This script can be used to recreate a Bird's-Eye-View from camera images using Inverse Perspective Mapping.
usage: [-h] [-wm WM] [-hm HM] [-r R]
[--drone DRONE] [--batch]
[--output OUTPUT]
Warps camera images to the plane z=0 in the world frame.
positional arguments:
CAM IMG camera config file and image file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-wm WM output image width in [m]
-hm HM output image height in [m]
-r R output image resolution in [px/m]
--drone DRONE camera config file of drone to map to
--batch process folders of images instead of single images
--output OUTPUT output directory to write transformed images to
--cc use with color-coded images to enable NN-interpolation
-v only print homography matrices
Generate and display BEV from segmented surround camera images, adjust output image size to match drone intrinsics
./ --cc --drone droneCameraConfig.yaml front.yaml front.png rear.yaml rear.png left.yaml left.png right.yaml right.png
./ --batch --output output/ frontCameraConfig.yaml frontImages/ rearCameraConfig.yaml rearImages/
The relationship between world coordinates and the image pixels
world points get projected onto is given by the projection matrix
where we use homogeneous coordinates, which would still need to be normalized.
The projection matrix encodes the camera intrinsics and extrinsics (rotation
and translation
w.r.t world frame):
Now, we can also imagine that there exists a transformation mapping from the road plane to the world frame, s.t.
Putting these relations together, we can transform from given image coordinates to coordinates in the road plane
by inverting
We have an input image and thus have the image coordinates . The camera intrinsics and extrinsics are assumed to be known and have to be specified via the config file.
What remains is the definition of . In the simplest case we co-locate world frame origin and road plane origin. Then the mapping
would simply introduce a z-coordinate of 0 when going from road plane to world frame. For a better visualization, one would need to scale between road plane metric coordinates and road image plane pixels as well as do some translation. Have a look at the code for this last step, as the warping to the road plane is already working with the simple mapping.
In the code, the vehicle-frame is used as the world frame.