这是《fundamental of deep learning》的私人中文版 😊。
Author: Nicholas Locascio, Nikhil Buduma
ISBN-10: 1491925612
Year: 2017
Pages: 304
- Ch1. The Neural Network
- Ch2. Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks
- Ch3. Implementing Neural Networks in TensorFlow
- What Is TensorFlow?
- How Does TensorFlow Compare to Alternatives?
- Installing TensorFlow
- Creating and Manipulating TensorFlow Variables
- TensorFlow Operations
- Placeholder Tensors
- Sessions in TensorFlow
- Navigating Variable Scopes and Sharing Variables
- Managing Models over the CPU and GPU
- Specifying the Logistic Regression Model in TensorFlow
- Logging and Training the Logistic Regression Model
- Leveraging TensorBoard to Visualize Computation Graphs and Learning
- Building a Multilayer Model for MNIST in TensorFlow
- Summary
- Ch4. Beyond Gradient Descent
- The Challenges with Gradient Descent
- Local Minima in the Error Surfaces of Deep Networks
- Model Identifiability
- How Pesky Are Spurious Local Minima in Deep Networks?
- Flat Regions in the Error Surface
- When the Gradient Points in the Wrong Direction
- Momentum-Based Optimization
- A Brief View of Second-Order Methods
- Learning Rate Adaptation
- The Philosophy Behind Optimizer Selection
- Summary
- Ch5. Convolutional Neural Networks
- Neurons in Human Vision
- The Shortcomings of Feature Selection
- Vanilla Deep Neural Networks Don’t Scale
- Filters and Feature Maps
- Full Description of the Convolutional Layer
- Max Pooling
- Full Architectural Description of Convolution Networks
- Closing the Loop on MNIST with Convolutional Networks
- Image Preprocessing Pipelines Enable More Robust Models
- Accelerating Training with Batch Normalization
- Building a Convolutional Network for CIFAR-10
- Visualizing Learning in Convolutional Networks
- Leveraging Convolutional Filters to Replicate Artistic Styles
- Learning Convolutional Filters for Other Problem Domains
- Summary
- Ch6. Embedding and Representation Learning
- Learning Lower-Dimensional Representations
- Principal Component Analysis
- Motivating the Autoencoder Architecture
- Implementing an Autoencoder in TensorFlow
- Denoising to Force Robust Representations
- Sparsity in Autoencoders
- When Context Is More Informative than the Input Vector
- The Word2Vec Framework
- Implementing the Skip-Gram Architecture
- Summary
- Ch7. Models for Sequence Analysis
- Analyzing Variable-Length Inputs
- Tackling seq2seq with Neural N-Grams
- Implementing a Part-of-Speech Tagger
- Dependency Parsing and SyntaxNet
- Beam Search and Global Normalization
- A Case for Stateful Deep Learning Models
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- The Challenges with Vanishing Gradients
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Units
- TensorFlow Primitives for RNN Models
- Implementing a Sentiment Analysis Model
- Solving seq2seq Tasks with Recurrent Neural Networks
- Augmenting Recurrent Networks with Attention
- Dissecting a Neural Translation Network
- Summary
- Ch8. Memory Augmented Neural Networks
- Neural Turing Machines
- Attention-Based Memory Access
- NTM Memory Addressing Mechanisms
- Differentiable Neural Computers
- Interference-Free Writing in DNCs
- DNC Memory Reuse
- Temporal Linking of DNC Writes
- Understanding the DNC Read Head
- The DNC Controller Network
- Visualizing the DNC in Action
- Implementing the DNC in TensorFlow
- Teaching a DNC to Read and Comprehend
- Summary
- Ch9. Deep Reinforcement Learning