Here you may find a set of tools that will assist you with the DFIR process.
A simple tool for volatile data collection. Collects the following data and stores them in a txt:
- date and time of the system.
- snapshot of the currently running tasks.
- snapshot of the currently available network connections.
- available MAC addresses that are in the system's ARP Cache.
- system's network configuration.
- DNS configurations.
- Routing configurations
- system variables.
- System user information.
- The system's network shares.
- General workstation information.
- general system information
Collects the following data and stores them in a txt:
- Processes
- Network Connections
- Network Interfaces
- ARP Cache
- DNS Cache
- Logged-in Users
- User Account Information
- Logged-in Sessions
- Open Files and Processes
- Kernel Information
- Environment Variables
- System Configuration
- Recent Command History
- Firewall Rules