diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fc2b4cca42..2adc1fc577 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1605,6 +1605,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th - [abhiyan](https://github.com/abhiyandhakal/abhiyan.zsh/) - Segmented prompt. Includes decorators for `git` branch, staged file count, unstaged file count & untracked file count, username, current working directory and the time. Requires Powerline-compatible fonts. - [absolute](https://github.com/NelsonBrandao/absolute) - Very clean looking theme with decorators for `git` status, `node` version and the exit code from the last command. - [acenoster](https://github.com/HiDe-Techno-Tips/Acenoster-ZSH-Theme) - A multi-purpose theme with very detailed `git` and `mercurial` support. Also includes decorators for AWS profile name, virtual environment name if any, number of background tasks, current directory and previous command's exit code if non-zero. +- [achab](https://github.com/niotna/antoinechab-theme) - Includes decorators for the current folder path, the current user and the current `git` branch. Decorator colors are easily customizable. - [adamdodev](https://github.com/adamdodev/adamdodev-zsh-theme) - Includes decorators for `git` status, the name of your AWS profile, the name of your Azure Service Principal, kubernetes context, terraform workspace, last command exit status and current working directory. - [adlee](https://github.com/adlee-was-taken/oh-my-zsh-osx/blob/master/adlee.zsh-theme) - macOS theme, requires a Powerline-compatible font. - [af-magic-dynamic](https://github.com/rslavin/af-magic-dynamic) - Modified version of [af-magic](https://github.com/andyfleming/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/themes/af-magic.zsh-theme) with dynamic path shortening.