Added Several Coded static modules
- Global Chat
- Contains the chat component Sidenav to open chat
- Users Module
- Login Simple input field to get user id from user to enable chat etc
- Structure
- home Contains the homepage component
- header empty
- footer empty
Modified Routing
- Default path set as login for now
- added path to the homepage
Created register component
- Enabled registration (connected with firebase)
- Created input fields for user details (No UI implemented yet)
- Registration Fields
- Full Name
- Username
- Password Login component
- Enabled login (connected with firebase)
- Created input fields for user details (No UI implemented yet)
- Login credentials include
- Password Navigation
- Enabled inter navigation between register and login component
- Added new routes
Login Component
- Designed frontend part (html and css)
- Added the custom background made by Omkar
- Checked earlier working of all buttons
Login Component
- Updated UI for login page
- updated login html and css files
Registration Component
- Updated UI for registration page
- updated registration html and css files
Added and modified modules (Coded Static Modules and components - pending imports and exports)
- Posts Module (New)
- added component for post card displayed on the post_list (empty static code)
- added component for post thumbnail for post_grid (empty static code)
- Structure Module (Modifications)
- added component for post_grid to display on profile pages (empty static code)
- added component for post_list to display on homepage (empty static code)
Chat component
- Updated chat html and css file
- changed cursor hovering
Post_List component
- Displaying list of recent posts (incomplete)
- adjusted scrolling of different components on home page (temporarily)
Profile component
- created for user profile in user module
- Designed UI (html and css)
- Created options menu using drawer layout
- Modified css for profile component (Harshita)
- Added logo images (Omkar)
- Profile Component
- Added dailog box feature for edit profile button
- EditProfileDialog Component
- Created this component to edit user profile
- No new functionality added in this component yet.
- Confirm Dialog Component
- Standard compnent for a simple confirmation dialog box
- Chat Component
- added functionality to delete user message (will add context menu with button to delete)
- AddPost Component
- Created AddPost Component
- Designed UI for this component (html and css)
- Added the path for this component in the routing module
- Added navigation
- From Profile component to AddPost component
- From AddPost component back to Profile component
- Imported Posts module in the main module
- Home Component
- Updated UI for this component
- Username is fetched from home component
- Chat Component
- Updated UI for this component
- Enabled enter key for sending chat
- Register Component
- key for registered user is now user's email
- Profile Component
- Fetched full name of the user
- Profile Component
- fetched username using user email
- EditProfileDialog Component
- updated html and ts file
- Profile Component
- Fetching data using get() method instead of onValue() method
- Note for Omkar: Modify the get() for login and generate a service asap.
- App Routing Module
- Changed default page to the home page
- UserData Service
- Simple service for setting and getting data for the user pages instead of querying database every time
- User Data :- Contains all user data (set with email)
- User Email :- Set once with email for login (acts as a session variable)
- Simple service for setting and getting data for the user pages instead of querying database every time
- Header Component
- Simple Login Button to route to login
- Logout button to clear set data
- Home Component (Major Overhaul)
- Added data fetching and setting using firebase + service
- Simple fix to not let user access profile if username/email =""
- Send username thorugh Userdat to chat
- Login Component
- Sets a global email after login
- Attempt made to set entire user data dynamically but async prevents setting property as required
- Register Component
- Confirm password added
- AddPost Component
- Used 'location' to go back to previous page instead of navigation
- Other small html and css changes
- AddPost Component
- Added functionality for selecting file from system
- Added preview of the file being uploaded
- Updated css as required
- upload post function present here calls the upload post function from post service
- Services Folder
- Created new service -> PostTasts
- PostTasks Service
- Contains post upload function
- Post upload functionality introduced
- seperate folder is being created for posts
- posts folder contains keymail for each user
- inside the keymail there will be posts uploaded by each user
- different folder for profile pics will be created in near future
- contains post delete function
- contains fetch user posts function
- fetches posts for a particular loged in user
- contains fetch all posts function
- fetches all the posts uploaded till date
- gets the url of each post and pushes it into a list
- contains save metadata of file function
- Contains post upload function
- src folder
- Created new folder -> Classes
- Classes Folder
- Contains ts file that holds class for metadata of post
- Post metadata File
- contains class PostMetadata
- Metadata of post contains the following
- keymail
- name
- post_url
- post
- fileType
- PostList component
- imported PostTasks service
- fetched the list of url of all the posts
- displayed all the posts in PostList html
- PostTasks Service
- Updated function save metadata of file
- Now it uploades metadata into the firebase
- Creating error while adding image url (calling it invalid)
- So updating firestore without adding url
- Works fine
- Postmetadata.ts
- post_url datatype changed to string
- Still getting invalid url error while updating data to firestore
- PostTasks Service
- Resolved error of duplicate posts in post list component and therefore home component
- Added function to fetch metadata of posts from firestore but it's not working as per requirement
- Classes
- Created new class FetchedPostData
- FetchedPostData.ts
- Contains data of the post fetched from the database
- Userdata Service
- Updated service class
- Fixed all the problems faced due to the changes
- Home component
- User data was not being properly fetched
- Updated the function as required
- Now it fetches data as per requirement
- PostTasks Service
- Fixed issue with metadata not being fetched
- Fixed import for firestore from compat
- Metadata Succesfully displayed on console using Note to Harshita :- Assign data from doc to a array if possible and access as per required
- Added custom favicon for the website
- PostTasks Service
- Removed get all posts function because fetched data was undefined when returned.
- PostList component
- Added get all posts function in this component
- Username and caption fetched successfully and are displayed with the post
- Profile Component
- Added icon to go to previous page
- works fine
- position not correct
- Task for Omkar
- Add confirmation dailog before uploading the post
- Position the icon to go back in the profile component
- After uploading the post, the data in the add post component should become empty
- Post List component
- Loading video type file -> works fine!
- Main index
- called header and footer before and after router outlet respectively
- pending css updates to make it aesthetic
- Header Component
- Added a simple home button (convert it to a logo button)
- pending conversion to navbar
- pending logout
- PostList component
- Updated some functions name as per the rules of clean coding
- Profile component
- Created a function user_posts to get all posts with the metadata of the loged in user
- Posts are diaplayed below the title posts in the profile page
- Profile Component
- Implemented the function delete_post to delete the post of a loged in user
- It deletes image or video from firebase storage
- It also deletes the metadata from firebase firestore
- Problem with the page reloading
- After reloading the page user is loged out
- Changes are not seen immediately after deleting the post
- Implemented the function delete_post to delete the post of a loged in user
- Task for Omkar
- Try to resolve the above mentioned problem (tried and will be tried at a later date)
- Profile Component
- Prepped component to accept bio
- calling the edit dilog with the entire userdata
- EditProfile Dialog
- Injecting data recieved from the profile component
- calling function setafteredit()
- used [value] in html and some minor spelling fixes
- User Data Service
- it preps the userdatamodel for bio with an empty bio (done to avoid messing registration code)
- the called function basically does a few things
- it updates the realtime document with keymail
- if username is changed - chat and metadata have to be modified too
- modifychat:- changes username for every chat posted by the user (will have to add same functionality for comments)
- modifypost:- channges username in the postmetadata collection
- Post Task service
- emit the progress amount for the upload
- Add Post
- subscribes to the emitted progress amount
- the progress value is used to animate a input slider (would look better with a matslider) Note :- Try to get code from post list back in the post service
- Profile Component
- Profile component calls post grid component instead of displaying statically
- Post List Component
- Post list css modified to center the cards
- Post card now called to individually instantiate a component as per requirement
- simple hover css applied
- Post Grid Component
- using matgrid module to display all posts in a dynamic grid of 3 columns
- calls individual thumnail element using ngfor
- Post Thumbnail Component
- simple thumbnail for every post user has mad
- fixed width of 500px, fixed height 300px
- simple hover effect
- hover to play video
- Post Card Component
- simple matcard to display individula posts
- fixed size for image and videos
- hover to play videos
- Profile Component
- commented dead code
- sending keymail instead of entire data now
- Css changes to hide scrollbar
- Post Grid
- fetch posts for user in the component instead of getting posts from profile
- Home Component
- added ngif to not even display profile/chat if not logged in
- minor css fixes
- Header Component
- Toollbar added
- New Logo with complete name
- basic routing
- minor css
- Post Task service
- reroute to home after adding post
- add functinoality for same after delete post
- Post Thumbnail
- deletinon call after confirmation
- simple html fixes
- added menu for view/delete - view pending
- App Component
- simple html fixes
- css fixes for sepration of components
- Home
- modified routerlink
- minor css
- Header
- temporary logout with refresh
- ProfilePostService
- simple service to fetch data
- PostTask
- navigation after deletion
- Post View Component
- single card view for opened post through grid
- added deletion code to card
- css fixes
- Post Thumbnail
- Navigation for individual card
- minor css
- Post Card
- minor css fixes
- added username before caption
- ChatComponent
- minor css
Minor Component withh static code pending job
- Posts Module
- Created new component comments
- Comments component
- created simple cards to display comments
- created simple card to upload comment
- Cards may be replaced later by something else
- PostCard component
- Calling the comments component into the postCard component as a child
- created function to add comment to a post
- created function to fetch all the comments of a post with username and keymail
- created child to parent communication from comments to postCard to send the new comment
- created parent to child communication from postCard to comments to send the comments array
- Comments getting uploaded successfully
- fetchComments function called in ngOnInit() and ngOnChnages()
- fetchComments works successfully
- One On One Chat
- Created seprate component for One on One Chats
- Fetching, deleteing, sending works for one to one
- sepration on basis of keymail
- keymail1_keymail2
- User Data Service
- Modify username in case of edit profile modify and fix css
- userData Service
- Solved the error regarding the function modifyComments
- Username in comment section modifies as per requirement
- Profile component
- Created refresh button to fetch latest user data after editing
- Add Post component
- Removed control from the preview of image
- Post Task Service
- Created a function to store profile pic of user
- Edit Profile Dialog Component
- Modified this component a little (small changes)
- Profile component
- Created a function to fetch profile pic from firebase storage
- There was some problem with getting the download url and storing the url in realtime database, so the task not done currently
- Post Card
- profile pic visible on card
- using ref imported from storage
- Removed extra profile pane due to redundancy (currently commented)
- Will navigate to home if attempted to visit profile without logging in
- Profile Component
- CSS for light purple background and transpernet bg
- Post List (Major)
- Animated background using css
- new class for background css
- Post Card
- changed css from gradient to white
- Comments
- changed colour to white
- AddPost Pending for CSS Overhaul
- Uploaded all the assets to the firebase storage
- Loading all the assets from the firebase storage wherever required.
- Minor CSS Changes to Login/Register Pages
- changed replace to replaceAll() to accomodate email addresses with multiple (.)
- View profile for other users added
- basic css fixes for chat component