More fonts for Decker
Decker is an interactive media platform in the spirit of HyperCard. This is a collection of fonts that you can use in your own decks by dropping the .deck
file onto your deck and selecting the font to import.
The deck itself can also be opened with Decker and contains an awesome font-editor by John Earnest, which lets you customize the fonts or add your own!
This deck cincludes the following fonts
Standard fonts by John Earnest
- body, compact UI font of Decker
- menu, bolder font used in menus
- mono, small monospaced font
- deckbuilder, bold large slab font
- olympiad, serif font
- olympiad_italic, italic serif font
- olympiad_title, large serif font
Custom fonts by 1jss
compact, a compact sans serif font
typewriter, a rounded larger serif font
curseve, a cursive font
bodoni, a formal and decorative serif font
Monospace fonts converted by ktye
f10x20, a 10x20 px monospaced font
f16x32, a 16x32 px monospaced font
vt220, a monospaced font with scan-lines effect
zevv, a thin 8x16 px monospaced font
lucx11, a 6x11 px monospaced font
lucx13 a 7x13 px monospaced font
Custom icons by 1jss
sweet-sixteen (Work in progress)