diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d72333280..763dbcdc4 100755 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -792,6 +792,7 @@ Here are a few good sources for Nerd Fonts and Powerline-compatible fonts: - [brew (rhuang2014)](https://github.com/rhuang2014/brew) - Standalone plugin for the [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) Package Manager. - [brew (wintermi)](https://github.com/wintermi/zsh-brew) - Simple plugin for the [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) Package Manager. - [brew (wolffaxn)](https://github.com/wolffaxn/brew-zsh-plugin) - Standalone plugin for the [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) Package Manager. +- [brew-install](https://github.com/marceloclp/zsh-brew-install) - Installs and loads [brew](https://brew.sh) on WSL. - [brew-switcher](https://github.com/fielding/zsh-brew-switcher) - Automatically switch between Homebrew installations based on the current active arch, arm64 or x86_64, on Apple Silicon Macs. - [browse-commit](https://github.com/adolfoabegg/browse-commit) - Lets you open any commit in your browser from the command line. - [bruse](https://github.com/aubreypwd/zsh-plugin-bruse) - Makes it easy to `brew link` different versions of packages. @@ -1066,7 +1067,6 @@ Here are a few good sources for Nerd Fonts and Powerline-compatible fonts: - [gvm (yerinle)](https://github.com/yerinle/zsh-gvm) - Provides autocompletion for `gvm` (Groovy enVironment Manager). - [hab](https://github.com/alexdesousa/hab) - Automatically loads OS environment variables defined in the file `.envrc` if it's found when changing to a new directory. - [hacker-quotes](https://github.com/oldratlee/hacker-quotes) - Outputs a random hacker quote when you open a terminal. -- [hadoop-plugin](https://github.com/valek/zsh-hadoop-plugin) - Adds some convenience aliases for [hadoop](https://hadoop.apache.org/) functions. - [haiku](https://github.com/alesr/oh-my-zsh-haiku-plugin) - Prints a haiku promoting work-life balance and stress management once every 24 hours when the terminal is open. - [hanami](https://github.com/davydovanton/hanami-zsh) - ZSH plugin for [hanami](http://hanamirb.org) projects. - [hangul](https://github.com/gomjellie/zsh-hangul) - Auto correct hangul(한글, korean) to English when it was supposed to be typed in English. 영어를 타이핑 해야되는데 한글로 타이핑된경우 자동으로 수정합니다. @@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@ These plugins add tab completions without adding extra functions or aliases. - [gndx](https://github.com/gndx/gndx-zsh-theme) - Includes `git` status, hostname, directory and last command exit status decorations. - [gnrnzh](https://github.com/PaoloneM/gnrnzh-zsh-theme) - Customization of [gnzh.zsh-theme](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/master/themes/gnzh.zsh-theme) from oh-my-zsh. - [gocilla](https://github.com/goranvasic/gocilla-iterm-zsh) - Theme for iTerm 2 and ZSH. Uncludes `git` status, user@host, path and date decorators. -- [goldenprompt](https://github.com/Goldeneye128/goldenprompt) - A simple prompt that incorporates fish-like functionality and decorators for `git` status, current directory. +- [golden-prompt](https://github.com/Goldeneye128/golden-prompt) - A simple prompt that incorporates fish-like functionality and decorators for `git` status, current directory. - [goprompt](https://github.com/NonLogicalDev/shell.async-goprompt) - Lightning fast. Includes decorators for truncated current directory, last command duration & exit status, vim-mode indicators, `git` information, datetime and parent process name. - [gops](https://github.com/noxer/gops) - Fast powerline-like prompt. Includes `git` status, current directory, root status decorations. - [gorchak](https://github.com/evgenygorchakov/oh-my-zsh-gorchak-theme/) - Inspired by [robbyrussell](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Themes#robbyrussell) and [af-magic](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Themes#af-magic). Includes decorators for `git` information and Node.js version.