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ytai edited this page Jan 25, 2013 · 72 revisions
IOIO Logo # IOIO Documentation Welcome! Here you'll find all the documentation needed for using IOIO (pronounced "yo-yo") as well as contributing to its development. If you find anything missing, you can help yourself and others by creating a ticket in the "Issues" menu above.

The IOIO is a board that provides a host machine the capability of interfacing with external hardware over a variety of commonly used protocols. The original IOIO board has been specifically designed to work with Android devices. The newer IOIO-OTG ("on the go") boards work with both Android devices and PC's (details here). The IOIO board can be connected to its host over USB or Bluetooth, and provides a high-level Java API on the host side for using its I/O functions as if they were an integral part of the client.

You can purchase a IOIO-OTG board online from Sparkfun Electronics. Other versions can be purchased from Jaycon Systems, IOIOMint version from Adafruit or the Droidalyzer IOIO board from SeeedStudio. Droidalyzer IOIO and IOIOMint have some additional features such as onboard LiPO, header pins and laser cut mint tin case.

You can get answers to questions and get news about IOIO on the ioio-users discussion group.

The IOIO Gallery lists various IOIO projects to give you some ideas of what you can do with IOIO.

And this is the blog of Ytai, the inventor of IOIO, where new developments are normally announced. Specifically, this introductory post provides a good overview of this technology.

User Documentation









  • IOIO-OTG Bootloader and IOIODude - a guide on using the IOIODude application that lets you upgrade the firmware on your IOIO-OTG board.
  • The IOIO Manager Application - a guide on using the Android application that lets you upgrade the firmware on your IOIO v1 board.
  • IOIO Bridge - use IOIO with the Android emulator or with a target Android being debugged.

Developer Documentation

Most users shouldn't care about this section. This is only relevant if you want to take part in developing IOIO or interested in hacking the underlying IOIO software.

If you're interested in taking part in IOIO development, please apply for membership in the ioio-dev discussion group.