Welcome to the 30-Day DSA Mastery Plan! This roadmap is designed to help you master Data Structures and Algorithms and prepare for coding interviews. Follow this daily plan to build a solid foundation and tackle challenging problems.
- Topics to Cover:
- Array basics, operations (insertion, deletion, searching)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Two Sum
- Medium: Maximum Subarray
- Hard: Trapping Rain Water
- Topics to Cover:
- Two-pointer technique, sliding window technique
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Reverse a String
- Medium: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Hard: Minimum Window Substring
- Topics to Cover:
- String manipulation techniques
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Valid Anagram
- Medium: Longest Palindromic Substring
- Hard: Regular Expression Matching
- Topics to Cover:
- Singly-linked list operations (insertion, deletion, reversal)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Reverse a Linked List
- Medium: Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Hard: Reverse Nodes in k-Group
- Topics to Cover:
- Doubly linked list, circular linked list
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Medium: Add Two Numbers (Linked List)
- Hard: Merge k Sorted Lists
- Topics to Cover:
- Stack operations (push, pop, top)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Valid Parentheses
- Medium: Implement Stack using Queues
- Hard: Daily Temperatures
- Topics to Cover:
- Queue operations (enqueue, dequeue)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Implement Queue using Stacks
- Medium: Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- Hard: Simplify Path
- Topics to Cover:
- Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees (BST)
- Tree traversal (preorder, inorder, postorder, level order)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Invert Binary Tree
- Medium: Validate Binary Search Tree
- Hard: Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- Topics to Cover:
- Advanced tree traversal and operations
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Symmetric Tree
- Medium: Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
- Hard: Recover Binary Search Tree
- Topics to Cover:
- Binary heaps (min-heap, max-heap)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Kth Largest Element in an Array
- Medium: Top K Frequent Elements
- Hard: Sliding Window Maximum
- Topics to Cover:
- Heap operations (insert, delete, extract-min/max)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Find Median from Data Stream
- Medium: Merge k Sorted Lists
- Hard: Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks
- Topics to Cover:
- Hashing concepts, hash functions, collision resolution
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Two Sum (using hash map)
- Medium: Group Anagrams
- Hard: Most Frequent Subtree Sum
- Topics to Cover:
- Advanced hash table operations and applications
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Subarray Sum Equals K
- Medium: Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Hard: Happy Number
- Activities:
- Review and revisit challenging problems from Week 1 and Week 2
- Topics to Cover:
- Bubble sort, insertion sort
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Merge Intervals
- Medium: Sort Colors
- Hard: Largest Rectangle in Histogram
- Topics to Cover:
- Quick sort, merge sort
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Search Insert Position
- Medium: Find Peak Element
- Hard: Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- Topics to Cover:
- Binary search, linear search
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Binary Search
- Medium: Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Hard: Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- Topics to Cover:
- Basics of recursion, tail recursion
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Permutations
- Medium: Combination Sum
- Hard: N-Queens
- Topics to Cover:
- Backtracking (N-Queens, Sudoku solver)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Subsets
- Medium: Word Search
- Hard: Sudoku Solver
- Topics to Cover:
- Basic concept and techniques (merge sort, quick sort)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- Medium: Pow(x, n)
- Hard: Maximum Subarray
- Activities:
- Review and revisit challenging problems from Week 3
- Topics to Cover:
- Graph representations (adjacency list, adjacency matrix)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Number of Islands
- Medium: Clone Graph
- Hard: Word Ladder II
- Topics to Cover:
- Graph traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS)
- Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Course Schedule
- Medium: Minimum Height Trees
- Hard: Traveling Salesman Problem
- Topics to Cover:
- Basic concepts, memoization, tabulation
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Climbing Stairs
- Medium: Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Hard: Edit Distance
- Topics to Cover:
- Common dynamic programming problems (knapsack, longest common subsequence)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Maximum Product Subarray
- Medium: Partition Equal Subset Sum
- Hard: Wildcard Matching
- Topics to Cover:
- Bit manipulation, greedy algorithms
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Single Number
- Medium: Decode Ways
- Hard: N-Queens II
- Topics to Cover:
- Miscellaneous problems (trie, segment tree, disjoint set)
- Practice Problems:
- Easy: Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
- Medium: Segment Tree (Range Sum Query)
- Hard: Minimum Spanning Tree
- Activities:
- Review and revisit challenging problems from Week 4
- Activities:
- Review topics and problems you found challenging
- Revisit and practice weak areas
- Activities:
- Conduct mock interviews with a friend or use online platforms
- Focus on communication and explaining your thought process
Happy coding and good luck with your interview preparation!
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