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<p><em>Dharma Pearls</em> is a repository of freely available modern English translations of Chinese Buddhist texts. While it currently has a limited number of texts available, more will be added every month.</p>
<p>You can start exploring the English <a href="translations.html">translations</a> that are available, check on <a href="whats-new.html">what’s been added</a> to the site since you’re last visit, or read <a href="project_overview.html">an overview of the project’s goals and future plans</a>.</p>
<p>You can also contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Charles Patton</a> by email with questions, corrections, or suggestions. You can also visit the <em>Dharma Pearls</em> <a href="https://github.com/winterdharma/DharmaPearls">repo on Github</a> and <a href="https://github.com/winterdharma/DharmaPearls/issues/new">open an issue</a> to report bugs or suggest improvements.</p>
<p>This translation project is made possible by sponsers like <a href="https://buddhism.net" target="_blank">Buddhism.net</a> and <a href="https://suttacentral.net" target="_blank">SuttaCentral</a> as well as the many generous supporters who’ve made contributions over the past several years through <a href="https://patreon.com/DharmaPearls" target="_blank">Patreon</a> and <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JSTK8MM8J5Y7W" target="_blank">Paypal</a>.</p>
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88c753 417 1392 875 2018 1446 172 157 545 532 689 694 1161 1296 1966 2875 2265 4440 130 678 118 1536-35 2630-328 2345-1211 5208-2303 7465-65 135-116 248-112 252 5 6 948 382 1855 742 895 387 1828 788 1836 787 6 0 50-116 99-257 824-2368 2224-5017 3650-6907 665-882 1264-1497 1835-1885 1318-895 3004-1442 4741-1538 217-12 745-14 978-3 847 39 1622 167 2450 404l173 49 49 173c237 828 365 1603 404 2450 11 232 9 761-4 978-95 1737-642 3423-1537 4741-388 571-1003 1169-1885 1835-1890 1426-4539 2826-6907 3650-141 49-257 93-257 99-1 8 400 941 787 1836 360 907 736 1850 742 1855 4 4 117-47 252-112 2257-1092 5120-1975 7465-2303 1094-153 1952-165 2630-35 1565 299 3144 1104 4440 2265 162 144 537 517 694 689 571 626 1029 1265 1446 2018l88 157-88 157c-417 753-875 1392-1446 2018-157 172-532 545-694 689-1296 1161-2875 1966-4440 2265-678 130-1536 118-2630-35-2345-328-5208-1211-7465-2303-135-65-248-116-252-112-6 5-382 949-742 1855-387 896-788 1829-787 1836 0 6 116 50 257 99 2368 824 5017 2224 6907 3651 882 665 1497 1263 1885 1835 895 1318 1442 3003 1537 4741 13 216 15 745 4 978-39 846-167 1622-404 2449l-49 173-173 49a10292 10292 0 0 1-3428 401c-1737-95-3423-643-4741-1538-571-387-1170-1003-1835-1884-1426-1891-2826-4539-3650-6907-49-142-93-258-99-258-8 0-941 401-1836 787-907 360-1850 736-1855 742-4 4 47 117 112 252 1092 2257 1975 5120 2303 7465 153 1094 165 1952 35 2630-299 1565-1104 3144-2265 4440-144 162-517 537-689 694a10353 10353 0 0 1-2018 1446l-157 88-157-88c-753-417-1392-875-2018-1446-172-157-545-532-689-694-1161-1296-1966-2875-2265-4440-130-678-118-1536 35-2630 328-2345 1211-5208 2303-7465 65-135 116-248 112-252-6-6-949-382-1855-742-896-386-1829-787-1837-787-5 0-49 116-99 258-823 2368-2223 5016-3650 6907-665 881-1263 1497-1835 1884-1318 895-3003 1443-4741 1538a10353 10353 0 0 1-3427-401l-173-49-49-173c-238-827-366-1603-405-2449-10-233-9-762 4-978 95-1738 643-3423 1538-4741 387-572 1003-1170 1884-1835 1890-1427 4539-2827 6907-3651 142-49 258-93 258-99 0-7-401-940-787-1836-360-906-737-1850-742-1855-4-4-117 47-252 112-2257 1092-5120 1975-7465 2303-1094 153-1952 165-2630 35-1565-299-3144-1104-4440-2265-162-144-537-517-694-689a10353 10353 0 0 1-1446-2018l-88-157Z"></path><circle cx="71312.7" cy="39140.2" r="6000" fill="#fff"></circle><path d="m46582 63890-8 7-6-13-13-5 8-9-92-270c-761-2304-1034-4766-809-7267a19782 19782 0 0 1 2261-7504 19782 19782 0 0 1-6905-3708c-1928-1610-3475-3544-4566-5711-57-112-105-211-127-256l-11-1 5-13-5-13h11c22-46 70-145 127-257 1091-2167 2638-4101 4566-5710a19782 19782 0 0 1 6905-3708 19782 19782 0 0 1-2260-7505c-226-2501 47-4963 808-7266l92-271-8-9 13-5 6-13 8 8c48-17 152-53 271-92 2304-761 4765-1035 7266-809a19782 19782 0 0 1 7505 2260 19782 19782 0 0 1 3708-6905c1610-1928 3544-3475 5711-4566 112-56 210-105 256-126l1-12 13 5 13-5v12c46 21 145 70 257 126 2167 1091 4101 2638 5710 4566a19782 19782 0 0 1 3708 6905 19782 19782 0 0 1 7505-2260c2501-226 4962 48 7266 809 119 39 224 75 271 92 5-6 8-8 9-8l5 13 13 5-8 9c17 47 53 152 92 271 761 2303 1035 4765 809 7266a19782 19782 0 0 1-2260 7505 19782 19782 0 0 1 6905 3708c1928 1609 3475 3543 4566 5710 56 112 105 211 126 257h12l-6 13 6 13-12 1c-21 45-70 144-126 256-1091 2167-2638 4101-4566 5710a19782 19782 0 0 1-6905 3709 19782 19782 0 0 1 2260 7505c226 2500-48 4962-809 7266-39 119-75 223-92 270l8 9-13 5-5 13c-1 1-4-2-9-7l-271 92c-2304 760-4765 1034-7266 808a19782 19782 0 0 1-7505-2260 19782 19782 0 0 1-3708 6905c-1609 1928-3543 3475-5710 4566-112 57-211 105-257 127v11l-13-5-13 5-1-11c-46-22-144-70-256-127-2167-1091-4101-2638-5710-4566a19782 19782 0 0 1-3709-6905 19782 19782 0 0 1-7505 2260c-2501 226-4962-48-7266-808l-271-92Zm-3884-24593c417 753 875 1392 1446 2018 157 172 532 545 694 689 1296 1161 2875 1966 4440 2265 678 130 1536 118 2630-35 2345-328 5208-1211 7465-2303 135-65 248-116 252-112 5 5 382 949 742 1855 386 896 787 1829 787 1836 0 6-116 50-258 99-2368 824-5017 2224-6907 3651-881 665-1497 1263-1884 1835-895 1318-1443 3003-1538 4741-13 216-14 745-4 978 39 846 167 1622 405 2449l49 173 173 49a10284 10284 0 0 0 3427 401c1738-96 3423-643 4741-1538 572-387 1170-1003 1835-1884 1427-1891 2827-4539 3650-6907 50-142 94-258 99-258 8 0 941 401 1837 787 906 360 1849 736 1855 742 4 4-47 117-112 252-1092 2257-1975 5120-2303 7465-153 1094-165 1952-35 2630 299 1565 1104 3144 2265 4440 144 162 517 537 689 694 626 571 1265 1029 2018 1446l157 88 157-88c753-417 1392-875 2018-1446 172-157 545-532 689-694 1161-1296 1966-2875 2265-4440 130-678 118-1536-35-2630-328-2345-1211-5208-2303-7465-65-135-116-248-112-252 5-6 948-382 1855-742 895-386 1828-787 1836-787 6 0 50 116 99 258 824 2368 2224 5016 3650 6907 665 881 1264 1497 1835 1884 1318 895 3004 1442 4741 1538a10353 10353 0 0 0 3427-401l174-49 49-173c237-827 365-1603 404-2449 11-233 9-762-4-978-95-1738-642-3423-1537-4741-388-572-1003-1170-1885-1835-1890-1427-4539-2827-6907-3651-141-49-257-93-257-99-1-7 400-940 787-1836 360-906 736-1850 742-1855 4-4 117 47 252 112 2257 1092 5120 1975 7465 2303 1094 153 1952 165 2630 35 1565-299 3144-1104 4440-2265 162-144 537-517 694-689 571-626 1029-1265 1446-2018l87-157-87-157c-417-753-875-1392-1446-2018-157-172-532-545-694-689-1296-1161-2875-1966-4440-2265-678-130-1536-118-2630 35-2345 328-5208 1211-7465 2303-135 65-248 116-252 112-6-5-382-948-742-1855-387-895-788-1828-787-1836 0-6 116-50 257-99 2368-824 5017-2224 6907-3650 882-666 1497-1264 1885-1835 895-1318 1442-3004 1537-4741 13-217 15-746 4-978-39-847-167-1622-404-2450l-49-173-173-49c-828-237-1603-365-2450-404-233-11-761-9-978 3-1737 96-3423 643-4741 1538-571 388-1170 1003-1835 1885-1426 1890-2826 4539-3650 6907-49 141-93 257-99 257-8 1-941-400-1836-787-907-360-1850-736-1855-742-4-4 47-117 112-252 1092-2257 1975-5120 2303-7465 153-1094 165-1952 35-2630-299-1565-1104-3144-2265-4440-144-162-517-537-689-694a10353 10353 0 0 0-2018-1446l-157-88-157 88c-753 417-1392 875-2018 1446-172 157-545 532-689 694-1161 1296-1966 2875-2265 4440-130 678-118 1536 35 2630 328 2345 1211 5208 2303 7465 65 135 116 248 112 252-6 6-949 382-1855 742-896 387-1829 788-1837 787-5 0-49-116-99-257-823-2368-2223-5017-3650-6907-665-882-1263-1497-1835-1885-1318-895-3003-1442-4741-1538-216-12-745-14-978-3-846 39-1622 167-2449 404l-173 49-49 173c-238 828-366 1603-405 2450-10 232-9 761 4 978 95 1737 643 3423 1538 4741 387 571 1003 1169 1884 1835 1890 1426 4539 2826 6907 3650 142 49 258 93 258 99 0 8-401 941-787 1836-360 907-737 1850-742 1855-4 4-117-47-252-112-2257-1092-5120-1975-7465-2303-1094-153-1952-165-2630-35-1565 299-3144 1104-4440 2265-162 144-537 517-694 689a10353 10353 0 0 0-1446 2018l-88 157 88 157Z"></path></g></svg></a>
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