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File metadata and controls

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README for guardian

Guardian is a set of orchestration tools for assembling objects into Glacier-ready packages, transferring to Glacier, and recording relevant Glacier information from successful transfers in a local database.

Table of contents


  • Ruby 2.3.0
  • MySQL
  • Amazon Glacier credentials

Supported Applications

Guardian currently supports assembly and transfer of objects for the following applications:


This workflow is two-fold, generating YML manifests for data to be transferred to Glacier based on a CSV manifest file. This repo contains an example of the template for the manifest linked here.

The guardian-make-todo script uses the todo_runner gem to generate individual YML manifests, one per archive to be sent to Glacier. The guardian-glacier-transfer script uses the stronghold gem to generate each archival ZIP package and transfer to Glacier. Glacier metadata (the archive ID and associated description) is loaded into the MySQL database for long-term storage upon each successful transfer.

To generate the YAML manifests, issue the following command:

ruby guardian-make-todo $SOURCE_CSV $DESTINATION

Where $SOURCE_CSV is the CSV file containing the data for the YAML manifests, and $DESTINATION is the directory on the filesystem where the manifests will be written to.

To begin the Glacier transfer process, issue the following command:

ruby guardian-glacier-transfer $PATH_TO_TODO_FILE

Where $PATH_TO_TODO_FILE is the path on the filesystem to the todo file (YAML manifest) that represents an object being transferred to Glacier. Note that this script runs on a per-file basis. To upload in batches, a bash script or partial matching with a wildcard character is recommended.


This workflow runs in Docker Swarm in production with Ruby and MySQL as two separate services. Local mounts for three filesystem locations are specified at runtime as Swarm does not currently support the use of env_file in docker-compose.


To deploy in Swarm, issue the following command:

LOCAL_BG_REMOTE=/local/abs/path/to/data LOCAL_ZIP_WORKSPACE=/local/abs/path/to/workspace LOCAL_LOG_FILE=/local/abs/path/to/logsdir/ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml guardian

The database container should take ~30 seconds to perform a health check before becoming available. Once the service is available, execute the following command to initialize the database:

docker exec $GUARDIAN_CONTAINER rake db_migrate

You should see the following output:

== 20180207220555 GlacierArchives: migrating ==================================
-- adapter_name()
   -> 0.0000s
-- adapter_name()
   -> 0.0000s
-- adapter_name()
   -> 0.0000s
-- create_table(:glacier_archives, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer})
   -> 0.0092s
== 20180207220555 GlacierArchives: migrated (0.0095s) =========================

Your deployment is now ready for use.


Workflow syntax in Swarm is as follows:

docker cp $CSV_MANIFEST $GUARDIAN_CONTAINER:/usr/src/app/.
docker exec -it $GUARDIAN_CONTAINER ruby guardian-make-todo $CSV_MANIFEST todos/
docker exec -it $GUARDIAN_CONTAINER bash -c "ruby guardian-glacier-transfer todos/*.todo"


The guardian-glacier-transfer script is a todo-runner that fetches, zips, and pushes packages of data to Glacier.

The todo-runner tasks, in order, are:

  1. :validate_todo_file -- confirm required fields are present and verification values are valid
  2. :fetch_source -- retrieve the source data specified in the todo-file
  3. :verify_fetch(*) -- if implemented, verify fetched data's content integrity
  4. :zip -- package source data in single zip file; store sha-256
  5. :verify_zip(*) -- if implemented and requested, verify zipped archive content integrity
  6. glacier -- push to Glacier and record information in FortDB database

(*) This feature implemented only for OPenn-rsync packages.

Sample YAML todo file:

:todo_base: directive_name_1
:source: "/$DOCKER_PATH/directive_name_1"
:workspace: workspace/directive_name_1
:compressed_destination: zip-workspace/directive_name_1/
:verification_destination: verify-workspace/directive_name_1
:cleanup_directories: workspace/directive_name_1|zip-workspace/directive_name_1|verify-workspace/directive_name_1
:glacier_description: '{"owner":"katherly","description":"directive_name_1"}'
:glacier_vault: vault_name
:application: bulwark
:method: gitannex
:verify_compressed_archive: 'true'

The YAML todo file keys are:

  • :todo_base -- the basename of the data package (e.g., 'mscodex1234')
    • used in logging messages
  • :source -- location of the source data
    • may be: a locally mounted path for a Bulwark-gitannex repo (e.g., git_share/mscodex1234); or a full rsync URL for OPenn-rsync (e.g., rsync://
    • used by :fetch_source task
  • :workspace -- path on the guardian server to which the data will be fetched
    • used by :fetch_source task
  • :compressed_destination -- path on the guardian server to the compressed zip file
    • used by :zip, :verify_zip and :glacier tasks
  • :verification_destination -- path on the guardian server to which to decompress the zipped archive for contents verification; required if :verify_compressed_archive is true
    • used by :verify_zip task
  • :cleanup_directories -- pipe-separated list of directories to remove upon transfer completion
    • used by :glacier task
  • :glacier_description -- JSON blob of archived description for upload to glacier as archive metadata and for storage in FortDb
    • must be a valid JSON string
    • used throughout
  • :glacier_vault -- name of the Glacier vault to which the archive should be pushed; e.g., 'openn'
    • used by :glacier task
  • :application -- the source application for the archive; 'bulwark' or 'openn'
    • used by :fetch_source, :verify_fetch, and :verify_zip tasks
  • :method -- archive retrieval method, 'gitannex' for 'bulwark' and 'rsync' for 'openn'
    • used by :fetch_source, :verify_fetch, and :verify_zip tasks
  • :verify_compressed_archive -- optional; 'true' if zip file contents should be verified
    • used by :verify_zip task

Data validation and checksumming

When each zip archive is created the :glacier_description value is updated with the SHA-256 checksum of the zipped archive. For example,

:archive_description: '{"owner":"demery","repository":"Walters Art Museum","openn_repo_id":"0020","description":"W681","archive_checksum":"094b114a0d79f09e6be1c4c893e4e1076d9432ff3218eac16d82fa2f6c30ecb5","archive_checksum_algorithm":"sha256"}'

Note that both 'archive_checksum' and 'archive_checksum_algorithm' properties have been added to the description.

When the #verify_fetch method is implemented for a given application-method combination (e.g, openn + rsync), this method should verify the source. This may be done by using a checksum manifest, for example. The method should return true only upon successful validation of the source data.

The :verify_zip task invokes the #verify_zip method when :verify_compressed_archive has a value of 'true'. When the #verify_zip method is implemented for a given application-method combination (e.g, openn + rsync), this method should:

  1. decompress the zipped archive to :verification_destination, and
  2. verify the decompressed content such that the verified fetched and zip contents are confirmed to be identical.

Important: If :verify_compressed_archive is true, then verification_destination must be provided; otherwise, the todo-file will fail validation.

If the #verify_zip method returns true, the :glacier_description value is updated noting the zip contents have been verified. In the following description, archive_contents_verified has the value true.

:archive_description: '{"owner":"demery","repository":"Walters Art Museum","openn_repo_id":"0020","description":"W681","archive_checksum":"094b114a0d79f09e6be1c4c893e4e1076d9432ff3218eac16d82fa2f6c30ecb5","archive_checksum_algorithm":"sha256""archive_contents_verified":true}'

NB: When an archive has been retrieved from Glacier, if the 'archive_checksum' is present and 'archive_contents_verified' is true, then the integrity of the archive content can be checked using the 'archive_checksum' and without having to verify the contents themselves.

Log level

By default log level is set to Logger::INFO. To control the log level set the GUARDIAN_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL.

Retrieving an archive

A note about Penn Libraries configuration:

To retrieve a Glacier archive for disaster recovery, SSH to the dedicated Guardian database server and check the database to retrieve the archive ID for the archive to be recovered.

Consult the Stronghold example usage section of its README to see syntax for retrieving and downloading an archive.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.