- "Cache" -> add "getAdapter()" & "getSerializer()"
- "AdapterArray" -> add "getStaticValues()" & "getStaticKeys()"
- fix "symfony/var-exporter" for OpCache
use "symfony/var-exporter" for OpCache
-> better performance, because we don't need to serialize the data
-> but it's optional, because it required PHP >= 7.1
- "iSerializer" -> add "getName()"
- fix usage of "file_put_contents"
- fix errors from php 7.4
- fix return of "CacheChain" (return true, if one cache-instance was successfully)
- fix errors reported by phpstan (level 7)
- fix for APC(u) + CLI usage
- fix & new tests for "CacheChain" -> now accepts Cache objects instead of "iCache"
- hide "warning" about Zend OPcache API is restricted by "restrict_api"
- add "CacheAdapterAutoManager"
- fix typos in "CachePsr16"
- "iCache->setItemToDate()" now accepts DateTimeInterface instead of DateTime
- fix APC(u) detection for CLI usage
- use phpcs fixer
- "AdapterOpCache" -> use "opcache_compile_file()"
- add "AdapterFileSimple" + tests
- "Cache" -> add the possibility to disable the cache behavior via constructor() -> "disableCacheGetParameter, useCheckForAdminSession, useCheckForServerIpIsClientIp, useCheckForDev"
- "AdapterApcu" -> fixed php-warning from "apcu_clear_cache()"
- "AdapterOpCache" -> added
- "AdapterFile" -> remove duplicate file-get code
- "AdapterFile" -> fix php warning
- fix return from the "CacheChain"-class
- update phpunit-config
- drop support for PHP < 7.0
- use "strict_types"
- add support for PSR-16