diff --git a/class-virtualmerchant.php b/class-virtualmerchant.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e402dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/class-virtualmerchant.php
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ 0 ) {
+ $CardNumber = $_POST['CardNumber'];
+ } else {
+ $errorMsg .= __( 'Credit Card Number Required', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( isset( $_POST['ExpiryMonth'] ) && strlen( $_POST['ExpiryMonth'] ) > 0 ) {
+ $ExpiryMonth = $_POST['ExpiryMonth'];
+ } else {
+ $errorMsg .= __( 'Credit Card Expiry Month Required', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( isset( $_POST['ExpiryYear'] ) && strlen( $_POST['ExpiryYear'] ) > 0 ) {
+ $ExpiryYear = $_POST['ExpiryYear'];
+ } else {
+ $errorMsg .= __( 'Credit Card Expiry Year Required', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( isset( $_POST['Cvc2'] ) && strlen( $_POST['Cvc2'] ) > 0 ) {
+ $Cvc2 = $_POST['Cvc2'];
+ } else {
+ $errorMsg .= __( 'Credit Card Cvc2 code Required', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( strlen( $errorMsg ) > 0 ) {
+ $this->set_error_message( $errorMsg );
+ header( 'Location: '.$this->cart_data['shopping_cart_url'] );
+ exit();
+ }
+ $options = get_option( 'wpsc_vmerchnat' );
+ // temp vars to make things easier
+ if ( get_option('permalink_structure') != '' ) {
+ $separator ="?";
+ } else {
+ $separator ="&";
+ }
+ if ( $options['mode'] == 'test' ) {
+ // test url goes here
+ $url = 'https://demo.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchantDemo/process.do';
+ } else {
+ //live url goes here
+ $url = 'https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/process.do';
+ }
+ $amount = number_format( $this->cart_data['total_price'], 2, '.', '' );
+ $sales_tax = $this->cart_data['cart_tax'];
+ $invoice_number = $this->cart_data['session_id'];
+ $email = $this->cart_data['email_address'];
+ $transaction_results_page = $this->cart_data['transaction_results_url'];
+ $credit_card_date = $ExpiryMonth . '' . $ExpiryYear;
+ // optional vars
+ $first_name = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['first_name']);
+ $last_name = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['last_name']);
+ $address2 = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['address']);
+ $city = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['city']);
+ $state = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['state']);
+ $country = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['country'];
+ // avs vars
+ if ( $options['avs'] == 'yes' ) {
+ $avs_zip = $this->cart_data['billing_address']['post_code'];
+ $avs_address = $this->cleanInput($this->cart_data['billing_address']['address']);
+ }
+ $form = '
+ ';
+ echo $form;
+ exit();
+ }
+ private function cleanInput($strRawText){
+ $iCharPos = 0;
+ $chrThisChar = "";
+ $strCleanedText = "";
+ $strAllowableChars = "0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_/\(),.:|";
+ $blnAllowAccentedChars = TRUE;
+ //Compare each character based on list of acceptable characters
+ while ( $iCharPos < strlen( $strRawText ) ) {
+ // Only include valid characters **
+ $chrThisChar = substr($strRawText, $iCharPos, 1);
+ if ( strpos( $strAllowableChars, $chrThisChar ) !== FALSE ) {
+ $strCleanedText = $strCleanedText . $chrThisChar;
+ } elseIf ( $blnAllowAccentedChars == TRUE ) {
+ // Allow accented characters and most high order bit chars which are harmless **
+ if ( ord( $chrThisChar ) >= 191 ) {
+ $strCleanedText = $strCleanedText . $chrThisChar;
+ }
+ }
+ $iCharPos = $iCharPos + 1;
+ }
+ return $strCleanedText;
+ }
+if ( isset( $_GET['ssl_card_number'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_exp_date'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_amount'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_invoice_number']) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_result_message'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_txn_id'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_approval_code'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_cvv2_response'] ) &&
+ isset( $_GET['ssl_txn_time'] ) ) {
+ add_action('init', 'wpec_vmerchant_ipn');
+function wpec_vmerchant_ipn() {
+ $sessionid = $_GET['ssl_invoice_number'];
+ if ( $_GET['ssl_result_message'] == 'APPROVED' || $_GET['ssl_result_message'] == 'APPROVAL' ) {
+ // success
+ $purchase_log = new WPSC_Purchase_Log( $sessionid, 'sessionid' );
+ $purchase_log->set( array(
+ 'processed' => WPSC_Purchase_Log::ACCEPTED_PAYMENT,
+ 'transactid' => $_GET['ssl_txn_id'],
+ 'notes' => 'Virtual Merchant time : "' . $_GET['ssl_txn_time'] . '"',
+ ) );
+ $purchase_log->save();
+ // set this global, wonder if this is ok
+ transaction_results( $sessionid, true );
+ } else {
+ // success
+ $purchase_log = new WPSC_Purchase_Log( $sessionid, 'sessionid' );
+ $purchase_log->set( array(
+ 'processed' => WPSC_Purchase_Log::INCOMPLETE_SALE,
+ 'transactid' => $_GET['ssl_txn_id'],
+ 'notes' => 'Virtual Merchant time : "' . $_GET['ssl_txn_time'] . '"',
+ ) );
+ $purchase_log->save();
+ $error_messages = wpsc_get_customer_meta( 'checkout_misc_error_messages' );
+ if ( ! is_array( $error_messages ) )
+ $error_messages = array();
+ $error_messages[] = '' . urldecode( $_GET['ssl_result_message'] ) . ' ';
+ wpsc_update_customer_meta( 'checkout_misc_error_messages', $error_messages );
+ $checkout_page_url = get_option( 'shopping_cart_url' );
+ if ( $checkout_page_url ) {
+ header( 'Location: '.$checkout_page_url );
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/includes/functions.php b/includes/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b72cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ $value ) {
+ $options[$name] = rtrim($value);
+ }
+ update_option( 'wpsc_vmerchnat', $options );
+ return true;
+function wpec_virtualmerchant_settings_form() {
+ $args = array(
+ 'user_id' => '',
+ 'merchant_id' => '',
+ 'pin' => '',
+ 'avs' => 'no',
+ 'mode' => 'live'
+ );
+ add_option( 'wpsc_vmerchnat', $args );
+ $options = get_option( 'wpsc_vmerchnat' );
+ $output = '
+ '. __( 'Account ID', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) .'
+ ' . __( 'User ID', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) .'
+ ' . __( 'Merchant Pin', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) .'
+ ' . __( 'AVS Security', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) .'
+ ' . TXT_WPSC_YES . '
+ ' . TXT_WPSC_NO . '
+ ' . __( 'Mode', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) .'
+ ' . __( 'Live Mode', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . '
+ ' . __( 'Test Mode', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ) . '
+ ';
+ $struc = get_option('permalink_structure');
+ if ( $struc == '' ) {
+ $output .= '
+ '.__( 'This Gateway will only work if you change your permalink structure do anything except the default setting. In Settings->Permalinks', 'wpsc_gold_cart' ).'
+ ';
+ }
+ return $output;
+function wpec_vmerchant_checkout_fields() {
+ global $gateway_checkout_form_fields;
+ if( in_array( 'wpec_virtualmerchant', (array) get_option('custom_gateway_options') ) ) {
+ $curryear = date( 'Y' );
+ $curryear_2 = date( 'y' );
+ $years = '';
+ //generate year options
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) {
+ $years .= "" . $curryear . " \r\n";
+ $curryear++;
+ $curryear_2++;
+ }
+ ob_start(); ?>
+ 01
+ 02
+ 03
+ 04
+ 05
+ 06
+ 07
+ 08
+ 09
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 'Virtual Merchant',
+ 'api_version' => 2.0,
+ 'class_name' => 'wpec_merchant_virtualmerchant',
+ 'has_recurring_billing' => false,
+ 'display_name' => 'Credit Card',
+ 'wp_admin_cannot_cancel' => false,
+ 'requirements' => array(
+ 'php_version' => 5.0
+ ),
+ 'form' => 'wpec_virtualmerchant_settings_form',
+ 'submit_function' => 'wpec_save_virtualmerchant_settings',
+ 'internalname' => 'wpec_virtualmerchant',
+ 'display_name' => "Credit Card"
+ );
+ return $nzshpcrt_gateways;
+add_filter( 'wpsc_merchants_modules', 'wpec_add_vmerchant_gateway', 100 );
\ No newline at end of file