id | title | description | layout |
api |
Urlbox API Reference |
Technical reference for the Urlbox API |
reference |
Urlbox is a service that generates high quality screenshots, PDFs and other outputs from website URLs and HTML.
The base URL for all API requests is
{/* Urlbox uses Bearer authentication. */}
To authenticate an API request, provide your secret key in the Authorization
Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_SECRET_KEY}
You can generate a secret key by creating a Project. When you first sign up, Urlbox automatically creates a default project for you.
Errors are returned in JSON format, with a relevant status code, and a human readable message
. A code
will also be returned in some cases.
"error": {
"message": "Please confirm your email to continue using the API"
"code": "NotConfirmed"
The table below lists the usual HTTP status codes that will be returned and what they represent in the context of the Urlbox API:
Code | Description |
200 |
OK |
201 |
Render created |
302 |
Temporary redirect - for long-running renders |
400 |
Bad Request - request was invalid |
401 |
Unauthorized - API key is wrong |
429 |
Too many requests - Rate limit was reached |
500 |
Urlbox server error - Try again later |
502 |
Bad Gateway - Service temporary unavailable |
503 |
Service Unavailable - Temporarily offline for maintenance. Try again later |
The table below lists some of the most common error codes that may be returned in the code
field of an error object:
Code | Description |
NoApiKeySupplied |
No API key was supplied in the request |
UserNotFoundError |
A user for that API key could not be found |
ApiKeyNotFound |
The API key was not found |
ProjectNotFound |
A project for the API key was not found |
ProjectNotEnabled |
The project is not enabled |
NoPlan |
The user currently has no plan |
NotConfirmed |
The user has not confirmed their email address |
NotActive |
The user is not active (subscription has expired) |
FeatureNotAvailableOnPlan |
The feature is not available on the user's plan |
InvalidOptions |
The options supplied were invalid |
InvalidTtl |
The TTL supplied was invalid |
NoS3BucketConfigured |
The user has not configured an S3 bucket for their project |
RateLimitExceededError |
The user's rate limit has been exceeded |
TrialUsageReached |
The user's trial usage has been reached |
HTMLProcessError |
The HTML could not be processed |
InvalidQuery |
The query string was invalid |
NoUrlSupplied |
No URL was supplied in the request |
UrlWasNotAStringError |
The URL supplied was not a string |
InvalidURLExtensionError |
The URL extension was invalid |
InvalidURLError |
The URL was invalid |
URLDoesNotResolveError |
The URL does not resolve to a valid IP address |
RenderTimeoutError |
The render timed out before it could be completed |
TokenlessRequestsNotEnabled |
The user has not enabled tokenless (simple/unsigned URL) requests |
NoQuerySent |
No query was sent in the request |
TokenNotMatchedError |
The token supplied did not match the token for the query string |
EngineResponseNotOkError |
The rendering engine was not able to generate the render |
EngineAsyncResponseNotOkError |
The rendering engine was not able to generate the render (async) |
TimedOutError |
The request timed out |
NoRenderIdProvided |
No render ID was provided (when looking up a render) |
ApiKeyWrongFormat |
The API key was not sent in the correct format |
A render is our generic term for anything that can be generated by the API, for example a screenshot is a render, a pdf is a render, so too is a video. You can create all kinds of render using the same endpoint, by specifying the options relevant to that render kind.
Creating a render synchronously is achieved by calling this endpoint.This endpoint responds with `200 OK` once the render has been generated. The response body will contain a `renderUrl` key which is a temporary URL pointing to the generated render. This URL will expire after 30 days.
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| url | string | The URL to render |
| html | string | The HTML to render |
| format | string | The output format of the render. One of `png`, `jpg`,`webp`, `pdf`, `svg`, `mp4`,`webm`,`md` |
| width | integer | The width of the viewport in pixels |
| height | integer | The height of the viewport in pixels |
{{url: "", format: "png", width: 1280, height: 720, unique:'poo'}}