#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
// Map is like a dictionary which holds data in key,value pairs
using namespace std;
int32_t main()
map<int, int> M; // {key, value}
M[1] = 30;
M[10] = 300000;
M[9090] = 8;
// each of these mapping take logN time
// add(key,value) and erase(key,value) takes (logN) for ordered map, and (1) for unordered map.
// We can map something to somthing in logN time, also for find and erase.
map<char, int> cnt;
// mapping char to int.
string x = "Zriyansh aK";
for (char c : x)
// building this takes time proportional to length
// gives count of each occuring char in string x
cout << cnt['a'] << " " << cnt['z'] << endl;
// OUTPUT, 2 0 - as 'a' occurs 2 times, 'z' none.
map<char, int> M1;
unordered_map<char, int> U1; // best (1), worst - (N)
string s = " Zizriyansh Bhai ";
for (char x : s)
M1[x]++; // NlogN time, N is length of string for map
for (char x : s)
U1[x]++; // logN time for unordered MAP
cout << M1['a'] << " " << endl;
cout << U1['z'] << " " << endl;
// count of a and z in string s
map<int, pair<int, int>> m;
map<pair<int, int>, int> m1;
m[1] = 2;
m.insert({3, 1});
m.emplace({2, 1});
// {
// {1,2},
// {2,1},
// {3,1}
// }
// In this fashion, maps are stored.
for (auto x : m)
cout << x.first << " " << x.second << endl;
cout << m[1]; // value can be accessed.
auto it = m.find(3);
cout << *it.second;
// Set is subset of Map.
// map stores everything in sorted manner
// map is sorted acc to keys.
// erase, swap, size, empty bounds are same.
unordered_map<string, double> umap;
// inserting values by using [] operator
umap["PI"] = 3.14;
umap["root2"] = 1.414;
umap["root3"] = 1.732;
umap["log10"] = 2.302;
umap["loge"] = 1.0;
// inserting value by insert function
umap.insert(make_pair("e", 2.718));
cout << umap["PI"] << endl; // 3.14
cout << umap.at("PI") << endl; // 3.14
// if you try to access a value for a key that doesn't exist,
// a new value object that has been default constructed will be put into the map and it's reference returned.
cout << umap["NA"] << endl; // 0
// now NA is present in umap with value 0
cout << endl;
// find an element
if (umap.find("na") == umap.end())
cout << "Key not found\n";
cout << "Key Found\n";
cout << endl;
// Traversing an unordered map
for (auto i : umap)
cout << "key = " << i.first << " and its value = " << i.second << endl;
map<string, string> companies;
companies["Google"] = "Larry Page";
companies["Facebook"] = "Mark Zuckerberg";
// insertion can also be done as
companies.insert(pair<string, string>("Xarvis Tech", "xarvis"));
// or
companies.insert(map<string, string>::value_type("Quora", "Adam D'Angelo"));
// or even
companies.insert(make_pair(string("Uber"), string("Travis Kalanick")));
// Iterating the map
map<string, string>::iterator itz;
cout << "\nCompanies and founders" << endl;
for (itz = companies.begin(); itz != companies.end(); itz++)
cout << "Company: " << (*itz).first << "\t Founder: " << itz->second << endl;
itz = companies.find("Google");
cout << itz->second;
// same as map, but can store duplicate values as well, sorted.
// does not store in sorted manner, takes O(1), collision might happen
return 0;