- fix v10 compatibility
- Add setting to allow pronouns to be displayed next to players and actors names in the chatbox
- Fix character pronouns select for version 9
- Enable gender flag so use a generic gender field and if it doesn't save the gender to correct field for a system, handle it case by case.
- Fix an issue where the "Save to gender flag" is trying to be accessed on unsupported game systems
- Add functionality to select pronouns for a selected character in your player configuration
- Add functionality to display character pronouns on the player list, next to the character name
- Add functionality to save the pronoun to the actor's gender field. This has been tested on 5e systems and PF2e.
- Fix module for 0.8.x
- Add functionality to specify a list of pronouns via the setup menu
- Change player configuration to use list setup as opposed to a free text field
- Make sure to re-render the player list after pronoun tags has been loaded
- Refactor code to not clash with other modules, causing module to not work as expected
- Initial release