- Proposal: HXP-0014
- Author: Mark Knol
- Status: to be implemented
Add a way to access "self" for abstracts, which is a getter for (cast this:MyAbstract)
Based on this discussion I'd like to propose an optional as <ident>
for abstracts, which allows to add/name your own "self":
abstract MyAbstract(MyType) as selfIdent {
I find myself copy/pasting the following piece of snippet quite a lot, when dealing with abstracts:
var self(get, never):MyAbstract;
inline function get_self() return (cast this:MyAbstract);
It would be nice if there was a way to solve this in the language.
One actual example use-case would be this simplified abstract (based on hx-vector2d library).
Test on https://try.haxe.org/#5979b (which obviously has handwritten self
private typedef Vector2dImpl = { x:Float, y:Float }
abstract Vector2d(Vector2dImpl) as self from Vector2dImpl {
public inline function new(x:Float = 0.0, y:Float = 0.0) {
this = {x: x, y: y};
public inline function inRange(vector:Vector2d, range:Float):Bool {
// `self` is the current abstract instance, so can use custom operators
return (self - vector).length < range * range;
@:op(A - B) public inline function substract(vector:Vector2d):Vector2d {
return clone().substractAssign(vector);
@:op(A -= B) public inline function substractAssign(by:Vector2d):Vector2d {
this.x -= by.x;
this.y -= by.y;
return this;
public var length(get, never):Float;
private inline function get_length():Float return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
public inline function clone() return new Vector2d(this.x, this.y);
Another useful case would be enum abstracts. Without as item
, it would switch on String
which requires you to add a default
enum abstract Item(String) as item {
var Foo;
var Bar;
public function getAlternativeName():String {
return switch item { // pattern matching works on enum values
case Foo: "fooo!!"
case Bar: "barr!!"
abstract MyAbstract(MyType) as <ident> { }
This feature is only for abstracts. You can name <ident>
however you want, with exception of existing keywords and it should take field name validation in account.
Also, as <ident>
is completely optional for abstracts.
If there is already a field with same name as the ident in the scope there should be a duplication error.
abstract MyAbstract(MyType) as foo { // line 1: Duplicate abstract field declaration : MyAbstract.foo
public inline function foo():Void;
At the moment, if you forward a field/function and create a same named field, there is no duplication/override error. I think we don't have to add error messages for that.
Since it is a new feature and is optional, it doesn't break existing code.
This proposal allows you to name your own ident which is nice and flexible (it allows self being to forwarded from another abstract?) but it doesn't encourage a standard way of writing. This downside is maybe minor, but is one to consider.
Add a self
(or a different name) keyword to abstracts which does the same.
This would solve the drawbacks, but could break existing code because the keyword could exist in codebases.