, $task.attempt, cpus)" - }, - "memory": { - "1": "31 GB", - "2": "31 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(84 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withLabel:process_low": { - "cpus": { - "1": "2", - "2": "2", - "3": "2", - "closure": "retry_updater(2, add, 0, $task.attempt, cpus)" - }, - "memory": { - "1": "3 GB", - "2": "6 GB", - "3": "12 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(3 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withLabel:process_medium": { - "cpus": { - "1": "6", - "2": "6", - "3": "6", - "closure": "retry_updater(6, add, 0, $task.attempt, cpus)" - }, - "memory": { - "1": "31 GB", - "2": "31 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(42 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:deduplicate_records_SAMtools": { - "cpus": "2", - "memory": { - "1": "27.9 GB", - "2": "31 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(27.9 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:extract_GenomeIntervals": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "withName:remove_intermediate_files": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "withName:remove_merged_BAM": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "withName:remove_unmerged_BAMs": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "withName:run_ApplyBQSR_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "2 GB", - "2": "8 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(2 GB, exponential, 4, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_BaseRecalibrator_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "27.9 GB", - "2": "31 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(27.9 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_CalculateContamination_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "14 GB", - "2": "27.9 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(14 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_DepthOfCoverage_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "14 GB", - "2": "27.9 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(14 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_GetPileupSummaries_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "14 GB", - "2": "27.9 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(14 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_IndelRealigner_GATK": { - "cpus": "2", - "memory": { - "1": "4 GB", - "2": "16 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(4 GB, exponential, 4, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_MergeSamFiles_Picard": { - "cpus": "2", - "memory": { - "1": "27.9 GB", - "2": "31 GB", - "3": "31 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(27.9 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_RealignerTargetCreator_GATK": { - "cpus": "2", - "memory": { - "1": "4 GB", - "2": "8 GB", - "3": "16 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(4 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_SplitIntervals_GATK": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - }, - "withName:run_index_SAMtools": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": { - "1": "2 GB", - "2": "4 GB", - "3": "8 GB", - "closure": "retry_updater(2 GB, exponential, 2, $task.attempt, memory)" - } - }, - "withName:run_validate_PipeVal": { - "cpus": "1", - "memory": "1 GB" - } - }, - "report": { - "enabled": true, - "file": "/tmp/outputs/recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0/TWGSAMIN000001/log-recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0-19970704T165655Z/nextflow-log/report.html" - }, - "timeline": { - "enabled": true, - "file": "/tmp/outputs/recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0/TWGSAMIN000001/log-recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0-19970704T165655Z/nextflow-log/timeline.html" - }, - "trace": { - "enabled": true, - "file": "/tmp/outputs/recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0/TWGSAMIN000001/log-recalibrate-BAM-1.0.0-19970704T165655Z/nextflow-log/trace.txt" - }, - "workDir": "/scratch/851543" - } -}