Angular 2's router comes with many features for routing based on path's and loading specific components. This course gives you an intro to how to configure your routes, navigate between them, and use services and guards when navigating to routes.
- Configure Your First Angular 2 Route 3:31
- Map a Second Angular 2 Route to a Component 0:49P
- Build Angular 2 Navigation with routerLink 0:38P
- Lazy Load Angular 2 Modules with the Router 5:15P
- Style the Active Angular 2 Navigation Element with routerLinkActive 1:53P
- Use Params from Angular 2 Routes Inside of Components 3:07P
- Understand the Angular 2 Base href Requirement 3:48P
- Build Dynamic Angular 2 Navigation with ngFor 1:49P
- Load Data to Build Angular 2 Navigation 3:29P
- Load Data Based on Angular 2 Route Params 5:16P