Releases: umccr/data-portal-apis
Releases · umccr/data-portal-apis
Release 1.0.0
What's Changed
- Added GPL Report query to Subject view by @victorskl in #455
- Add more filter in fastq endpoint by @williamputraintan in #456
- Feature/somalier extract and check by @alexiswl in #459
- Improved Somalier Holmes pipeline integration by @victorskl in #460
- Add run level skip list support by @reisingerf in #461
- Added Subject analysis results query from GDSFile by @victorskl in #462
- Bumped dependencies MySQL-8, Django 4.0.4, SLS by @victorskl in #463
- Fixed serverless to allow botocore servicediscovery service by @victorskl in #464
- Improved Holmes integration by @victorskl in #465
- Fixed AWS CLI Lambda Python datetime object marshalling serde by @victorskl in #466
- Release 1.0.0 by @victorskl in #467
- Updated user guide and OpenAPI doc by @victorskl in #468
- Added Bash script example for data discovery then get signed URLs by @victorskl in #469
- Fixed orchestrator next step upon workflow succeeded by @victorskl in #471
- Release 1.0.0 Backporting by @victorskl in #472
Full Changelog: 0.9.4...1.0.0
Release 0.9.4
What's Changed
- Fixed pandas deprecated frame append (#434) by @victorskl in #449
- Bump django from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 by @dependabot in #451
- Remove minimum adapter overlap setting for 10X samples by @alexiswl in #453
- Release 0.9.4 by @victorskl in #454
Full Changelog: 0.9.3...0.9.4
Release 0.9.3
What's Changed
- Drop adapters from 10X samples by @alexiswl in #443
- Updated to address S3 event processing performance issue (#143) by @victorskl in #445
- Release 0.9.3 by @victorskl in #446
- Reinstated S3 delete event processing (#143) by @victorskl in #448
Full Changelog: 0.9.2...0.9.3
Release 0.9.2
What's Changed
- Set minimum adapter overlap to three for all bclconvert samplesheets by @alexiswl in #439
- Bumped serverless and dev dependencies by @victorskl in #441
- Release 0.9.2 by @victorskl in #442
Full Changelog: 0.9.1...0.9.2
Release 0.9.1
What's Changed
- Updated umccrise path to be subdirectory of umccrise output directory by @alexiswl in #436
- Release 0.9.1 by @victorskl in #437
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1
Release 0.9.0
What's Changed
- Pipeline SOP and Cleanup Ops by @victorskl in #414
- Update cleanup documentation by @reisingerf in #416
- Initialise RNAsum automation by @skanwal in #399
- Removed squashed migrations by @victorskl in #419
- Added SequenceStatus Aborted status by @victorskl in #420
- Added manops by @victorskl in #418
- Fixed RNAsum step skip unittest by @victorskl in #421
- Added examples for Portal APIs using IAM authz by @victorskl in #422
- Bumped libica 2.0.0 by @victorskl in #423
- Added arriba directory changes to RNASum workflow by @alexiswl in #424
- Fixed rnasum Lambda unittest for arriba directory input by @victorskl in #425
- Added more integration test case for rnasum step by @victorskl in #426
- Release 0.9.0 by @victorskl in #427
- DevSecOps: Migrated to pre-commit and detect-secret hook by @victorskl in #428
- Increased Lambda timeout on LabMetadata and LIMS sheets sync by @victorskl in #429
- Improved doco by @victorskl in #430
- Changed RNAsum auto step by @victorskl in #432
- Release 0.9.0 Backporting by @victorskl in #433
Full Changelog: 0.8.1...0.9.0
Release 0.8.1
What's Changed
- Improved LIMS update process with no delay to show up in Portal by @victorskl in #398
- Improved metadata parser on handling CRLF in cell by @victorskl in #396
- Bumped dependencies by @victorskl in #400
- Release 0.8.1 by @victorskl in #401
- Fixed unit test in PROD for step skip list using mockito spy by @victorskl in #402
- Fixed unit test in PROD for step skip list using mockito spy by @victorskl in #403
- Fixed LIMSRow update if there are existing record by @victorskl in #406
- Fixed LIMSRow update if there are existing record by @victorskl in #407
- Fixed BatchRule succeeded library run to be within Batch scope by @victorskl in #408
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in #412
- Import 2019 LabMetadata by default too by @victorskl in #411
- Added LabMetadata Sync API endpoint by @victorskl in #409
- Make stringent LabMetadataRule check for workflow run by @victorskl in #410
- Release 0.8.1 Backporting by @victorskl in #413
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.8.1
Release 0.8.0
What's Changed
- Initial commit for umccrise automation by @alexiswl in #381
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.3 to 1.14.7 by @dependabot in #385
- Bump django from 3.2.9 to 3.2.11 by @dependabot in #386
- Support IAM access to APIs by @andrewpatto in #378
- Improved domain rule mechanism implementation by @victorskl in #387
- Added ICA pipeline emergency stop and configurable steps by @victorskl in #388
- Bumped Django4 and all dependencies by @victorskl in #389
- Fixed build issue with sls domain manager by @victorskl in #390
- Fixed pipeline emergency stop upon PendingAnalysis by @victorskl in #391
- Added SQS event handler for umccrise queue and Lambda by @victorskl in #392
- Updated umccrise Slack notification Sample display by @victorskl in #393
- Release 0.8.0 by @victorskl in #394
New Contributors
- @andrewpatto made their first contribution in #378
Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.8.0
Release 0.7.1
What's Changed
- Updated docs and R-xamples by @victorskl in #372
- Added succeeded runs filter to dragen_tso_ctdna_step by @victorskl in #373
- Fixed LibraryRun related workflows fetching query by @victorskl in #374
- Fixed LibraryRun related workflows query unit tests by @victorskl in #375
- Holiday patch by @victorskl in #376
- Added support for lab metadata sheet 2022 by @victorskl in #379
- Restore ICA Pipeline to normal Ops by @victorskl in #380
- Release 0.7.1 by @victorskl in #384
Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1
Release 0.7.0
What's Changed
- Implement workflow libraryrun api by @williamputraintan in #331
- Updated doc on API usage and examples by @victorskl in #334
- Updated API doc presign endpoint for GDS files by @victorskl in #335
- link BCL_CONVERT with libraryRun by @williamputraintan in #336
- Implement workflow libraryrun api by @williamputraintan in #337
- Implement workflow libraryrun api by @williamputraintan in #339
- Repopulate tables by @williamputraintan in #338
- Refactor models by @williamputraintan in #340
- Refactor Viewsets by @williamputraintan in #345
- Fixed migration order refactor side effect by @victorskl in #350
- Start adding source/type filters to look for FFPE/FF by @brainstorm in #349
- Restructure gds output and intermediate paths by @alexiswl in #352
- Fix LibraryRun when lane does not exist by @reisingerf in #355
- Merged LibraryRun SampleSheet no lane fix from main to dev by @victorskl in #357
- Bumped serverless dev dependencies by @victorskl in #358
- Populate LibraryRun upon SequenceRun status PendingAnalysis (#356) by @victorskl in #360
- Renamed service module by @victorskl in #361
- Added libraryrun lambda by @victorskl in #362
- Handled gracefully for report JSON data having NaN (#347) by @victorskl in #363
- Refactor HTTP Query Params by @williamputraintan in #351
- Added Subject result summary from GDS (#359) by @victorskl in #364
- Deprecated utils package (#353) by @victorskl in #366
- Bumped dependencies by @victorskl in #367
- Squashed migrations 0001 to 0037 (#342) by @victorskl in #368
- Fixed bcl_convert notification display name by @victorskl in #369
- Improved library run linking impl by @victorskl in #370
- Release 0.7.0 by @victorskl in #371
Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.7.0