The Untold Engine simplifies game development with a clean and intuitive API. Below is an example of how to use its core systems to create a basic game scene:
class GameScene {
init() {
// Step 1: Configure the Camera
eye: simd_float3(0.0, 7.0, 15.0), // Camera position
target: simd_float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // Look-at target
up: simd_float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // Up direction
// Step 2: Create a Stadium Entity
let stadium = createEntity()
setEntityMesh(entityId: stadium, filename: "stadium", withExtension: "usdc")
// Step 3: Create a Blue Player Entity
let bluePlayer = createEntity()
setEntityMesh(entityId: bluePlayer, filename: "blueplayer", withExtension: "usdc")
translateBy(entityId: bluePlayer, position: simd_float3(3.0, 0.0, 0.0)) // Adjust position
// Step 4: Create a Red Player Entity with Animation
let redPlayer = createEntity()
setEntityMesh(entityId: redPlayer, filename: "redplayer", withExtension: "usdc", flip: false)
setEntityAnimations(entityId: redPlayer, filename: "running", withExtension: "usdc", name: "running")
changeAnimation(entityId: redPlayer, name: "running") // Start animation
// Step 5: Enable Physics on the Red Player
setEntityKinetics(entityId: redPlayer)
// Step 6: Create an Entity for the Sun
let sunEntity: EntityID = createEntity()
// Step 7: Create a Directional Light Instance
let sun: DirectionalLight = DirectionalLight()
// Step 8: Add the Light to the Lighting System
lightingSystem.addDirectionalLight(entityID: sunEntity, light: sun)
This example demonstrates the following key features of the Untold Engine:
- Camera Setup:
- Use the lookAt method to position and orient the camera, specifying the eye position, the target to look at, and the up direction.
- Creating and Managing Entities:
- Create entities for objects in your scene, such as a stadium, players, and lights, using the createEntity() function.
- Loading and Assigning Meshes:
- Load .usdc model files using setEntityMesh() and link them to entities for rendering.
- Transformations:
- Move entities in the scene using translateBy() to adjust their positions.
- Animations:
- Assign animations to entities using setEntityAnimations() and control them by name with changeAnimation().
- Physics:
- Enable physics behaviors like movement and collisions for entities with setEntityKinetics().
- Lighting:
- Create a directional light (e.g., sunlight) and add it to the lighting system using addDirectionalLight().
When you run this code:
- A camera is set up to view the scene.
- A stadium and two players (one animated) appear in the game window.
- Sunlight illuminates the scene, creating realistic lighting effects.