- CMake v3.21+
- A C++14 (17 for SYCL builds) compilant C++ compiler
- A CUDA compiler, (e.g.
, required only if CUDA is enabled) - A HIP compiler, (e.g.
or modernclang++
, required only if HIP is enabled) - A LLVM SYCL Compiler (e.g. DPC++, required only if SYCL enabled)
- Libxc (required only for host API)
ExchCXX provides a CMake build system with automatic dependency management (through FetchContent). As such, a simple CMake invocation will often suffice for most purposes
cmake -S /path/to/ExchCXX -B /path/to/binary [ExchCXX configure options]
cmake --build /path/to/binary # to build without installation
cmake --build /path/to/binary --target install # to install
ExchCXX is linkable both as an installed library as well as a CMake subproject via FetchContent
# ExchCXX Discovery
find_package( exchcxx REQUIRED )
target_link_libraries( my_target PUBLIC exchcxx::exchcxx )
# ExchCXX as CMake Subproject
# Set ExchCXX CMake options (see below)
# Pull master branch of ExchCXX
FetchContent_Declare( exchcxx
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github/com/wavefunction91/ExchCXX.git
GIT_TAG master
FetchContent_MakeAvailable( exchcxx )
# Link to target
target_link_libraries( my_target PUBLIC exchcxx::exchcxx )
Variable Name | Description | Default |
Enable Testing Framework (Catch2) | ON |
Enable Performance Benchmark | OFF |
Enable CUDA XC evaluator | OFF |
Enable HIP XC evaluator | OFF |
Enable SYCL XC evaluator (experimental) | OFF |
N.B. ExchCXX accelerator bindings are mutally exclusive - this is intentially and will be enforced on configure. If it would be desirable to support coexistance of these bindings for your application, please open an issue
must be set. For example, to build a fat binary for NVIDIA V100 and A100,
cmake [source locations] -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES="70;80" [additional options]
ExchCXX supports NVIDIA GPUs with CC >= 60.
ExchCXX support for SYCL is experimental, and the mechanism for enabling CMake support
is likely to change in the future.
SYCL builds require C++17 per the SYCL-2020 standard.
Due to the volitility in SYCL compiler development, ExchCXX does not provide automatic means to determine
the SYCL targets (e.g. NVIDIA-PTX, OpenMP, etc) for the platform of interest. As such, these must be
specified manually in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
. For example, building for a NVIDIA-PTX target with the DPC++
compiler may be achieved via
cmake [source locations] -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -fsycl" [additional options]