diff --git a/docs/getting_started/devnet.md b/docs/getting_started/devnet.md
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-# Get Started on ZAMA Devnet
-## Devnet information
-Our devnet is up and running.
-| Fields | Value |
-| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------- |
-| New RPC URL | https://devnet.zama.ai |
-| Chain ID | 9000 |
-| Currency symbol | ZAMA |
-| Gateway URL | https://gateway.devnet.zama.ai |
-| Faucet URL | https://faucet.zama.ai |
-| Block explorer URL | https://explorer.devnet.zama.ai (coming soon) |
-## Configuring MetaMask
-To configure the [MetaMask](<(https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360043227612-How-to-add-a-custom-network-RPC)>) for Zama Devnet, follow the steps:
-1. From the homepage of your wallet, click on the network selector in the top left, and then on 'Add network'
-2. MetaMask will open in a new tab in fullscreen mode. From here, find and the 'Add network manually' button at the bottom of the network list.
-3. Add these information to access to blockchain
- {% tabs %}
- {% tab title="Zama devnet" %}
-| Fields | Value |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
-| Network Name | Zama Network |
-| New RPC URL | https://devnet.zama.ai |
-| Chain ID | 9000 |
-| Currency symbol | ZAMA |
-| Block explorer URL (Optional) | https://explorer.devnet.zama.ai |
-{% endtab %}
-{% tab title="Local devnet" %}
-| Fields | Value |
-| ----------------------------- | ---------------------- |
-| Network Name | Zama Local |
-| New RPC URL | http://localhost:8545/ |
-| Chain ID | 9000 |
-| Currency symbol | ZAMA |
-| Block explorer URL (Optional) | |
-{% endtab %}
-{% endtabs %}
-4. Choose the Zama Devnet
-## Using Zama Faucet
-{% hint style="warning" %}
-**Devnet down** Our devnet is currently offline but will be up soon! In the meantime, develop your contracts using a local instance.
-{% endhint %}
-You can get 10 Zama token on [https://faucet.zama.ai/](https://faucet.zama.ai/).