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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><channel><title>Tech Lake</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/</link><description>Recent content on Tech Lake</description><generator>Hugo -- gohugo.io</generator><language>en-us</language><lastBuildDate>Mon, 15 Aug 2022 18:06:25 +0600</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="https://xushaoxiao.github.io/index.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><item><title>Go পরিচিতি</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/introduction/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/introduction/</guid><description>Hello World A sample go program is show here.
package main import &#34;fmt&#34; func main() { message := greetMe(&#34;world&#34;) fmt.Println(message) } func greetMe(name string) string { return &#34;Hello, &#34; + name + &#34;!&#34; } Run the program as below:
$ go run hello.go Variables Normal Declaration:
var msg string msg = &#34;Hello&#34; Shortcut:
msg := &#34;Hello&#34; Constants const Phi = 1.</description></item><item><title>Basic Types</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/types/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/types/</guid><description>Strings str := &#34;Hello&#34; Multiline string
str := `Multiline string` Numbers Typical types
num := 3 // int num := 3. // float64 num := 3 + 4i // complex128 num := byte(&#39;a&#39;) // byte (alias for uint8) Other Types
var u uint = 7 // uint (unsigned) var p float32 = 22.7 // 32-bit float Arrays // var numbers [5]int numbers := [.</description></item><item><title>单词速记-第一期【入门】</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/english/word/word-1/</link><pubDate>Mon, 15 Aug 2022 18:06:25 +0600</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/english/word/word-1/</guid><description>累计解析词汇量-1598 词根(死记): 顺序 词根 总次数 1 -vinc- = -vict- 胜,征服 39 2 -from- 形式,格式,形成 177 3 -prehend(s)- 抓住 30 4 -struct- 建造 75 5 -od- 路 21 6 -bar- = -bal- = -ban- 长木条,障碍 96 7 -vi- = -via- 路 63 8 -script- = -scrib- 写 74 9 -techn(o)- 技术,艺术 37 10 -press- 压,按 114 11 -rect- 正,直 95 12 -flu- = -flux- 流 53 13 -st- = -sist- = -stat- = -stin- = -stem- 立,站 724 - 词根13组 1598 构词法 词根:单词的本义 前缀:表强调或方向 后缀:表词性,偶尔表含义 音变: 中文玩“变形”,英文玩“变音” 中文:‘甲’,‘申’,’由‘【含义完全不同】 英文:-vinc- == -vict- 胜利,征服【含义相同】 字母:原音[a, e, i, o, u] + 半元音[y, w] + 辅音 元音字母功能:连字符。其中最常用i,u, 无意义。 辅音字母功能:发音相似,可替换。 词频的魅力 高考:3500&ndash;4500词频以下 四级:词频5000以下 六级:词频9000以下 考研:词频8000以下 托福/雅思:词频20000以下 GRE:全部 1.</description></item><item><title>English Grammer</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/english/grammer/</link><pubDate>Thu, 24 Mar 2022 08:06:25 +0600</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/english/grammer/</guid><description>Grammer Grammer study.
五大基本概念 五大基本句型 并列句的起源与本质 名词性从句的起源于本质 形容词性从句(定语从句)的起源于本质 副词型从句(状语从句)的起源于本质 长难句必杀技一 ———— “左二右六原则” 长难句必杀技二 ———— “悬挂结构” 四大特殊句型:强调句;倒装句;虚拟语气;独立主格 时态轴 ———— 英语时态的秘密 五大基本概念 graph LR; 五大基本概念 -- 主语; 五大基本概念 -- 谓语; 五大基本概念 -- 宾语; 五大基本概念 -- 表语; 五大基本概念 -- 宾补; 主语 -- A(放在谓语动词之前的成分就叫做主语); 谓语 -- B(谓语就是动词, 动词主要分为`实意动词`和`系动词`); 宾语 -- C(放在实意动词之后的成分就叫做宾语); 表语 -- D(放在系动词之后的成分就叫表语); 宾补 -- E(补充说明宾语的成分就叫做宾补); 主语 放在谓语动词之前的成分就叫做主语。
谓语 谓语就是动词,动词主要分为实意动词和系动词
graph LR; 谓语动词 -- 1.</description></item><item><title>Flow Control</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/flow-control/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/basic/flow-control/</guid><description>Condition if day == &#34;sunday&#34; || day == &#34;saturday&#34; { rest() } else if day == &#34;monday&#34; &amp;&amp; isTired() { groan() } else { work() } if _, err := doThing(); err != nil { fmt.Println(&#34;Uh oh&#34;) Switch switch day { case &#34;sunday&#34;: // cases don&#39;t &#34;fall through&#34; by default! fallthrough case &#34;saturday&#34;: rest() default: work() } Loop for count := 0; count &lt;= 10; count++ { fmt.</description></item><item><title>File Manipulation</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/advanced/files/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/go/advanced/files/</guid><description>Condition if day == &#34;sunday&#34; || day == &#34;saturday&#34; { rest() } else if day == &#34;monday&#34; &amp;&amp; isTired() { groan() } else { work() } if _, err := doThing(); err != nil { fmt.Println(&#34;Uh oh&#34;)</description></item><item><title>Bash Variables</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/bash/basic/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/notes/bash/basic/</guid><description>Variable NAME=&#34;John&#34; echo $NAME echo &#34;$NAME&#34; echo &#34;${NAME} Condition if [[ -z &#34;$string&#34; ]]; then echo &#34;String is empty&#34; elif [[ -n &#34;$string&#34; ]]; then echo &#34;String is not empty&#34; fi</description></item><item><title>How to build SpringBoot project with Bazel</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/architecture/bazel/bazel_build_java/</link><pubDate>Tue, 21 Jun 2022 21:37:00 +0800</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/architecture/bazel/bazel_build_java/</guid><description>Build Tutorial: Build a SpringBoot project This tutorial covers the basic of building SpringBoot applications with Bazel. You will set up your workspace and build a simple SpringBoot project that illustrates key Bazel concepts, such as targets and BUILD files.
Estimates completion time: 20 minutes.
What you&rsquo;ll learn In this tutorial you learn how to:
Build a target Visualize the project&rsquo;s dependencies Split the project into multiple targets and packages Reference targets through labels Deploy a target Before you begin Install the JDK.</description></item><item><title>maven build java project</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/architecture/java-microservice/maven_build/</link><pubDate>Thu, 24 Mar 2022 17:51:00 +0800</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/architecture/java-microservice/maven_build/</guid><description/></item><item><title>Introduction</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/introduction/</link><pubDate>Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:06:25 +0600</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/introduction/</guid><description>Greeting! This is an introduction post. This post tests the followings:
Hero image is in the same directory as the post. This post should be at top of the sidebar. Post author should be the same as specified in author.yaml file.</description></item><item><title>Markdown Samples</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/markdown-sample/</link><pubDate>Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:06:25 +0600</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/markdown-sample/</guid><description>This is a sample post intended to test the followings:
A different post author. Table of contents. Markdown content rendering. Math rendering. Emoji rendering. Markdown Syntax Rendering Headings The following HTML &lt;h1&gt;—&lt;h6&gt; elements represent six levels of section headings. &lt;h1&gt; is the highest section level while &lt;h6&gt; is the lowest.
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 Paragraph Xerum, quo qui aut unt expliquam qui dolut labo. Aque venitatiusda cum, voluptionse latur sitiae dolessi aut parist aut dollo enim qui voluptate ma dolestendit peritin re plis aut quas inctum laceat est volestemque commosa as cus endigna tectur, offic to cor sequas etum rerum idem sintibus eiur?</description></item><item><title>Shortcodes Samples</title><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/shortcodes/</link><pubDate>Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:06:25 +0600</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/shortcodes/</guid><description>This is a sample post intended to test the followings:
Default hero image. Different shortcodes. Alert The following alerts are available in this theme.
This is sample alert with type=&quot;success&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;danger&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;warning&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;info&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;dark&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;primary&quot;. This is sample alert with type=&quot;secondary&quot;.</description></item><item><title/><link>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/category/sub-category/rich-content/</link><pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://xushaoxiao.github.io/posts/category/sub-category/rich-content/</guid><description>ছবির নমুনা --
*/}} --
### ভীমেও ভিডিও নমুনা
-- --</description></item></channel></rss>