Releases: xamarin/Xamarin.Forms
Bug fixes
40830 - AppLinkEntry.KeyValues collection is always empty
40844 - [Android] Forms Android app gets stuck with GC bridge calls when using current beta branch of Xamarin.Android/Mono Runtime
40866 -[Android] RegisterLink throws an ArgumentException on Android
Other changes
Internals visible for CarouselView
Open source
With this release we open source Forms. You can find the source code on GitHub
CarouselView split into separate package
CarouselView, which appeared in Xamarin.Forms 2.2.0-pre1 through pre4, has been been removed from the Xamarin.Forms package and moved into its own Nuget package: Xamarin.Forms.CarouselVIew 2.2.0-pre1.
Bug fixes
40656 - iOS WebView Rotation, Sizing and Scaling issues
Adding AzureDataSource support by introducing Xamarin.Forms.Pages.Azure nuget.
New Features
Data Pages
Xamarin.Forms DataPages are available as a preview for customers to try and provide feedback. The preview is available in the Xamarin.Forms.Pages nuget package. DataPages provide an API to quickly and easily bind a data source to pre-built views that can be styled with Themes.
Xamarin.Forms Themes are available as a preview for customers to try and provide feedback. A theme is added to a Xamarin.Forms application by including the Xamarin.Forms.Theme.Base Nuget package, plus either an additional package that defines a specific theme (eg. Xamarin.Forms.Theme.Light) or a locally defined theme.
URL Navigation
Deep link directly to any page within your Xamarin.Forms app with URL Navigation.
In order to avoid adding a dependency on GooglePlayServices to the Xamarin.Forms core package, we've created a new Xamarin.Forms.AppLinks nuget package that will be required for this feature to work on the Android platform.
Embedded Native Controls
Embed custom Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android controls in Xamarin.Forms applications.
Other New Features
- Multiple shared resource dictionaries with implicit styles and/or dynamic resources are now supported
- Can now set the background and text color of the Tab bar on TabbedPage.
- Known Issues:
- [WinRT, WinPhone 8.1, UWP] Setting BarTextColor does not currently work.
- [WinPhone 8.1, UWP] If the TabbedPage contains a NavigationPage, the BarBackgroundColor and BarTextColor for the NavigationPage takes precedence
- [WinPhone 8.1] If the TabbedPage contains a NavigationPage, switching between tabs may cause the background color to be lost.
- [Android] Cannot set BarTextColor back to default after changing it to a non-default color.
- Can now set TextColor on Picker, TimePicker, DatePicker.
Bugs Fixed
- 23942 - Cannot bind properties in BindableObjects added to static resources in XAML
- 33135 - Apps built for Windows 8.1 using XF, fail on Windows 10 release, with System.NotImplementedException
- 35529 - WebView.Eval throwing a NotImplementedException on WP8.1 (WinRT) (XF
- 36374 - Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UWP.TabbedPageRenderer.OnElementChanged is not virtual
- 36955 - [iOS] ViewCellRenderer.UpdateIsEnabled Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- 39636 - Cannot use XamlC with OnPlatform in resources, it throws System.InvalidCastException
- 39847 - Using MasterDetailPage class as a ExportRenderer does not load in Android
- 39963 - iOS WebView has wrong scrolling size when loading local html content with images
- 40096 - Invalid Cast Exception when setting SearchBar Command
- 40185 - [UWP] ContentPage does not have proper right bounds in landscape
Other Fixes
- [Android] Fixed issue where accessing
on Android resulted in a race condition and possible crash. - [Android] Fixed potential crash when styling application
- [iOS] Fixed issue with WebView dispose and resizing
Bug fixes
39987 - MapView not working correctly on iOS 9.3
40209 - Getting exception after launching forms sample "BugSweeper"
40228 - Calling Task.Wait in on OnStateChanged on main thread hangs the app
40334 - CarouselView does not work on UWP Forms 2.2.0 Pre-2
40434 - CarouselView.Item throws a NullReferenceException
40435 - Entry on UWP crashing with nullreference exception Xamarin.Forms V2.2.0-pre2
Other fixes
[Android] Update android support packages to 23.3
[Core] CarouselView Fixes (CarouselView.Item, formatting, ItemsView.Count to IItemsViewController, Remove dead code, re-layout subviews on resize, add ItemTemplate to resources.xaml on UWP, Docs)
[Android] Use style resources when calling SetTextAppearance
[Android] Allow designer to disable asynchronicity in image loading.
[UWP] Unhook Entry and Editor event handlers during Dispose
[WinRT] Fix WebView.Eval
[Android] Remove unneeded cast in ListViewRenderer
[Android] Fix relaunch template app hangs; Port fix from OnStateChange in FormsAppCompatActivity to FormsApplicationActivity
[UWP] Adjust bounds for ContentPage when by itself
[iOS] Add iOS localized string resource assemblies to nuspec
[Nuget] Remove Google Play Services dependency
Bug fixes
39499 - CarouselView layout rendering issue on Android
40152 - ListView doesn't trigger item selection
40173 - Android Frame blocks ListView selection
Other fixes
[Android] Fix race condition in IsInvokeRequired
[Android] Fix issue where API23 became required by mistake
[Core] Cast to ICommand instead of Command inside SearchBar
[Core] Automatically marshal all AnimationExtensions calls onto UI thread
[Android] Ensure carouselView disposes correctly
[Android, iOS] Other CarouselView bug fixes and behavior correction: No ItemSelected or PositionSelected event is fired upon start. PositionSelected precedes ItemSelected after movement. When setting the position causes pages to be skipped events are only raised for the target page.
New Features
Updated Google Package Dependencies
Xamarin.Forms on Android now depends on GooglePlayServices for maps and Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 (and friends) at
Adding margin support is intended to allow users to reduce the overall depth of their layout hierarchies by allowing more complex layouts with fewer wrapping views.
public Thickness Margin { get; set; }
UWP Maps
UWP Maps are now supported, just like other platforms.
CarouselView is intended to fully replace CarouselPage. CarouselPage will be deprecated in a future release. CarouselView is superior in many ways, including its ability to be virtualized and nested within layouts.
Nest platform controls to Forms layout
Allows adding platform-specific controls (iOS, Android, and Windows) directly to a Forms layout. Note: this isn't available from PCL and requires #if defines to work from a shared project.
2D ScrollView Support
scrollView.Orientation = ScrollOrientation.Both
AutomationId Support
Xamarin.Forms now has first class support for setting automation identifiers for usage with Xamarin UITest or other testing frameworks. Simply setting the AutomationID property should allow the automation framework to find and interact with your controls.
Bug Fixes
21177 - Using a UICollectionView in a ViewRenderer results in issues with selection.
21699 - WebView does not propagate its BindingContext to its Source
23393 - [All platforms] PropertyChangedEventHandler causes 2 consecutive calls to changed property's getter
25234 – WP8 - Light theme status bar disappears after DisplayAlert
25662 - Setting IsEnabled does not disable SwitchCell in Forms listview
27350 - Binding throws Null Pointer Exception when Updating Tab
27417 - Button.Image behaviors differently on each platform and has extra padding even with no Text
28628 - Reuse of cell containing an Image that are async loaded will display the previous image.
28709 - Application.Properties saving crash
31670 - On WinRT, BackgroundColor of Button is used to paint outside the border of Buttons with rounded corners
32462 - Crash after a page disappeared if a ScrollView is in the HeaderTemplate property of a ListView
33181 - InitializeComponent() method call in XAML code behind page constructor "does not exist in current context" (IntelliSense error)
33240 - IOS ListViewRenderer.Dispose() should dispose header and footer
34055 - Listview with custom CellView render error on iOS9 landscape iPad
35407 - jobject muste not be IntPtr.Zero with Animation
36479 - [WP] Picker Is Not Disabled When IsEnabled is Set To False
36788 - [Forms] Truncation Issues with Relative Layouts
36850 - ProgressBar BackgroundColor not working in iOS
37113 - MasterDetailPage swipe gesture doesn't work after IsGestureEnabled is toggled
37625 - App crashes when quickly adding/removing Image views (Windows UWP)
37841 - [Forms Android] TableView EntryCell's and TextCell's cease to update after focus change
38112 - [Forms][Android] Switch disappearing from TableView ViewCell on Android only
38193 - OpenGLViewRenderer crashes when leaving the page.
38416 - ListView Sized Incorrectly After Containing Layout's Visibility is Toggled
38658 - Rotation causes app containing carousel page to freeze
38978 - Cell.ForceUpdateSize issues with row selection/deselection on Android
39039 - Toggling Grouping on Listview + ListViewCaching.RecycleElement Sometimes Doesnt Render Group Header
39104 - iOS Navigation.ModalStack not the same as Android and Windows
39239 - Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FontExtensions.ToScaledPixel missing case for NamedSize.Default
39327 - Application.Current.Properties does not persist on Android
39331 - [Android] BoxView Is InputTransparent Even When Set to False
39342 - NullReference Exception when attempting to push a new page
39359 - Image View does cache failed HTTP responses
39377 - ListView.Footer not update iOS
39378 - Image binding with caching not operating as expected
39395 - SwitchCell does not take all available place inside ListView
39403 - [Android] Forms 2.1.0, Switching tabs that have NavigationPages throws: Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions
39409 - SearchBar.SearchCommand does not respect CanExecute
39447 - [Windows Phone 8.1] Images not rendered in ListView unless explicit size set
39449 - UWP: Dependency attribute in 3rd party assemblies
39450 - [Forms] ListView item shrinks / resizes when removing then adding Context Action in ViewCell OnBindindContextChanged.
39451 - Unable to activate instance of type Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ListViewAdapter from native handle
39458 - [UWP/WinRT] Cannot Set CarouselPage.CurrentPage Inside Constructor
39461 - UWP: Labels within a ScrollView are blurred
39463 - [WP8.0] Items not showing in ListView using DataTemplate when there are more items than can fit on screen.
39464 - [UWP Forms] Rounded Button Corners do not render in Forms (but do in native UWP
39476 - [Forms] Selecting item in ListView and scrolling with RecycleElement results in more items selected.
39483 - ListView Context Menu localization
39495 - MasterDetail missing Navigation Bar Windows RT
39506 - Effects.Clear does not detach the effect.
39509 - Setting Page Content doesn't work
39548 - CarouselPage does not work in UWP on Windows 10 Mobile
39566 - System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
39624 - [UWP] CarouselPage.Children Appear Out of Order
39668 - Overriding ListView.CreateDefault Does Not Work on Windows
39702 – Cannot enter text when Entry is focus()'d from an editor completed event
39721 - "Failed to add reference to 'Xamarin.Forms.Core.Design'" when adding XF NuGet in Windows 81 project
39742 - OnAppearing not triggered if coming back after leaving Android app via home button
39815 - ScrollView is overlapping other content in StackLayout on Android
39829 - RowHeight of ListView is not working for UWP
39831 - MasterDetailPage showing back button instead of Icon in landscape mode (Tablet only)
39853 - BorderRadius ignored on UWP
39870 - Xamarin.Forms.Maps Geocoder GetPositionsForAddressAsync always returns an empty set on Android
39896 - StreamImageSource Streams Aren't Disposed
Other Fixes
- Resolve crash when serializing properties.
- [Core] Resolve issue where binding to a bound property would invalidate the second binding
- [Core] Resolve issue where template bindings resolve the the wrong templated parent in so...