脱下长日的假面 奔向梦幻的疆界
take off your fantasy long dress ,head to the dream of paradise.
南瓜马车的午夜 换上童话的玻璃鞋
in the night of halloween , change to your tale boot.
让我享受这感觉 我是孤傲的蔷薇
lose myself in this feel , i wanna always be the proud rose
让我品尝这滋味 纷乱世界的不了解
let me have the sweet taste and let go of all the rest
昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜
yesterday is gone, tommorrow is far , listen to the darkness silently
晚风吻尽 荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边
night breeze kiss the cheek of lotus , I am lost beside her
等你清楚看见我的美 月光晒干眼泪
util you see my beauty clearly will the moonlight dry my tears
那一个人 爱我
my someone, love me
将我的手 紧握
hold my hand , never let it go
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走
hug me tight , kiss me gently , oh oh ~ , don't let go
隐藏自己的疲倦 表达自己的狼狈
hide my fatigue , express my depression
放纵自己的狂野 找寻自己的明天
unlock my self , pursue the day of my tommorrow
向你要求的誓言 就算是你的谎言
I adore your words , even it is a lie
我需要爱的慰借 就算那爱已如潮水
I need your love , even my emotion has flooded
昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜
yesterday is gone, tommorrow hasn't come , listen sincerely to the dark
晚风吻尽 荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边
gentle breeze kissed the cheek of lotus , I wanna drunk myself beside her
等你清楚看见我的美 月光晒干眼泪
util you see my beauty clearly will the moonlight dry my tears
那一个人 爱我
my someone, love me
将我的手 紧握
hold my hand , never let it go
抱紧我 吻我 喔爱~~~ 别走
hug me tight , kiss me gently , oh oh ~ , don't let go