Assumes you have VRX setup in ~/vrx_ws
cd ~/vrx_ws/src
git clone
# Directory for vrx-events forks/branches
mkdir ~/vrx_comp && cd ~/vrx_comp
When a new PR comes in, add a GitHub comment (e.g., "Reviewing.") so that the rest of the team knows you are reviewing the PR and avoid duplication of effort.
A couple ways:
Edit .hg/hgrc to change the url to the fork url. Then pull and checkout the branch.
cd ~/vrx_comp
rm -r vrx-events
git clone
cd ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx-docker
cp -R ~/vrx_comp/vrx-events/2019/phase2_dress_rehearsal/${TEAM}/ ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx-docker/team_config/
source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash
./prepare_team_wamv.bash Team_Kanaloa
cat generated/team_generated/Team_Kanaloa/compliant.txt
Open link in a browser:
cat team_config/Team_Kanaloa/dockerhub_image.txt | xargs chromium-browser
cat team_config/Team_Kanaloa/dockerhub_image.txt | xargs docker pull
Can also begin to pull the image - I do this to confirm access, but terminate the download b/c I'm impatient.
docker pull 808brick/vrx_phase2
Compliance tests for component and propulsion configurations passed. Successfully able to access Docker image.
Next step is to evaluate run the docker image in the VRX simulation with the tasks/trials over the next few days.
cd ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx-events/
hg pull && hg update && hg checkout default
cd ~/vrx_comp/vrx-private/utils/
hg pull && hg update && hg checkout summary