February 2022 Archive Back to README date paper code 2202.12380 fast matching pursuit with multi-gabor dictionaries fastmpwithmultigabor 2202.12199 detection by sampling: massive mimo detector based on langevin dynamics langevin-mimo-detector 2202.11042 fasura: a scheme for quasi-static massive mimo unsourced random access channels mmtc 2202.09648 echofilter: a deep learning segmentation model improves the automation, standardization, and timeliness for post-processing echosounder data in tidal energy streams echofilter 2202.10371 coordinated sum-rate maximization in multicell mu-mimo with deep unrolling gcnwmmse 2202.06948 towards best practice of interpreting deep learning models for eeg-based brain computer interfaces Towards-Best-Practice-of-Interpreting-Deep-Learning-Models-for-EEG-based-BCI 2202.09338 signal decomposition using masked proximal operators signal-decomposition 2202.09298 stratified multivariate multiscale dispersion entropy for physiological signal analysis smvmde 2202.08538 two-dimensional structure functions to characterize convective rolls in the marine atmospheric boundary layer from sentinel-1 sar images 2d-structure-functions 2202.07884 deep-learning-assisted configuration of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in dynamic rich-scattering environments deep_ris_tuning_for_rich_scattering_environments 2202.07895 enhancing causal estimation through unlabeled offline data enhancing-causal-estimations 2202.03224 hermes: hybrid error-corrector model with inclusion of external signals for nonstationary fashion time series f1fashiondataset 2202.00964 understanding knowledge integration in language models with graph convolutions gcs_ki 2202.05343 coded resnext: a network for designing disentangled information paths coded-resnext 2202.06365 unsourced multiple access with random user activity uma_random_user_activity 2202.05686 graphon-aided joint estimation of multiple graphs jointinf_graphs_graphon 2202.05158 sumo: advanced sleep spindle identification with neural networks sumo 2202.04454 adjacent-bits-swapped polar codes: a new code construction to speed up polarization abs-polar 2202.03835 a covariant, discrete time-frequency representation tailored for zero-based signal detection kravchuk-transform-and-its-zeros 2202.03875 unsupervised source separation via self-supervised training mixcycle 2202.02673 physfad: physics-based end-to-end channel modeling of ris-parametrized environments with adjustable fading physfad 2202.02901 inter-subject contrastive learning for subject adaptive eeg-based visual recognition Deep-BCI 2202.03129 over-the-air ensemble inference with model privacy oac-based-private-ensembles 2202.03224 hermes: hybrid error-corrector model with inclusion of external signals for nonstationary fashion time series f1fashiondataset 2202.03391 gradient-based learning of discrete structured measurement operators for signal recovery glodismo 2202.02406 parameter-free online linear optimization with side information via universal coin betting olo-with-side-information 2202.02812 lossy gradient compression: how much accuracy can one bit buy? fl_rd 2202.03352 analog secure distributed matrix multiplication over complex numbers sdmm-over-complex 2202.01956 maximum likelihood estimation of optimal receiver operating characteristic curves from likelihood ratio observations mleroc 2202.00738 locunet: fast urban positioning using radio maps and deep learning LocUNet 2202.01646 improving lyrics alignment through joint pitch detection lyricsalignment-mtl 2202.00450 approximation of images via generalized higher order singular value decomposition over finite-dimensional commutative semisimple algebra talgebra 2202.00569 arrhythmia classification using cgan-augmented ecg signals augmentation-of-ecg-training-dataset-with-cgan 2202.00589 blind ecg restoration by operational cycle-gans blind-ecg-restoration-by-operational-cycle-gans 2202.00129 fundamental performance limits for sensor-based robot control and policy learning performance-limits 2202.00136 non-adaptive and two-stage coding over the z-channel Z-channel_with_1_error