diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e758f37..82466a8 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# temporary files
# Nextflow
@@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ target
# VS Code
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d6f144a..7496f36 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,744 @@
-Viash project template
+# Viash project template
-This repository is a template for setting up a new
-[Viash](https://viash.io) project. Follow the
-[“Quickstart”](https://viash.io/quickstart/) tutorial to learn how to
-get started with this repository.
+This repository is a template for setting up a new Viash project, and is
+part of the [Quickstart](https://viash.io/quickstart) tutorial to learn
+how to get started with this repository.
+## What is Viash?
+**Viash** is your go-to script wrapper for building data pipelines from
+modular software components. All you need is your trusty script and a
+metadata file to embark on this journey.
+Check out some of Viash’s key features:
+- Code in your [favorite scripting
+ language](./guide/component/create-component.html). Mix and match
+ scripting between multiple components to suit your needs. Viash
+ supports a wide range of languages, including Bash, Python, R, Scala,
+ JS, and C#.
+- A **custom Docker container** is auto-generated based on the
+ dependencies you’ve outlined in your metadata, meaning you don’t need
+ to be a Docker expert.
+- Viash also generates a **Nextflow module** from your script, so no
+ need to be a Nextflow guru either.
+- Effortlessly combine Nextflow modules to design and run scalable,
+ reproducible data pipelines.
+- Test every component on your local workstation using the convenient
+ built-in development kit.
+``` mermaid
+graph LR
+ subgraph component [Viash component]
+ subgraph script [Script]
+ direction TD
+ rlang[R script]
+ python[Python script]
+ bash[Bash script]
+ scriptetc[...]
+ end
+ config[Viash config]
+ end
+ viash_build[Viash build]
+ docker_image[Docker image]
+ executable[Executable]
+ nextflow[Nextflow workflow]
+ script & config --- viash_build --> docker_image & executable
+ docker_image -.-> executable & nextflow
+ viash_build --> nextflow
+ nextflow --dependency--> nextflow
+ subgraph compute [Compute environment]
+ direction TD
+ local[Local execution]
+ awsbatch[AWS Batch]
+ googlebatch[Google Cloud Batch]
+ hpc[HPC]
+ infraetc[...]
+ end
+ nextflow --> compute
+## Requirements
+This guide assumes you’ve already installed
+[Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install). and
+## Structure of this template project
+To get up and running fast, we provide a [template
+project](https://github.com/viash-io/viash_project_template) for you to
+use. It contains four components from the same package as well, which
+are combined into a Nextflow pipeline as follows:
+``` mermaid
+graph TD
+ input1(file1.tsv) --> B1[/remove_comments/] --> C1[/take_column/] --> Y
+ input2(file2.tsv)--> B2[/remove_comments/] --> C2[/take_column/] --> Y
+ Y[combine] --> D[/combine_columns/]
+ D --> output(output.tsv)
+This pipeline takes one or more TSV files as input and stores its output
+in an output folder.
+## Example usage
+To run the pipeline, first create example input files.
+Contents of `resources_test/file1.tsv`:
+ # this is a header
+ # this is also a header
+ one 0.11 123
+ two 0.23 456
+ three 0.35 789
+ four 0.47 123
+Contents of `resources_test/file2.tsv`:
+ # this is not a header
+ # just kidding yes it is
+ eins 0.111 234
+ zwei 0.222 234
+ drei 0.333 123
+ vier 0.444 123
+Finally, we also need to create a `params.yaml` file to specify the
+input files for the pipeline:
+Contents of `resources_test/params.yaml`:
+ param_list:
+ - id: file1
+ input: resources_test/file1.tsv
+ - id: file2
+ input: resources_test/file2.tsv
+Now run the pipeline:
+``` bash
+nextflow run viash-io/viash_project_template \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -r build/main \
+ -latest \
+ -profile docker \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ --publish_dir output
+ [33mNextflow 24.04.3 is available - Please consider updating your version to it(B[m
+ N E X T F L O W ~ version 23.10.0
+ Pulling viash-io/viash_project_template ...
+ Already-up-to-date
+ Launching `https://github.com/viash-io/viash_project_template` [distraught_elion] DSL2 - revision: ab9de07b03 [build/main]
+ input: [file1, [column:2, output:$id.$key.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ input: [file2, [column:2, output:$id.$key.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ [a2/364f5e] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:remove_comments:processWf:remove_comments_process (file1)
+ [98/8ee4c9] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:remove_comments:processWf:remove_comments_process (file2)
+ after remove_comments: [file1, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a2/364f5e24ac876c1c623e5108715c25/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ after remove_comments: [file2, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/98/8ee4c9834771af344d7d0e9171076c/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ [21/b4d65a] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:take_column:processWf:take_column_process (file2)
+ [32/66e33b] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:take_column:processWf:take_column_process (file1)
+ after take_column: [file2, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/21/b4d65aee46652cd8ce8bf1f41fcab3/file2.take_column.output, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ after take_column: [file1, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/32/66e33b9c2e5d2dfe6cf197db7d4434/file1.take_column.output, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ before combine_columns: [combined, [input:[/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/32/66e33b9c2e5d2dfe6cf197db7d4434/file1.take_column.output, /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/21/b4d65aee46652cd8ce8bf1f41fcab3/file2.take_column.output], _meta:[join_id:file1]]]
+ [4f/99d953] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:combine_columns:processWf:combine_columns_process (combined)
+ after combine_columns: [combined, [input:[/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/32/66e33b9c2e5d2dfe6cf197db7d4434/file1.take_column.output, /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/21/b4d65aee46652cd8ce8bf1f41fcab3/file2.take_column.output], _meta:[join_id:file1], output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/4f/99d95392847652f65a764f0001159d/combined.combine_columns.output]]
+ [76/7bf19f] Submitted process > workflow:publishStatesSimpleWf:publishStatesProc (combined)
+If you have a [Seqera Cloud](https://cloud.seqera.io) compute
+environment already set up, you can also launch the workflow there:
+``` bash
+cat > params.yaml < /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a7/c679ecc6ae8733335239af4e0d0dc9/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 09
+ │ └── b58e7035067d290c594b6d72f7821a
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a2/b3564fe776cf19c0edabc54d26c184/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 21
+ │ ├── b4d65aee46652cd8ce8bf1f41fcab3
+ │ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ │ └── input_1
+ │ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/98/8ee4c9834771af344d7d0e9171076c/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── e860a6cc83493cc30d3a143b52720f
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/5d/0cbbd10d655da98fd97096af3cab88/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 2d
+ │ └── 02ee3975fea97f2880ccd2810419a8
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── 30
+ │ └── 943cd9dca2d52f064c83a077c0030b
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 32
+ │ └── 66e33b9c2e5d2dfe6cf197db7d4434
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a2/364f5e24ac876c1c623e5108715c25/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 34
+ │ └── 01b46f7b0e2e645ab666e5018eabae
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/30/943cd9dca2d52f064c83a077c0030b/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 35
+ │ └── ff74feb03f9d5cf31be060f27b83ea
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/2d/02ee3975fea97f2880ccd2810419a8/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 3a
+ │ └── fc6d6918dc9e5fbe5ac206866c07d7
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/51/c6c6f3fdde45320e405d179f99d312/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 48
+ │ └── 8b8abb853b5655faca3e83b6cb87f4
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/ba/8a0be6177948bbd73bedbcd8139bf8/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 4f
+ │ └── 99d95392847652f65a764f0001159d
+ │ ├── combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/32/66e33b9c2e5d2dfe6cf197db7d4434/file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── input_2
+ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/21/b4d65aee46652cd8ce8bf1f41fcab3/file2.take_column.output
+ ├── 51
+ │ ├── 95b87d7f7d399dea480329c3b38517
+ │ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ │ └── input_1
+ │ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/9a/ad3aa863beece2788e3d92be2a6f73/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── c6c6f3fdde45320e405d179f99d312
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── 55
+ │ └── e11e0944472b95b72185b0df1220fb
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/e6/35d4d3da9b59d4067d39160a4bfc29/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 5b
+ │ └── d0afe02848b88c0eddf6d916cf154e
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/ff/92e90fad70cda6a2321828f66f6e20/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 5d
+ │ └── 0cbbd10d655da98fd97096af3cab88
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── 62
+ │ └── de6211e1d7789e99eb61cb441791a5
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/86/d861b82819ce1c8641a99dea5bc06d/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 63
+ │ └── 8f05732c75eb656755c96bae17b264
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 65
+ │ └── 74f3824fa5c47fe39f4a7afa513ba3
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 66
+ │ └── 231e28ffbaa4e2a1453ea9bc16a4cd
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/65/74f3824fa5c47fe39f4a7afa513ba3/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 6e
+ │ └── 6e14906d52ce474625898954ecdc23
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/63/8f05732c75eb656755c96bae17b264/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 76
+ │ └── 7bf19fa673c71d66ad67b332ff688d
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/4f/99d95392847652f65a764f0001159d/combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.state.yaml
+ │ └── _inputfile1
+ │ └── combined.combine_columns.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/4f/99d95392847652f65a764f0001159d/combined.combine_columns.output
+ ├── 7d
+ │ └── aa34e2647eacc36dd144b6a643283f
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 83
+ │ └── 7735332945bbaf93840edf9909b46f
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/7d/aa34e2647eacc36dd144b6a643283f/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 86
+ │ └── d861b82819ce1c8641a99dea5bc06d
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 8c
+ │ └── 0ed6763b13d090cc5ee720d27ef5cd
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/bf/ab6cbd0018d747facdfd11a71a2c25/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 91
+ │ └── 4476a4387a1901b58422821cdb8fa7
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/c2/de1bc7b847fe9c8633b88062cb9340/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 97
+ │ └── 6daabf50e09b9d2da9f86acf90d123
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/f3/c77cae694e5a7a8fe3f0d9da6e7ea7/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── 98
+ │ ├── 4b5da43710156221a5cc0f6deb76ad
+ │ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ │ └── input_1
+ │ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ │ └── 8ee4c9834771af344d7d0e9171076c
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── 9a
+ │ └── ad3aa863beece2788e3d92be2a6f73
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── a2
+ │ ├── 364f5e24ac876c1c623e5108715c25
+ │ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ │ └── input_1
+ │ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ │ └── b3564fe776cf19c0edabc54d26c184
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── a4
+ │ └── a74edbfaa812574d80fd75b09b83b1
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── a7
+ │ ├── 1be5d7138644b119c619b6ac5c29ff
+ │ │ ├── combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/51/95b87d7f7d399dea480329c3b38517/file2.take_column.output
+ │ │ └── input_2
+ │ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/3a/fc6d6918dc9e5fbe5ac206866c07d7/file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── c679ecc6ae8733335239af4e0d0dc9
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── ab
+ │ └── 7f98ad9acc62e80c52a003cebd92c4
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/b5/b331c8086ab5774c54627aba58c78f/combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.state.yaml
+ │ └── _inputfile1
+ │ └── combined.combine_columns.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/b5/b331c8086ab5774c54627aba58c78f/combined.combine_columns.output
+ ├── af
+ │ └── 5d914f45c9d88927d3b5119c1b53bc
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/b6/db73ceff64f21c975a4919a1650f14/combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.state.yaml
+ │ └── _inputfile1
+ │ └── combined.combine_columns.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/b6/db73ceff64f21c975a4919a1650f14/combined.combine_columns.output
+ ├── b0
+ │ └── e9494bca7fe10c457cca714d48373c
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/98/4b5da43710156221a5cc0f6deb76ad/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── b5
+ │ └── b331c8086ab5774c54627aba58c78f
+ │ ├── combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/b0/e9494bca7fe10c457cca714d48373c/file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── input_2
+ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/5b/d0afe02848b88c0eddf6d916cf154e/file1.take_column.output
+ ├── b6
+ │ └── db73ceff64f21c975a4919a1650f14
+ │ ├── combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/97/6daabf50e09b9d2da9f86acf90d123/file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── input_2
+ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/83/7735332945bbaf93840edf9909b46f/file2.take_column.output
+ ├── ba
+ │ └── 8a0be6177948bbd73bedbcd8139bf8
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── bc
+ │ └── ecc4ac2166ddce2d5f5f99750167ab
+ │ ├── combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/21/e860a6cc83493cc30d3a143b52720f/file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── input_2
+ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/48/8b8abb853b5655faca3e83b6cb87f4/file2.take_column.output
+ ├── bf
+ │ └── ab6cbd0018d747facdfd11a71a2c25
+ │ ├── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv
+ ├── c2
+ │ └── de1bc7b847fe9c8633b88062cb9340
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── d4
+ │ └── 84823059b693efb2cc0eee9cbb7e3f
+ │ ├── file1.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/da/fa0bfc9ac6fdd94a3d3c3d1a501e2d/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── d7
+ │ └── 49029eb5446a27efc5479b06db24e2
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a7/1be5d7138644b119c619b6ac5c29ff/combined.combine_columns.output
+ │ ├── combined.workflow.state.yaml
+ │ └── _inputfile1
+ │ └── combined.combine_columns.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a7/1be5d7138644b119c619b6ac5c29ff/combined.combine_columns.output
+ ├── d8
+ │ └── 368c2fea0ec08d02507cf67a00bbdd
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ ├── input_1
+ │ │ └── file2.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/62/de6211e1d7789e99eb61cb441791a5/file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── input_2
+ │ └── file1.take_column.output -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/09/b58e7035067d290c594b6d72f7821a/file1.take_column.output
+ ├── da
+ │ └── fa0bfc9ac6fdd94a3d3c3d1a501e2d
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── e6
+ │ └── 35d4d3da9b59d4067d39160a4bfc29
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ ├── f2
+ │ └── 48fb9e82c07932a4f8541e709f3aad
+ │ ├── file2.take_column.output
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file2.remove_comments.output.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/a4/a74edbfaa812574d80fd75b09b83b1/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ ├── f3
+ │ └── c77cae694e5a7a8fe3f0d9da6e7ea7
+ │ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ │ └── _viash_par
+ │ └── input_1
+ │ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ └── ff
+ └── 92e90fad70cda6a2321828f66f6e20
+ ├── file1.remove_comments.output.tsv
+ └── _viash_par
+ └── input_1
+ └── file1.tsv -> /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv
+ 235 directories, 151 files
+### Step 2: Build the Viash components
+With Viash you can turn the components in `src/` into Dockerized
+Nextflow modules by running:
+``` bash
+viash ns build --setup cachedbuild --parallel
+ Exporting combine_columns (template) =nextflow=> target/nextflow/template/combine_columns
+ Exporting remove_comments (template) =executable=> target/executable/template/remove_comments
+ Exporting remove_comments (template) =nextflow=> target/nextflow/template/remove_comments
+ Exporting take_column (template) =nextflow=> target/nextflow/template/take_column
+ Exporting combine_columns (template) =executable=> target/executable/template/combine_columns
+ Exporting take_column (template) =executable=> target/executable/template/take_column
+ Exporting workflow (template) =nextflow=> target/nextflow/template/workflow
+ [notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/viash-io/project_template/template/remove_comments:dev' with Dockerfile
+ [notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/viash-io/project_template/template/combine_columns:dev' with Dockerfile
+ [notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/viash-io/project_template/template/take_column:dev' with Dockerfile
+ All 7 configs built successfully
+This command not only transforms the Viash components in `src/` to
+Nextflow modules but it also builds the containers when appropriate
+(starting from the Docker cache when available using the `cachedbuild`
+argument). Once everything is built, a new **target** directory has been
+created containing the executables and modules grouped per platform:
+``` bash
+ls -l
+ total 68
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 1046 Jul 17 11:59 CHANGELOG.md
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 32219 Jul 17 11:37 LICENSE.md
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 245 Jul 17 11:37 main.nf
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 222 Jul 17 11:37 nextflow.config
+ drwxr-xr-x. 1 rcannood rcannood 174 Jul 17 13:01 output
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 1094 Jul 17 11:37 README.md
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 7819 Jul 17 13:00 README.qmd
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 7866 Jul 17 13:00 README.rmarkdown
+ drwxr-xr-x. 1 rcannood rcannood 58 Jul 17 12:47 resources_test
+ drwxr-xr-x. 1 rcannood rcannood 16 Jul 17 11:45 src
+ drwxr-xr-x. 1 rcannood rcannood 58 Jul 17 12:07 target
+ -rw-r--r--. 1 rcannood rcannood 511 Jul 17 12:03 _viash.yaml
+ drwxr-xr-x. 1 rcannood rcannood 196 Jul 17 13:01 work
+### Step 3: Run the pipeline
+You can now run the locally built pipeline using the following command:
+``` bash
+nextflow run . \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -profile docker \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ --publish_dir output
+ [33mNextflow 24.04.3 is available - Please consider updating your version to it(B[m
+ N E X T F L O W ~ version 23.10.0
+ Launching `target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf` [reverent_ampere] DSL2 - revision: 789e32dffb
+ input: [file1, [column:2, output:$id.$key.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ input: [file2, [column:2, output:$id.$key.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ [8f/850c4d] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:remove_comments:processWf:remove_comments_process (file2)
+ [61/8904a3] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:remove_comments:processWf:remove_comments_process (file1)
+ after remove_comments: [file2, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/8f/850c4d4b5974c7f0cae9c5168b2ae8/file2.remove_comments.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ [84/015399] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:take_column:processWf:take_column_process (file2)
+ after remove_comments: [file1, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/61/8904a30b52eb2d75b1c0f79560c4e2/file1.remove_comments.output.tsv, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ [26/aad439] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:take_column:processWf:take_column_process (file1)
+ after take_column: [file2, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/84/015399352b2ab968207ebedacae56a/file2.take_column.output, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file2.tsv]]
+ after take_column: [file1, [column:2, output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/26/aad43981204229e5a96afca102cc0e/file1.take_column.output, input:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/resources_test/file1.tsv]]
+ before combine_columns: [combined, [input:[/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/26/aad43981204229e5a96afca102cc0e/file1.take_column.output, /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/84/015399352b2ab968207ebedacae56a/file2.take_column.output], _meta:[join_id:file1]]]
+ [f1/ce34e2] Submitted process > workflow:run_wf:combine_columns:processWf:combine_columns_process (combined)
+ after combine_columns: [combined, [input:[/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/26/aad43981204229e5a96afca102cc0e/file1.take_column.output, /home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/84/015399352b2ab968207ebedacae56a/file2.take_column.output], _meta:[join_id:file1], output:/home/rcannood/workspace/viash-io/viash_project_template/work/f1/ce34e28b79f169d55de4b82ad995b9/combined.combine_columns.output]]
+ [65/7777c0] Submitted process > workflow:publishStatesSimpleWf:publishStatesProc (combined)
+This will run the different stages of the workflow , with the final
+result result being stored in a file named
+**run.combine_columns.output** in the output directory `output`:
+``` bash
+cat output/combined.workflow.output.tsv
-## Documentation
-The Viash documentation is available online at
+ "1" 0.11 0.111
+ "2" 0.23 0.222
+ "3" 0.35 0.333
+ "4" 0.47 0.444
-## License
-Copyright (C) 2020 Data Intuitive
+## What’s next?
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version.
+Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this quickstart tutorial, and
+we’re excited for you to delve deeper into the world of Viash! Our
+comprehensive [guide](https://viash.io/guide) and [reference
+documentation](https://viash.io/reference) is here to help you explore
+various topics, such as:
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Public License for more details.
+- [Creating a Viash component and converting it into a standalone
+ executable](https://viash.io/guide/component/create-component)
+- [Ensuring reproducibility and designing customised Docker
+ images](https://viash.io/guide/component/add-dependencies)
+- [Ensuring code reliability with unit testing for
+ Viash](https://viash.io/guide/component/unit-testing)
+- [Streamlining your workflow by performing batch operations on Viash
+ projects](https://viash.io/guide/project/batch-processing)
+- [Building Nextflow pipelines using Viash
+ components](https://viash.io/guide/nextflow_vdsl3)
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program. If not, see .
+So, get ready to enhance your skills and create outstanding solutions
+with Viash!
diff --git a/README.qmd b/README.qmd
index 1dd269e..a04fd8b 100644
--- a/README.qmd
+++ b/README.qmd
@@ -7,25 +7,259 @@ toc: false
-This repository is a template for setting up a new [Viash](https://viash.io) project. Follow the ["Quickstart"](https://viash.io/quickstart/) tutorial to learn how to get started with this repository.
+This repository is a template for setting up a new Viash project, and is part of the [Quickstart](https://viash.io/quickstart) tutorial to learn how to get started with this repository.
-## Documentation
+## What is Viash?
-The Viash documentation is available online at [`viash.io`](https://viash.io).
+**Viash** is your go-to script wrapper for building data pipelines from modular software components. All you need is your trusty script and a metadata file to embark on this journey.
-## License
+Check out some of Viash's key features:
-Copyright (C) 2020 Data Intuitive
+- Code in your [favorite scripting language](/guide/component/create-component.html). Mix and match scripting between multiple components to suit your needs. Viash supports a wide range of languages, including Bash, Python, R, Scala, JS, and C#.
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version.
+- A **custom Docker container** is auto-generated based on the dependencies you've outlined in your metadata, meaning you don't need to be a Docker expert.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Public License for more details.
+- Viash also generates a **Nextflow module** from your script, so no need to be a Nextflow guru either.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with this program. If not, see .
+- Effortlessly combine Nextflow modules to design and run scalable, reproducible data pipelines.
+- Test every component on your local workstation using the convenient built-in development kit.
+graph LR
+ subgraph component [Viash component]
+ subgraph script [Script]
+ direction TD
+ rlang[R script]
+ python[Python script]
+ bash[Bash script]
+ scriptetc[...]
+ end
+ config[Viash config]
+ end
+ viash_build[Viash build]
+ docker_image[Docker image]
+ executable[Executable]
+ nextflow[Nextflow workflow]
+ script & config --- viash_build --> docker_image & executable
+ docker_image -.-> executable & nextflow
+ viash_build --> nextflow
+ nextflow --dependency--> nextflow
+ subgraph compute [Compute environment]
+ direction TD
+ local[Local execution]
+ awsbatch[AWS Batch]
+ googlebatch[Google Cloud Batch]
+ hpc[HPC]
+ infraetc[...]
+ end
+ nextflow --> compute
+## Requirements
+This guide assumes you've already installed [Viash](https://viash.io/installation), [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install). and [Nextflow](https://www.nextflow.io/index.html#GetStarted).
+## Structure of this template project
+To get up and running fast, we provide a [template project](https://github.com/viash-io/viash_project_template) for you to use. It contains four components from the same package as well, which are combined into a Nextflow pipeline as follows:
+graph TD
+ input1(file1.tsv) --> B1[/remove_comments/] --> C1[/take_column/] --> Y
+ input2(file2.tsv)--> B2[/remove_comments/] --> C2[/take_column/] --> Y
+ Y[combine] --> D[/combine_columns/]
+ D --> output(output.tsv)
+This pipeline takes one or more TSV files as input and stores its output in an output folder.
+## Example usage
+To run the pipeline, first create example input files.
+Contents of `resources_test/file1.tsv`:
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+cat resources_test/file1.tsv
+Contents of `resources_test/file2.tsv`:
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+cat resources_test/file2.tsv
+Finally, we also need to create a `params.yaml` file to specify the input files for the pipeline:
+Contents of `resources_test/params.yaml`:
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+cat resources_test/params.yaml
+Now run the pipeline:
+nextflow run viash-io/viash_project_template \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -r build/main \
+ -latest \
+ -profile docker \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ --publish_dir output
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+# avoid ansi log for proper static output using -ansi-log false
+nextflow run viash-io/viash_project_template \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -r build/main \
+ -latest \
+ -profile docker \
+ --publish_dir output \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ -ansi-log false
+If you have a [Seqera Cloud](https://cloud.seqera.io) compute environment already set up, you can also launch the workflow there:
+cat > params.yaml <
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+viash ns build --setup cachedbuild --parallel
+This command not only transforms the Viash components in `src/` to Nextflow modules but it also builds the containers when appropriate (starting from the Docker cache when available using the `cachedbuild` argument). Once everything is built, a new **target** directory has been created containing the executables and modules grouped per platform:
+ls -l
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+ls -l
+### Step 3: Run the pipeline
+You can now run the locally built pipeline using the following command:
+nextflow run . \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -profile docker \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ --publish_dir output
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+# avoid ansi log for proper static output using -ansi-log false
+nextflow run . \
+ -main-script target/nextflow/template/workflow/main.nf \
+ -profile docker \
+ -params-file resources_test/params.yaml \
+ --publish_dir output \
+ -ansi-log false
+This will run the different stages of the workflow , with the final result result being stored in a file named **run.combine_columns.output** in the output directory `output`:
+cat output/combined.workflow.output.tsv
+```{bash echo=FALSE}
+cat output/combined.workflow.output.tsv
+## What's next?
+Congratulations, you've reached the end of this quickstart tutorial, and we're excited for you to delve deeper into the world of Viash!
+Our comprehensive [guide](https://viash.io/guide) and [reference documentation](https://viash.io/reference) is here to help you explore various topics, such as:
+* [Creating a Viash component and converting it into a standalone executable](https://viash.io/guide/component/create-component)
+* [Ensuring reproducibility and designing customised Docker images](https://viash.io/guide/component/add-dependencies)
+* [Ensuring code reliability with unit testing for Viash](https://viash.io/guide/component/unit-testing)
+* [Streamlining your workflow by performing batch operations on Viash projects](https://viash.io/guide/project/batch-processing)
+* [Building Nextflow pipelines using Viash components](https://viash.io/guide/nextflow_vdsl3)
+So, get ready to enhance your skills and create outstanding solutions with Viash!