Ensures that your PHP, JavaScript or CSS code remains clean and consistent.
See <https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer> for more information.
- JavaScript
Setting | Meaning |
allow_multiline_function_declaration |
Allows argument lists to be split accross multiple lines correctly indented. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
allow_multiple_statements_per_line |
Allows having multiple statements on one line. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
blank_line_after_namespace_declaration |
Ensures that there is a blank line after a namespace declaration. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_class_declaration |
Ensures that extends and implements keywords are
declared on the same line as the class name, that the
opening brace for a class is on the next line, and that the
closing brace for a class is on the next line after the
body. Allows splitting implements list accross multiple
lines. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_property_declaration |
Ensures that visibility is declared on all properties, that
the var keyword is not used to declare a property, that
there is not more that one property declared on a line,
that properties are not prefixed with an underscore.
(Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
check_use_blocks |
Ensures that there is one blank line after a use block,
that there is only one use block per line, and that all
use declaration are done after namespaces declaration.
(Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
force_lower_case_constants |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
force_lower_case_keywords |
No description given. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
force_scope_modifier_on_method |
Verifies that class methods have scope modifiers. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
function_declaration_argument_spacing |
Number of spaces between arguments in function declaration. (Optional, defaults to '1'.) |
indent_size |
Number of spaces per indentation level. (Optional, defaults to '4'.) |
line_ending_character |
Checks that end of line characters correspond to the one provided. (Optional, defaults to 'n'.) |
max_line_length |
Maximum number of characters for a line. (Optional, defaults to '79'.) |
use_spaces |
True if spaces are to be used instead of tabs. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
- System requirement
- Code Simplification
- Documentation
- Formatting
- Syntax
- The coala developers ([email protected])