diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4146f8a272..32cdfa1b19 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1227,6 +1227,7 @@ Here are a few good sources for Nerd Fonts and Powerline-compatible fonts: - [tab-title](https://github.com/trystan2k/zsh-tab-title) - Set the terminal tab title according to current directory or running process. Forked from [termsupport.zsh](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/lib/termsupport.zsh) - [tailf](https://github.com/rummik/zsh-tailf) - Adds `tailf` function with prefixed newlines instead of trailing newlines. - [taskbook](https://github.com/mastern2k3/taskbook-zsh-plugin) - Auto-completes task numbers for taskbook. +- [telepresence](https://github.com/alexgervais/telepresence-ps1) - Add the current [Telepresence](https://www.telepresence.io/) connection status and context to your ZSH prompt. - [terminal-app](https://github.com/the8/terminal-app.zsh) - A plugin for integrating with the new macOS El Capitan Terminal.app features. - [terminal-title](https://github.com/AnimiVulpis/zsh-terminal-title) - Adds a `set-term-title` function you can use to title terminal windows. - [terminal-workload-report](https://github.com/LockonS/terminal-workload-report) - A plugin that calculates and displays how many commands have been run via terminal. @@ -1804,6 +1805,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th - [djkakaroto](https://github.com/djkakaroto/theme-zsh/) - Includes `git` status decorations, works with all fonts. - [dkniffin](https://github.com/dkniffin/zsh-theme) - Includes `ruby` version and `git` status. - [dmx](https://github.com/domix/dmx.zsh-theme) - Optimized for dark terminal windows. +- [domixgit](https://github.com/tariqdomi/ohmyzsh-domixgit) - Prompt with `git` status and current directory decorators. - [doodleshell](https://github.com/cdodd/doodleshell-zsh-theme) - Minimalist theme, includes `git`, `terraform` and `aws` status decorations. - [doom](https://github.com/CMOISDEAD/doom-zsh) - Doom-inspired. Looks similar to powerline. Has customizable segments, decorators for `git` status, `rust`, `Node.js`, `python` and `ruby` versions. - [dp](https://github.com/davidparsson/zsh-dp-theme) - Low contrast theme that shows current git branch, if the repository is dirty and the value of `$PYENV_VERSION`. @@ -2072,6 +2074,7 @@ If you're using [Antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), you can test th - [magento](https://github.com/cmuench/zsh-magento-cloud/blob/main/zsh-magento-cloud.plugin.zsh) - Add Magento Cloud Command Line Interface ([magento-cloud CLI](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-cloud-service/user-guide/dev-tools/cloud-cli.html?lang=en)) completions. - [magicmace](https://github.com/zimfw/magicmace) - Inspired by xero's ZSH prompt and [eriner's prompt](https://github.com/zimfw/eriner). Includes status codes for active python `venv`, exit status of last command, shortened working directory, `git` status decorations. - [magico](https://github.com/IOsonoTAN/magico) - IOsonoTAN's magico theme. +- [magpie](https://github.com/wdjcodes/magpie) - Includes decorators for user@host, current directory and `git` status. - [mainnika](https://github.com/mainnika/zsh-theme-mainnika/) - Includes decorators for last command exit status and the 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages. - [maivana](https://github.com/nylo-andry/zsh-themes) - Includes `kubectl` context, `git` status decorations. - [majemoji](https://github.com/metalogica/majemoji) - Adds a random emoji to each session's prompt. Includes `git` status decorations.