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In this we build a Reinforcement Learning Environment based on Markov decision process. The environment is a Grid World. Both deterministic as well as non-deterministic (stochastic) environments have been developed using a set of states, actions and rewards. The stochastic environment has been built using a transition probability matrix. The environment is solved using the Q-learning tabular method.

The Environment that is built over here is a Grid World Environment. This environment has in total 25 states (5 * 5 matrix). We have two terminal states: Goal state and Lost State. The Goal state is positioned at (4,4) (Green Color Box) and the Lost state is positioned at (4,2) (Blue Color Box). Our agent is at position (0,0) (denoted by Yellow box) which is the starting state. The agent can take any of the four actions: Up, Down, Left and Right in any state. When the agent reaches the Goal state it receives an immediate reward of +4, when it reaches the Lost state it receives an immediate reward of -3 and receives an immediate reward of -1 when it goes to any other state. The main objective of this project is to make the agent (at (0,0)) learn the Grid World environment using the Q-learning tabular method and make it reach the Goal State in both Deterministic as well as Stochastic environment.

Stochastic vs Deterministic Environment

In this project we develop both Deterministic as well as Non-Deterministic (Stochastic) environments. The main difference between them is, in a deterministic environment if an agent is currently at some position and selects an action, the selected action completely determines the next state of the environment. But in the case of a stochastic environment, it is random in nature and cannot be completely determined by the agent. For example, let’s say an agent is in state A and the action taken is Left. In the case of a deterministic environment, the agent will definitely go to the next state B (let’s say) without any uncertainty. But in case of stochastic environment since there is some randomness, it may not go to state B but may go to another state C. In this project we use agent action to be non-deterministic to represent the stochastic nature of the environment.


We were able to see how using Q-learning we were able to solve the deterministic as well as the stochastic environment. After trying out various parameters for discount factor gamma, learning rate alpha, epsilon value we found using 0.8 as discount factor was better and also the values of 0.2 and 0.99 as the learning rate and the epsilon in updating the values in the q table helped the agent to gain more rewards thus able to converge to the winning state. The stochastic nature of the stochastic environment can also be interpreted from the graphs as you can observe some differences in the number of timesteps and the rewards when compared with that of deterministic environment, and finally the stochastic environment behaves similar to the deterministic environment.

Value Function Approximation


In this we explore two Open AI Gym Environments and implement value function approximation algorithms on these environments. We use Open AI CartPole and Open AI Atari Breakout environments. The Deep Q Learning algorithm was used where the neural networks acted as a function approximator. This algorithm was implemented following Deep Mind’s paper that played Atari from raw pixels. We first implement Vanilla DQN and apply it on the above-mentioned environments. Then, we implement Dueling DQN, an improvement to the DQN algorithm, on the two environments.

The first environment that was used is the Open AI CartPole. It consists of a pole that is attached by an un-actuated joint to a cart, that moves along a frictionless track. Here the cart acts as the agent. The system is controlled by applying a force or push of -1 or +1 to the cart. The pendulum starts upright, and the goal is to prevent it from falling over. A reward of +1 is provided for every timestep that the pole remains upright. The episode ends when the pole deviates more than 15 degrees from vertical, or the cart is more than 2.4 units from the center (i.e., the cart goes out of screen). It has four states: cart position (ranging from -2.4 to +2.4 units), cart velocity (-∞ to +∞), pole angle (~-41.8 o to +41.8 o ) and pole velocity at tip (-∞ to +∞). It has two actions: push the cart to left or right. The maximum episode length is 200 and it terminates after that. The neural networks are used as function approximators.

The second environment that was used is the Open AI Atari Breakout. In this environment the observation or state is an RGB image of the screen which is an array of shape (210,160,3). It comprises four actions left, right, fire and No-op. The agent here is the bottom paddle that controls the game. We use a Deterministic v4 environment (related to skipping 4 frames). We stack four recent consecutive frames or observations as input to the algorithm to know the direction, velocity and acceleration of the ball. Since the environment has too many pixels, we reduce or crop the size of the environment and also, we convert the RGB fame to grayscale and store the pixels in uint8 format to reduce the size. The reward here +1 is for each time the ball hits the block and the game is finished once the ball does not hit the paddle for a total of five times (the game has five lives). We pre-process the states of this game using CNN and use neural networks as a function approximator.

Deep Q Learning

In this project we use Deep Q-learning to solve the environment. The main drawback of using Q learning is if the combinations of states and actions are too large, the memory and the computation requirement for Q will be too high. To address this, we use a function approximator that generalizes the approximation of the Q-value function rather than remembering the whole solution. This is the main advantage of representing the Q function as q(s; w) where it represents the function approximator (state s and weight parameter w). The DQNs use a deep neural network to estimate Q-values directly from state information . The model outputs one Q-value for each action, and we select the action which gives the highest Q-value in order to perform the best in the environment. The model learns by calculating the loss between our future reward and the reward the model expected when in a given state. We make use of an epsilon-greedy method for choosing actions (Exploration and exploitation). Exploration is to explore the environment to find better solutions and exploitation uses the explored paths to exploit the best solution. When the agent exploits the state, it will take the action that maximizes the Q value according to current estimation of Q value. We also make use of epsilon decay to balance exploration and exploitation.

But the problem in Reinforcement Learning is that if we feed successive samples of inputs to the neural network model they are correlated and data may not be i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed). In this case the model may be overfitted and the solutions may not be generalized. In addition, in supervised learning the output label does not change over time but in reinforcement learning the targets(label) change thus making training unstable. Thus, we come up with solutions to address this. The first one is called Experience Replay. In this we have a buffer wherein we store a lot of transactions (here one transaction comprises the current state, action, next state, reward and done). Every time we sample a mini-batch of sample size n (here we use 32) from this buffer to train the network. This forms the input dataset for our training model. Since we sample data from replay memory, the data is independent and follows i.i.d. Without the use of replay memory, the model does not learn properly and may go into local minima. The second solution to changing targets or labels is the use of a target network. We create two different networks w and w - . The first network is used to retrieve Q values while the second network keeps track of updates in the training. We synchronize the weights of both networks after some number of steps or episodes. The purpose of this is to fix the Q-value targets temporarily so we don’t have a moving target to chase.

Dueling Deep Q Learning

It is an improvement over the Vanilla Deep Q-Learning. We know that Q-value represents the value of choosing a specific action in a given state, and the V- Value represents the value of a state irrespective of the given action. In Dueling DQN, we decompose the Q-value (i.e., the estimator) into the Value of a state V(s) and Advantage of doing action A while in state S. Q(S, a) = V(S)+A(S, a)

The goal of decomposing is that the model can learn which states are less or more valuable without having to learn the effect of each action in each state. This helps to calculate only the useful states which are necessary i.e., if a state tends to be bad there is no use in calculating the value of actions for that state. In the above figure the Dueling DQN architecture has its output decomposed into Value and Advantage. The Value function is a single value denoting the value of a particular state while the advantage function has multiple output neurons denoting the advantage value of each action (in our case four values because of four actions). Finally, when we aggregate these two layers, we subtract the average advantage from all possible actions of the state and add it with the value function to give the final Q-value output. It increases the stability of the optimization and thus converges to optimal values quickly. Q(S, a) = V(S)+[A(S, a)-(1/|A|)(Σ a’ A(S, a’))]


We were able to see how using Deep Q-learning was able to perform better than the normal Q-learning. We should use Deep Q Learning for Complex environments as it does not need to store any Q-values. This is the main advantage of DQN over Q-Learning. The results were pretty good. When it comes to Duel DQN the results were much better than vanilla DQN. You can notice it especially in the case of the Atari Breakout game where the rewards were higher than when implemented using DQN. So, to conclude, using Duel DQN does increase the performance and rewards but even the performance of DQN is good but is not better. Thus, from the plots and the results obtained we can conclude that Duel DQN is better than Vanilla DQN.

Policy Gradient Methods


In this we explore the Open AI Gym Environment Cartpole and implement the policy gradient and actor critic algorithm. Specifically, we are implementing the policy gradient REINFORCE algorithm and the TD Actor Critic Algorithm. The goal of the reinforcement learning is to find optimal behavior strategy for the agent to obtain optimal rewards. The policy gradient method targets modelling and optimizing the policy directly.

The environment that was used is the Open AI Gym CartPole-v0. It consists of a pole that is attached by an un-actuated joint to a cart, that moves along a frictionless track. Here the cart acts as the agent. The system is controlled by applying a force or a push of -1 or +1 to the cart. The pendulum starts in an upright position, and the goal is to prevent it from falling over. A reward of +1 is provided for every timestep that the pole remains in upright position. The episode ends when the pole deviates more than 15 degrees from vertical, or the cart is more than 2.4 units from the center (i.e., the cart goes out of screen). It has four states: cart position (ranging from -2.4 to +2.4 units), cart velocity (-∞ to +∞), pole angle (~-41.8 o to +41.8 o ) and pole velocity at tip (-∞ to +∞). It has two actions: push the cart to left or right. The maximum episode length is 200 and it terminates after that. We use the policy gradient methods to reach the goal.

Policy Gradient

In this project we make use of policy gradient algorithms to solve the environment. Our main goal is to find an optimal behavior strategy to obtain optimal rewards. The policy gradient algorithms instead of optimizing the value or the action values, tends to optimize the policy directly thereby maximizing the rewards. The main advantages of using policy gradient methods are better convergence, effective in high-dimensional as well as continuous spaces and can learn stochastic policies. It is usually modeled using a parameterized function respect to θ , that is π θ (a|s) (which is the policy) , where a is the action and s is the state. The reward function (objective function) depends on the policy and we can use various algorithms to optimize θ , for the best reward.


The first policy gradient algorithm that we are using is the REINFORCE. It is a Monte Carlo based policy gradient approach. The policy parameter θ is updated based on the estimated return by the Monte Carlo method and is updated using the stochastic gradient ascent.

The update is proportional to the return Gt , the gradient of the probability of taking the action actually taken and is divided by the probability of taking that action. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. First we initialize the policy parameter θ at random.
  2. Generate a trajectory on policy π θ : S 1 , A 1 , R 1 , S 2 , A 2 , …, S Tot .
  3. For t=1, 2, …, T: A. Estimate the the return G t ; B. Update policy parameters: θ←θ+αγ t G t ∇ θ log π θ (At|St)

Actor Critic

In the previous algorithm REINFORCE we saw that it is based on Monte Carlo updates. Due to this there is high variability in log probabilities and the cumulative rewards will make noisy gradients and cause unstable learning thus can lead to unstable policy. Intuitively, making the cumulative reward smaller by subtracting it with a baseline will make gradients smaller, and thus smaller and more stable updates.

We use the Actor Critic method and in particular I am using TD based Actor Critic method. In general, in a policy gradient there are two components namely policy model and the value function. We can make use of value function in addition to policy as it can assist the policy update and this is what Actor Critic method does. In TD based actor critic method, it consists of two neural network models. One of them is the critic model which updates the value function parameters w, i.e., for V(s) and the actor updates the policy parameters θ for π θ (a|s), in the direction suggested by the critic. In the TD actor critic method, we first take an action from the present state with the help of the actor and get the rewards and the next state. The advantage of using the Actor Critic method is it has lower variance with no bias.


We were able to see how using TD Actor Critic was able to perform better than the REINFORCE algorithm. This is because of the Monte Carlo update of the REINFORCE algorithm because of which there is a lot of variance in the rewards. The TD based Actor Critic uses both the Actor network and Critic Network for updating policy and evaluating the states/actions. The difference in using both the algorithms is not huge in terms of performance in the cartpole environment since it is not a complex environment. But overall, Actor Critic methods should have better performance than the REINFORCE algorithm.


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