All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Filter new keywords from title
- Remove quotation mark from title
- Soundcloud downloader
- Makefile
- Path to whitelist
- Entry points path
- Settings for vscode
- New abstraction layer for URL providers
- User provider URL
- URL from Chrome
- URL from Netscape formated file
- New abstraction layer for Downloaders
- Download from YouTube
- New abstraction layer for Tag providers
- Tags from musicbrainzgs
- Tags from LastFM
- Tags from file with artist-tags map
- CHANGES file with all changes between releases
- Missing tags from v0.0.1 to v0.1.0 created
- Integration tests
- Demo visualisation
- Integration with GitlabCI
- CLI for llameDL and llameTagger
- Getting urls from Chrome is not default action anymore
- Structure of tests directory
- CLI for llameDL and llameTagger
- with entry points
- Regex for youtube videos titles
- Scrutinizer setup
- Docstring to class methods
- Whitelist file with whitelisted tags
- Setup.cfg for pytest and flake8
- Unit Tests for Tagger, IChrome and IYoutube
- Requirements-dev for TravisCI purpose
- Codecov, requires and scrutinizer support
- Tagger as stand-alone tool
- Regex for youtube videos titles
- Tags from LastFM are supported again if MusicBrainzgs have missing tags
- Support for python 2.7 (only python 3.5+ is supported)
- Travis CI
- Tags whitelist
- Tags searching from LastFM to MusicBrainz
- README with install informations
- Requirements file for Python requirements
- Functionality to get YouTube videos url from Chrome bookmarks
- Functionality to download YouTube video as mp3 file
- Functionality to add tags to mp3 files from LastFM