- anaconda
- create new conda
- switch pip source
- install certain libraries
- oh-my-tmux
- customize
- set -g mouse on
- set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color" (可以解决macOS上backspace出问题的情况)
- oh-my-zsh
- customize
- switch to taobao source
- vscode & synchronize plugins(necessary?) & settings
- set cmd + pageup/pagedown to switch terminal
- wallessPKU & clash
- Chrome & login & synchronize tampermonkey scripts
- create ssh key & update to server
- homebrew
- iterm2,设置主题配色,以及键盘按键映射(主要是command/option+左右)
- or just: profiles - keys - key mappings - presets: Natural Text Editing
- alt-tab:
brew install alt-tab
& customize - alfred(maybe破解,但其实没太大用处了)
- Hammerspoon & customize
- service station from
& customize:用来设置右键菜单,记得加个vscode - Mos(设置鼠标滚轮)
- MonitorControl:通过软件的方式控制显示器参数
- clipy(剪切板管理工具)
- windows terminal
- setup right click menu
- setup shortcut to certain script (hibernate, ...)