A variable is a named placeholder for a value of any type.
var variable_name;
var variable_name = "value";
var variable_name = "value"; // variable_name is a string
variable_name = 123; // variable_name is now a number
var uninitializated; // variable not initializated
uninitializated; // holds the special value `undefined`
There are five simple data types (or primitive types):
and one complex data type:
is a special value
a variable holds if it isn't initialized
is not a reserved word
var undefined = "hello"; // legal but not reccomended
is a special value
used to represent a null value
is a reserved word
var null = "hello"; // SyntaxError: Unexpected token null
Boolean data type has only two values:
and false
, used without quotes.
var t = true;
var f = false;
var int = 1;
var float = 3.14;
var float1 = .07; //missing decimal - interpreted as 0.07 preferred
var float2 = 1.; //missing digit after decimal - interpreted as integer 1
var float3 = 10.0; //whole number - interpreted as integer 10
var octal1 = 070; //octal for 56
var octal2 = 079; //invalid octal - interpreted as 79
var octal3 = 008; //invalid octal - interpreted as 8
var hex1 = 0x0; //hexadecimal for 0
var hex2 = 0xA; //hexadecimal for 10
var hex3 = 0X1F; //hexedecimal for 31
var exp1 = 1e+1; //1 * 10^1 = 10
var exp2 = 2e+3; //2 * 10^3 = 2000
var exp3 = 123e-3; //123 * 10^-3 = 0.123
Number.MIN_VALUE; // 5e-324 is the smallest representable number
Number.MAX_VALUE; // 1.7976931348623157e+308 is the largest representable number
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // the positive inifinity
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // negative infinity
Infinity - 1e307; //Infinity
Infinity - Infinity; //NaN
-Infinity * -1; //Infinity
Infinity * -1; //-Infinity
To determine if a value is finite there is the isFinite()
isFinite(0); //true
isFinite(1.7e308); //true
isFinite(1.8e308); //false
isFinite(Infinity); //false
isFinite(-Infinity); //false
isFinite(Number.MAX_VALUE + 1); //false
isFinite(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); //false
isFinite(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); //false
is a special value that represent "Not a Number"
is contagious, any operation involving NaN
always returns NaN
Nan + 1 * 2 / 3; //NaN
is not equal to any value, including NaN
NaN === NaN; //false
To determine if a value is "not a number" there is the isNaN()
isNaN(NaN); //true - NaN is NaN :)
isNaN(10); //false - 10 is a number
isNaN("10"); //false - can be converted to number 10
isNaN("blue"); //true - cannot be converted to a number
isNaN(true); //false - can be converted to number 1
A string is a sequence of character placed between single or double quotes.
"some characters";
'some characters and numbers 123 5.87';
'hello"; //syntax error - quotes must match
"\n" // new line
"\t" // tab
"\b" // backspace
"\r" // carriage return
"\f" // form feed
"\\" // backslash (`\`)
"\'" // single quote (`'`)
"\"" // double quote (`"`)
"\xnn" // character in hexadecimal code `nn` (`n` is a hexadecimal digit).
"\unnnn" // unicode character in hexadecimal code `nnnn` (`n` is a hexadecimal digit).
'he said \'hello\''; //"he said 'hello'"
"he said \"hello\""; //"he said "hello""
'\u03a3'; //"Σ"
'\x41'; //"A"
An object is an unordered collection of key/value pairs,
separated by commas ,
, placed within curly braces {
and }
The keys are strings, the values can be of any type.
var obj1 = {
s: "string value",
n: 123,
b: true,
o: { k: 2 }
The keys can optionally be placed in quotation marks.
var obj2 = {
"s": 'string value',
'key': 'another value',
"name with spaces": true