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+# NFT Pawn Shop Grant Application
+## Project Overview
+- Project: NFT Pawn Shop
+- Team Name: Berzan Bozhan
+- Payment Address: `0x2Fea522d64a208281F5FCA7c83b3977b37c90Cd6`
+### Overview
+My project is NFT Pawn Shop.
+It is a decentralized application that allows VeChain users to borrow money
+using their NFTs as collateral and earn interest by becoming a pawn broker.
+Other projects will be able to integrate their dApps with it and provide the same services.
+I believe that one day this project will be a standard for the entire VeChain ecosystem and each dApp will integrate it.
+I'm pretty confident that I can build this project in a way that I will be proud of.
+Building the project as safe & trustless won't be possible without a blockchain like VeChain.
+I hope this project will help VeChain community to access money without selling their NFTs and earn interest by lending money.
+### Project Details
+- NFT Pawn Shop is consisted of servers (backend server) and clients (users of the frontend).
+- Clients interact with the smart contract, and fetch data from servers.
+- Servers connect to VeChain nodes to fetch data from the smart contract.
+- Servers also connect to 3rd party NFT marketplaces for price data.
+- [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) will be used for the backend server.
+- [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/), [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) and [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) will be used for frontend.
+- The backend server will have a custom in-memory cache.
+- A custom design system will be used for the website.
+- Both the backend server and the frontend will be published as a [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) image.
+- Any NFT Marketplace or dApp will be able to integrate NFT Pawn Shop.
+### Ecosystem Fit
+There are a few NFT marketplaces like VeSea, OceanEx, World of V, etc.
+But none of them offer borrowing/lending services like NFT Pawn Shop will do.
+Also those NFT marketplaces will be able to integrate their dApps with NFT Pawn Shop using our documentation.
+So no matter what dApp VeChain users use they will be able to access the same services everywhere.
+## Team
+### Team members
+I am the solo developer who will build NFT Pawn Shop.
+- Berzan Bozhan
+### Team Website
+I currently don't have a personal website, but my GitHub profile is below.
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/
+### Team's experience
+I have been programming for around 4 years, though I've been late to create a GitHub profile.
+I've developed desktop applications, a few simple games, CLI tools, simple dApps, websites, etc.
+I worked for a few crypto projects last year but then I took a break.
+I've been improving my knowledge about various concepts ever since.
+I am confident that I can build this project as expected.
+Some projects I've been developing recently are below.
+### Team Code Repos
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/cosmwasm-name-system-contract
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/aptos-social-network-interface
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/aptos-dictionary-interface
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/aptos-social-network-contract
+- https://github.com/BerzanXYZ/aptos-dictionary-contract
+### Team LinkedIn Profiles
+I don't have/use a LinkedIn profile.
+## Development Roadmap
+#### Overview
+| | Milestone 1 | Milestone 2 | Total |
+| - | - |- | - |
+| Estimated Duration | 50 d | 40 d | 90 d |
+| Full-time equivalent (FTE) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+| Cost (up to $ 30,000) | $ 9,500 | $ 8,000 | $ 17,500|
+#### Milestone 1 — Smart Contract & Backend
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| 0a.| License | MIT |
+| 0b.| Development Environment | I will create [Dev Containers](https://containers.dev/) to make it easy to set up development environments. |
+| 1a. | Smart Contract: Development | I will develop the smart contract of NFT Pawn Shop.
It will include all the features like borrowing VET tokens using NFTs as collateral, lending VET tokens to earn interest, etc. |
+| 1b. | Smart Contract: Testing | The smart contract will have proper unit-test coverage to ensure functionality and robustness. |
+| 1c. | Smart Contract: Documentation | I will build a documentation website both for contributing and interacting with the smart contract. |
+| 2a | Backend: Development | I will develop a backend server for NFT Pawn Shop since VeChain nodes should not be kept busy.
It will be written in Rust language and use a cache to offer low latency.
Third party NFT marketplaces will be integrated for price data, etc. |
+| 2b. | Backend: Testing | The backend server will have proper unit-test coverage to ensure functionality and robustness. |
+| 2c. | Backend: Documentation | I will build a documentation website both for contributing and interacting with the backend server. |
+| 2d. | Backend: Docker Image | I will publish a Docker image for the backend server. |
+#### Milestone 2 — Client SDK, Wallet Adapter & Frontend
+| Number | Deliverable | Specification |
+| 1a | Client SDK: Development | I will develop client SDK for NFT Pawn Shop and publish it to [`NPM`](https://www.npmjs.com/).
It will make it easy to interact with the backend server without keeping VeChain nodes busy. |
+| 1b | Client SDK: Testing | The client SDK will have proper unit-test coverage to ensure functionality and robustness. |
+| 1c | Client SDK: Documentation | I will build a documentation website both for contributing and using the client SDK. |
+| 2a | Wallet Adapter: Development | I will develop a wallet adapter for VeChain using [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) framework and publish it to [`NPM`](https://www.npmjs.com/).
It will support all popular VeChain wallets. |
+| 2b | Wallet Adapter: Testing | The wallet adapter will have proper unit-test coverage to ensure functionality and robustness. |
+| 2c | Wallet Adapter: Documentation | I will build a documentation website both for contributing and using the wallet adapter. |
+| 3a | Frontend: Development | I will develop a frontend for NFT Pawn Shop using [SvelteKit](https://kit.svelte.dev/) & [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com/).
It will use the client SDK, the wallet adapter and the backend server.
I will use best practices to provide a good user experience. |
+| 3b | Frontend: Testing | The frontend will have proper unit-test coverage to ensure functionality and robustness. |
+| 3c | Frontend: Documentation | I will build a documentation website both for contributing and using the frontend. |
+| 3d. | Frontend: Docker Image | I will publish a Docker image for the frontend. |
+| 4a | Integration With Other dApps | As the client SDK only supports Svelte, I will implement React and Vue support for the client SDK.
To make it easy to integrate any dApp with NFT Pawn Shop, I will build a documentation website for integrations.
It will include tutorials for frontend frameworks like React, Vue and Svelte. |
+#### Community engagement
+I will create a Medium profile for NFT Pawn Shop and publish articles during the development.
+I will also create a Twitter profile for NFT Pawn Shop to promote the project and VeChain.
+## Future Plans
+My goal is that each part of the project will be owned and maintained by VeChain community.
+A good documentation will make it possible for any dApp to integrate NFT Pawn Shop.
+Hopefully, on chain activities will increase because of NFT Pawn Shop.
+## Additional Information
+I haven't started to develop NFT Pawn Shop yet.
+The only way for me to start building this project is getting a grant, because NFT Pawn Shop will not charge any fees.
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