The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to new lab members. The guidance is meant to be fairly general and there may be additional tasks for specific members to do (i.e., graduate students will need to register for class). Note to lab members: this document is a work in progress and may be updated at any time. Please take the time to make update as you discover the advice is out of date.
As you are about to join the lab, please email Elise ([email protected]) so that she can add you to the lab listserv. Sometimes the MSU email accounts give us trouble, so please send both your MSU email and a backup email (preferably gmail).
Email your GitHub username to one of the lab GitHub managers (Kayla - [email protected], Wendy - [email protected], Bruna - [email protected]).
Email your netID (MSU email) to the lab Teams manager (Wendy - [email protected]).
[I think you need to go to the international center. Is that still the case?]
It is definitely useful to know the staff in the department and each of their roles. They help with everything! IBIO's main office is located in room 203 NatSci. In the main office, you can pick up your key to the lab (located in room 305 NatSci) and get your MSU ID card activated to get into the building after hours. You will need $10 as a deposit for each key that you need. You will get this money back when you return the key.
Both postdocs and graduate students are eligible to join the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior program. (Graduate students who join receive a dual degree in IBIO and EEB.) It is a great way to get connected to the community and meet colleagues. EEB also offers funding opportunities including travel grants. Go to the EEB website or contact Barbara Bloemmers, the EEB secretary, for more information.
HPCC (High performance computer center; super-computer) accounts are available for all MSU affiliated people. Check out this website if you think you'll be using it: Elise will need to request the account for you.