IMPORTANT: Currently this provider only supports buckets in the east region which as of this publication is the US Standard region.
- From the pacakage folder, copy the Telligent.Evolution.Extensions.AmazonS3.dll to you community /bin directory
- Copy the communityserver_override.config to the root of your community. NOTE: If you already have a communityserver_override.config then you will need to merge in the changes in the package version to yours.
- After copying the config file, edit it replacing the attribute values in brackets ([]) as follows:
- [AMAZON S3 BUCKET NAME] : The name of the bucket you created in the US Standard region
- [S3 ACCESS KEY]: The access key used by your S3 account
- [S3 SECRET KEY]: The secret key associated to the account/access key specifed above
- [FILE STORE NAME]: The name of the filestorage you wish to store in S3. If you wish to do multiple filestores you do so by adding additional nodes beneath the example.
Additionally the in the example override supports a domain attribute which you would use if you are using a vanity URL to access your S3 bucket.