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Lab1 - 括弧匹配实验


1. 实验要求

  给定一个由括号构成的串,若该串是合法匹配的,返回串中所有匹配的括号对中左右括号距离的最大值;否则返回NONE。左右括号的距离定义为串中二者之间字符的数量,即$\max { j - i + 1 | (s_{i}, s_{j}) 是串s中一对匹配的括号}$。要求分别使用枚举法和分治法求解。

2. 实验思路

2.1 分治法求解思路

  • parenDist与pd为主要函数,算法思路描述如下(pd函数中描述的为主要思路)


  • params
    paren seq
        -> int option
  • steps

    1. divide the input paren seq into a tree.
    2. calculate using the function pd.(see details in the function pd)
    3. return first part of the result of pd, or NONE when it equals to SOME 0


  • params&returns
    paren seq
        -> (int option * int * int * int * int * int)
  • @s0 : input paren seq

  • @max(maximum length) : maximum length of matched paren seq so far.

  • @closed(maximum closed length) : the length of the longest closed paren seq.

    1. consists of one continuous matched paren seq, can not be separately matched , e.g. the @closed of "()()(())(" is 4 instead of 8
    2. has no right paren #")" next to its right, no left paren #"(" next to its left.
  • @lo(left open number) : number of unclosed left paren #"(".

  • @ro(right open number) : number of unclosed right paren #")".

  • @ld(left distance) : maximum distance for an unclosed right paren #")" to the left boundary.

  • @rd(right distance) : maximum distance for an unclosed left paren #"(" to the right boundary.

  • steps

    1. split the paren seq using showt recursely, for each recursion, calculate both subtree in parallel, and save the params needed from both side of subtrees.
    2. notice two point:
      1. a tree's length strictly equals to its rd+ld+closed.
      2. a tree can only have one closed part, or the part between two closed part should also be closed by a #"(" and a #")" according to the definition of @closed.
    3. judge whether left subtree's lo (llo) or right subtree's ro (rro) is larger, save the difference into curopen = llo-rro.
      1. if llo is larger:
        1. obviously, the new @closed equals to left subtree's @closed (closed=lclosed), because it has an unclosed #"(" next to its right, excluding all the right part to be closed.
        2. max is simply the record of whether the @max of both subtrees, the @closed of the cmerged one, or the recently merged and matched part, maybe unconfirmed to the second restrict of closed, is larger. That is max = maxium(lmax, rmax, closed, 2 * minimum(lrd, rld)).
        3. the new @lo equals to all the remained llo after the merge, together with the rlo that do nothing during the merge, the result is lo=curopen+rlo.
        4. because there is no ro on the right part (all closed by llo when merged), obviously the new @ro equals to the left subtree's @ro (ro=lro).
        5. having no relation to the merge, the new @ld equals to the left subtree's @ld (ld=lld).
        6. the new @rd equals to the sum of left subtree's @rd (lrd) and the whole right tree, that is rd=lrd+rld+rrd+rclosed according to step 2.1.
      2. if rro is larger:
        1. simply change all the 'l' and 'r' in step 3, notice that curopen should be changed to ~curopen
      3. if llo equals to rro:
        1. @closed should be max(lclosed, rclosed, lrd+rld) because in this case, the recently merged part (lrd+rld) is also closed.
        2. @max as shown in former cases.
        3. @ro equals lro, similar to step 3.1.4.
        4. @lo equals to rlo, combining step 3.3.3 and 3.2.1.
        5. @ld equals to lld, similar to step 3.1.5.
        6. @rd equals to rrd, combining step 3.3.5 and 3.2.1.
    4. return (@max, @closed, @lo, @ro, @ld, @rd)

3. 回答问题

3.1 关于枚举法求解

  • Task 5.2 (5%). What is the work and span of your brute-force solution? You should assume subseq has $\mathcal {O} (1)$ work and span.

  • Answer 5.2

    • $\mathcal {O} (n^ 3)$.

3.2 关于分治法求解

  • Task 5.4 (20%). The specification in Task 5.3 stated that the work of your solution must follow a recurrence that was parametric in the work it takes to view a sequence as a tree. Naturally, this depends on the implementation of SEQUENCE.

    1. Solve the work recurrence with the assumption that $W_{showt}\in {\Theta(lg n)}$ where n is the length of the input sequence.
    2. Solve the work recurrence with the assumption that $W_{showt}\in {\Theta(n)}$ where n is the length of the input sequence.
    3. In two or three sentences, describe a data structure to implement the sequence $\alpha$ seq that allows showt to have $\Theta(lg n)$ work.
    4. In two or three sentences, describe a data structure to implement the sequence $\alpha$ seq that allows showt to have $\Theta(n)$ work.
  • Answer 5.4

    1. $W(n) = \mathcal {O} (n)$.
      1. To solve this, first we need to know that $W(n) = 2W(\frac {n}{2}) + \lg {n}$ represent a leaves domainated complexity. As following. $$\frac {2\lg {\frac {n}{2}}}{\lg {n}} = \frac {2\lg {n} - 2\lg {2}}{\lg {n}} = 2 - \frac {2\lg{2}}{\lg {n}}$$ $$\because \frac {2\lg {2}}{\lg {n}} < 1, {n\to\infty}$$ $$\therefore \frac {2\lg {\frac {n}{2}}}{\lg {n}} > 1, {n\to\infty}$$
      2. Then it's easy to solve the answer by brick method, shown as following. $$W(n) \approx \mathcal {O} (2^ {\lg {n} - 1} {\lg {\frac {n}{2^ {\lg {n} - 1}}}}) \sim \mathcal {O} (n\lg {\frac {n}{\frac {n}{2}}}) \sim \mathcal {O} (n)$$ $$\therefore W(n) = \mathcal {O} (n)$$
    2. $W(n) = \mathcal {O} (n\log {n})$.
      • For this one, we can easily get the answer via the master theorem. $$\because W(n) = aW(\frac {n}{b}) + cn^d, a=2, b=2, c=1, d=1$$ $$\therefore W(n) = \mathcal {O} (n^ d \log {n}) = \mathcal {O} (n\log {n})$$
    3. A BST using the order of appearance as keys, with the total length saved. It's easy to know that searching for the half length element costs $\Theta(\log {n})$. Then take and drop can both be done using split with the half length element, which also costs $\Theta(\log {n})$, as is shown in the class. $$W_{showt} = [\Theta(\log {n}) + \Theta(\log {n})] \sim \Theta(\log {n})$$
    4. A two-way linked list is suitable, for $\Theta(n)$ is needed to calculate it's length, and $\Theta(\frac {n} {2})$ for both take and drop. $$W_{showt} = [\Theta(\frac {n}{2}) + \Theta(\frac {n}{2}) + \Theta(n)] \sim \Theta(n)$$

3.3 关于渐进复杂度分析

  • Task 6.1 (5%). Rearrange the list of functions below so that it is ordered with respect to $\mathcal {O}$—that is, for every index i, all of the functions with index less than i are in $big-\mathcal {O}$ of the function at index i. You can just state the ordering; you don’t need to prove anything.

    1. $f(x) = n^ {log {n^ 2}}$
    2. $f(n) = 2n^ {1.5}$
    3. $f(n) = {n^ n}!$
    4. $f(n) = {43}^ n$
    5. $f(n) = lg {lg{lg{lg n}}}$
    6. $f(n) = {36}n^ {52} + 15n^ {18} + n^ 2$
    7. $f(n) = n^ {n!}$
  • Answer 6.1

    • 5261473
  • Task 6.2 (15%). Carefully prove each of the following statements, or provide a counterexample and prove that it is in fact a counterexample. You should refer to the definition of $big-\mathcal {O}$. Remember that verbose proofs are not necessarily careful proofs.

    1. $\mathcal {O}$ is a transitive relation on functions. That is to say, for any functions $f$, $g$, $h$, if $f\in {\mathcal {O} (g)}$ and $g\in {\mathcal {O} (h)}$, then $f\in {\mathcal {O} (h)}$.
    2. $\mathcal {O}$ is a symmetric relation on functions. That is to say, for any functions $f$ and $g$ , if $f\in {\mathcal {O} (g)}$ , then $g\in {\mathcal {O} (f)}$.
    3. $\mathcal {O}$ is an anti-symmetric relation on functions. That is to say, for any functions $f$ and $g$ , if $f\in {\mathcal {O} (g)}$ and $g\in {\mathcal {O} (f)}$, then $f = g$.
  • Answer 6.2

    1. True. $f\in {\mathcal {O} (g)}$ shows $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {f(n)}{g(n)}} \neq \infty$; $g\in {\mathcal {O} (h)}$ shows $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {g(n)}{h(n)}} \neq \infty$. So that we have $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {f(n)}{g(n)}\frac {g(n)}{h(n)}} \neq \infty$, therefore $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {f(n)}{h(n)}} \neq \infty$, then $f\in {\mathcal {O} (h)}$.
    2. False. Counterexample: $f(n) \in \mathcal {O} (\lg {n})$ and $g(n) = n$. According to 1, because we have $\mathcal {O} (\lg {n}) \in \mathcal {O} (n)$ (proved using limitation), then $f(n) \in \mathcal {O} (g(n))$, showing this is an example where $f \in \mathcal {O} (g)$. However, $\because\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {g(n)}{\lg {n}}} = \lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {n}{\lg {n}}} = \infty, \lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {\lg {n}}{f(n)}} \neq 0$; $\therefore\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {g(n)}{f(n)}} = \infty$, at variance to $g \in \mathcal {O} (f)$, which needs $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {g(n)}{f(n)}} \neq \infty$.
    3. False. Counterexample: $f(n) = 2n, g(n) = n$. For this example, obviously $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {g(n)}{f(n)}} \neq \infty$, $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty}{\frac {f(n)}{g (n)}} \neq \infty$, then we get $f\in {\mathcal {O} (g)}$ and $g\in {\mathcal {O} (f)}$, but $f \neq g$.