Note: there is more information on git workflows on the CTSM wiki.
The example here is intended to get you started running CTSM quickly on derecho and running a NEON case
First you need to log onto derecho from a terminal window
ssh -Y <$USER>
You'll need to add your user name to the line above. Then enter your password and duo 2 factor authentication
After logging onto derecho you'll clone CTSM. To do this you will:
- Pull from the head of the CTSM development branch and
- Create a clone in your home directory
cd ~
git clone ctsm
cd ctsm
Now you've cloned ctsm into your home directory
Next we'll update additional "components" that are needed to run CTSM.
These components refers to seperate git repositories, such as FATES and MOSART or mizuRoute (river models)
To do this we'll run git-fliximod
./bin/git-fleximod update
There are a few other things that will be helpful to making cases run more easily on derecho
One is copying the project or account codes you want to charge to. The easiest way to do this is by copying this file from someone else (here from Will) and will put the project codes in your home directory.
cp ~/../wwieder/.cesm_proj ~/.
I also like having a soft link to my scratch directory in my home directory. You can do this by creating a soft link:
ln -s /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER ~/scratch
This is the 'regular' way of creating a new case
NOTE in this example the case name and usermods are for the NEON site Guanica, GUAN, but you can chose any NEON site you like
cd ~/ctsm/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case GUAN_SP_test --res CLM_USRDAT --compset 2000_DATM%1PT_CLM60%SP_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV_SESP --run-unsupported --user-mods-dir NEON/GUAN
- case name is for
- resolution is user defined, here a single point
- compset is:
- year 2000 data atmosphere,
- single point CLM6 physics with satelite phenology
- stub components for everything else (ocean, runoff, glacier, etc)
- user-mod directories are helpful for setting up details of your case
More on creating a new case can be found on the CESM tutorial website
First you'll move into your case directory.
cd GUAN_SP_test
Then we'll customize our case a bit to get the latest NEON data for our case
./xmlchange NEONVERSION=latest
Finally we'll setup, build, and submit your case
The build will take a while, like 5 minutes, get a coffee and relax.
After submitting the case, the model will download a bunch of data, but then should start running before too long.
You can check this with qstat -u $USER
. Alternatively, you can move to your run directory
cd ~/scratch/GUAN_SP_test/run
ls -lrt
First you need to load conda (a python package manager) and activate an environment. This example is specific for derecho.
ml conda
conda activate npl-2024b
Note, the right way to do this is to use ctsm_pylib, but creating conda environments is really slow on derecho. The short cut above should work, but if you want to play by the rules (or are working on a different machine) do this:
cd ~/ctsm
conda activate ctsm_pylib
You can see all your conda environments with conda env list
cd ~/ctsm/tools/site_and_regional
./run_neon --neon-sites GUAN --output-root ~/scratch/neon_cases
There are lots of options with run_neon you can learn more with ./run_neon --help