- bash is 27 years old
- why the command line is still alive in 2016 (efficiency, bandwidth, reproducibility)
- why are command names so short?
- unix philosophy
- echo “hello world”
- man pages
- help
- apropos/whatis?
- history, up, down, reverse search
- permissions
- cp, mv, rm, rmdir, mkdir
- hidden files
- ls -l, -a,-ltr etc
- tree
- cd, cd -, cd ~
- which
- symlinks
- du -h
- wc
- cat
- less
- more
- tail (-f)
- head
- find
- grep
- sort
- uniq
- cut
- pipes
- replace
- sed
- awk?
- shebang
- variables
- argv
- conditionals
- loops (file renaming, restructuring)
$(eval), $ (), escapes - stdin, stdout, stderr
- redirection
- exit codes and &&
- time
- difference between defining and exporting variables
- aliases
- .bash_profile, .bashrc, .profile
- environment variables
- printenv
- top